Monday, October 25, 2010

British Troops Accused of Smuggling Heroin

Messages In This Digest (13 Messages)

Afghanistan: British Troops Accused Of Smuggling Heroin From: Rick Rozoff
Georgia's Saakashvili: Afghanistan School For Combat, War From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Secures Greater Cooperation From Uzbekistan From: Rick Rozoff
Horn Of Africa: NATO Warships Continue Interceptions, Boardings From: Rick Rozoff
Global Grandiosity: America's 21st Century World Architecture From: Rick Rozoff
British Rapid Reaction Forces Headed To Afghanistan From: Rick Rozoff
Largest Of Its Kind: White House To Push $60 Billion Saudi Arms Deal From: Rick Rozoff
Baltic Sea: U.S. Participates In Multinational NATO Exercises From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Discusses Operational Support From EU Eurocorps From: Rick Rozoff
Russian MP Calls For Asymmetric Response To U.S. Missile Interceptor From: Rick Rozoff
Austria Hosts Nine-Nation Military Exercises From: Rick Rozoff
Rwandan Patriotic Front's Bloody Record, History Of UN Cover-Ups From: Rick Rozoff
NY Fashion Week and Das Rheingold From: george magiros



Afghanistan: British Troops Accused Of Smuggling Heroin

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:24 pm (PDT)

RTT News
September 13, 2010

British Troops Face Allegations Of Smuggling Heroin

Britain's military police are investigating allegations that British soldiers may have smuggled heroin out of Afghanistan using military aircraft, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) said Sunday.

An official spokeswoman said the investigation was focusing on service personnel posted to airports in Camp Bastion and Kandahar.
Afghanistan accounts for almost 90% of the world's total production of opium. NATO has said that the revenue generated by illegal opium trade is financing and sustaining the Taliban insurgency in the war-torn country.

Late last year, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) reported that the production of opium was booming in Afghanistan despite the presence of thousands of foreign troops.

Currently, there are about 10,000 British servicemen deployed in Afghanistan as a part of a 150,000-strong international force from more than 42 countries. The foreign coalition troops are under the command of the NATO and the United States.

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Georgia's Saakashvili: Afghanistan School For Combat, War

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:24 pm (PDT)

Civil Georgia
September 13, 2010

Saakashvili on Georgia's Afghan Mission

Tbilisi: Georgia is part of NATO-led mission in Afghanistan to gain combat experience and to become further integrated with its western allies, President Saakashvili said on September 13.

Speaking at a newly re-established school of cadets in Kutaisi, Georgia's second largest city in the Imereti region, Saakashvili said that "the fact that there are so many problems in Afghanistan, is very bad for Georgia," because it distracts international attention from those issues which were source of concern for Georgia.

The NATO-led operation in Afghanistan, he said, "is our straggle" too.

"Of course someone may say: 'we have so many problems, our territories are occupied and there is no time now for going somewhere else to fight'. But because of these very same problems that we have, we need a huge combat experience my friends and that [Afghan mission] is a unique combat and war school. Georgia is not in a situation like Norway, Denmark, or Australia. Take a look at our situation, our challenges and threats – can we say no to our armed forces and can we say no to a war school? This is an opportunity to become integrated to the world's best armies, to see the most advanced [military] equipment and achievements," Saakashvili said.
Company commander from the 31st infantry battalion, first lieutenant Mukhran Shukvani, 28, who was killed while on mission in the province of Helmand more than week ago, became Georgia's first casualty since the country joined the coalition forces in Afghanistan in November, 2009.

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NATO Secures Greater Cooperation From Uzbekistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:24 pm (PDT)

New Europe
September 12, 2010

NATO, Tashkent boost cooperation

Robert Simmons, NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia, recently announced that strong cooperation between Uzbekistan and NATO is beneficial for both sides, reported.

Simmons reminded that Uzbekistan accepted the Individual Partnership Action Plan, on which it successfully carries out its activities.

He thanked Uzbekistan for providing transit to transport nonmilitary supplies for our armed forces in Afghanistan.
Uzbekistan provides the German Air Force with a civilian airport near the city of Termez on the border with Afghanistan.

The base is used for the transportation of humanitarian aid and logistics support of the German military contingent in Afghanistan.   

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Horn Of Africa: NATO Warships Continue Interceptions, Boardings

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:24 pm (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
September 13, 2010

Danish warship disarms suspected Somali pirate ship

COPENHAGEN: A NATO-led Danish warship intercepted a boat suspected of belonging to pirates and seized equipment for potential attacks off the Somali coast, a navy official said Monday.

It was the third such operation since Friday for The Esbern Snare, a comnmand and support ship, in the pirate-infested Gulf of Aden, said Finn Baye, deputy head of the navy's international operations.

The warship, part of NATO's anti-piracy operation, found seven people on board some 215 kilometres (120 nautical miles) off the Somali coast and confiscated equipment for use in potential attacks, he added.

Other presumed weapons had been thrown overboard.

"Each time we released the suspected pirates, because it is impossible to charge them if they are not caught in the act of a crime," Baye said.

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Global Grandiosity: America's 21st Century World Architecture

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:45 pm (PDT)

September 13, 2010

Global Grandiosity: America's 21st Century World Architecture
Rick Rozoff

Megalomania: Unreasonable conviction of one's own extreme greatness, goodness, or power. An obsession with doing extravagant or grand things. A delusional mental disorder that is marked by feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur. An extreme form of egotism. Adolf Hitler is generally considered to have been a megalomaniac.

Delusion of grandeur: Individuals with grandiose delusional disorder have an inflated sense of self-worth. Their delusions center on their own importance, such as believing that they have done or created something of extreme value or have a "special mission." A conviction of one's own importance, power, or knowledge. [A] delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are.

The above are composite dictionary definitions of the afflictions in question, ones which are symptomatic of the two most severe forms of mental illness: Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

When an individual exhibits these traits he or she is correspondingly diagnosed, treated with psychotropic medications and often with court-ordered hospitalization, and monitored for being a potential threat to himself and to others.

However, when a nation, or a leader representing one, manifests the same symptoms there is to date no effective mechanism for mandating therapy or for ensuring the protection of others from one so affected.

To understand individual psychopathology magnified to the level of world affairs, imagine that in any other context a person described his own role and the qualities of his employer as unique in the world as well as history and as alone beneficial to humanity; that others are good or bad, benign or malignant, useful or dangerous in proportion as they share the person in question's estimate of himself; that the use of force, including deadly force, is the sole prerogative of that person and his friends and allies, that "If I have to use force, it is because I am me; I am the indispensable person. I stand tall and I see further than other people into the future, and I see the danger here to all of us."

The quote is an adaptation of one by then-U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1998. The first person singular has been substituted for the plural and personal references for those of the nation she represented as its chief voice in international relations.

A person not endowed with the trappings of government office who loudly, persistently and intolerantly proclaimed himself the world's sole superperson and the only individual capable of intervening with and resolving differences and disputes between all other people in the world, and who accused those who thought otherwise of being engaged in a furtive conspiracy against him because of his elevated, indeed messianic, status would be sent post-haste to his company's human resource department and shortly thereafter placed on a combination of mood stabilizers and anti-psychotic medications. For his own protection and that of others.

Delusions of grandeur are associated with the manic phase of bipolar disorder and frequently with other delusional content typical of schizophrenics, especially delusions of persecution - paranoia. Grandiosity can be comparatively harmless, although disruptive to family and professional relations and an impediment to healthy and productive functioning in general.

But when combined with delusions of persecution it is dangerous. The reason the two are frequently linked and mutually reinforcing is that only a person who is convinced that he is uniquely and innately imbued with superior abilities and moral qualities and is assigned a role in and even above history can believe that he is an object worthy of an elaborate, relentless and unparalleled campaign of harassment and hostility. A normal person - or nation - doesn't entertain that degree of self-importance in either respect.

A recent example of the coupling of grandiosity on one hand and criticizing and belittling anyone who questions or resents the self-appointed status of superiority on the other was offered by President Barack Obama last December on the occasion of his receiving the Nobel Peace Prize, when he denounced "a deep ambivalence about military action today...joined by a reflexive suspicion of America, the world's sole military superpower."

Doubts, even the mildest of misgivings, about the actions of history's first - and decidedly unelected - global military juggernaut, which launched three unprovoked wars between 1999 and 2003 - Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq - and is currently conducting and participating in deadly attacks in South Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America, could to the grandiose/paranoid mindset only be motivated by primitive instinctual reactions, irrational bias and inherently and ineradicably evil motives.

Being good, being preeminently good, being good in a manner and to a degree unmatched in the annals of time, means being incapable of anything but good motives and good actions. Ipso facto. Axiomatically.

The distinction between us and them is that of good and bad. Good persons and nations have nothing to regret, nothing to apologize for, nothing to correct, nothing to change. Good comes from good and bad from others, in direct proportion as they differ from us and refuse to concede our unmatched sense of goodness. Acts that perpetrated by others would evoke unequivocal condemnation and harsh - even deadly - responses are when performed by us and ours excusable if not praiseworthy.

On September 8 Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered her latest confirmation and defense of that doctrinaire conviction.

While addressing the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., she touted her country's achievements in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan - three war-stricken disaster areas - without of course admitting any responsibility for the plights of their respective populaces. The U.S. was doing nothing blameworthy in any of those three countries and never had; it is not responsible in any manner for violence, dislocation and eventual fragmentation in the nations now or at any point over the past half century.

In fact just the opposite. Washington's faultless, noble, beneficent, healing role needs to be universalized: "Solving foreign-policy problems today requires us to think both regionally and globally, to see the intersections and connections linking nations and regions and interests, to bring people together as only America can. I think the world is counting on us today, as it has in the past. When old adversaries need an honest broker or fundamental freedoms need a champion, people turn to us."

And, at least implicit in her contentions, having witnessed the effects of recent U.S. armed interventions in the Middle East and South Asia, the world is even more insistent that Washington extend its presence and enforce its mandatory model elsewhere. Everywhere.

Clinton continued: "I see it on the faces of the people I meet as I travel - not just the young people who still dream about America's promise of opportunity and equality, but also seasoned diplomats and political leaders who, whether or not they admit it, see the principled commitment and can-do spirit that comes with American engagement.

"And they do look to America - not just to engage, but to lead. And nothing makes me prouder than to represent this great nation in the far corners of the world.

"Americans have always risen to the challenges we have faced. That is who we are. It is in our DNA. We do believe there are no limits on what is possible or what can be achieved."

Again, an individual who proclaimed that everyone else dreamed of being like him, that he possessed unlimited talents and abilities, and that his superiority was moreover a matter of genetic inheritance would likely soon end up on a locked psychiatric ward. Even if he didn't account for the preponderance of the deadly weapons in the world and didn't have a sixty-year history of almost unbroken violence against others, often against defenseless victims.

One of the privileges of egomania writ large - megalomania - is the right to lecture others on one's unique, suprahuman, ineffably lofty qualities and to dress them down for not possessing them.

In introducing Clinton on September 8, Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations, reminded the audience that in slightly over a year and a half she has visited some 64 countries, a third of United Nations members, and "has racked up 350,000 miles in the process."

The following comments indicate to what extent her worldview and views of the world alike have been expanded by those travels:

"The world looks to us because America has the reach and resolve to mobilize the shared effort needed to solve problems on a global scale, in defense of our own interests but also as a force for progress. In this we have no rival. For the United States, global leadership is both a responsibility and an unparalleled opportunity."

Though she displayed either uncharacteristic modesty - an unlikely enough prospect - or the obligatory deference to her predecessors that she expects her successors, and history, to confer on her in stating:

"We know this can be done because President Obama's predecessors in the White House and mine in the State Department did it before....Those were the benefits of a global architecture forged over many years by American leaders from both political parties.

"That is why we are building a global architecture that reflects and harnesses the realities of the 21st century."

She was referring most immediately to George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice as alleged visionary leaders that with her and Obama have accomplished nothing less than building a planetary political-economic-social-military structure for an entire century. And, not to be unduly humble, a new millennium into the bargain.

Although American global dominance rests squarely on a World War Two-level $708 billion defense budget for next year, six international military commands, six navy fleets, eleven aircraft carrier strike groups, the world's largest nuclear arsenal and in general the ability to dispatch overwhelming and crushing military force anywhere in the world at short notice, another of the prerogatives of international hubris is, as noted earlier, to attribute that supremacy to genetically determined entrepreneurial and ethical advantages. According to America's top diplomat, the globe's sole superpower is entering yet a higher and more refined avatar, "national renewal aimed at strengthening the sources of American power, especially our economic might and moral authority."

At the same time, "Of course this administration is also committed to maintaining the greatest military in the history of the world and, if needed, to vigorously defend ourselves and our friends."

A hallmark trait of mania and grandiosity is the tendency of one suffering from them to speak of himself, his accomplishments and by extension those of his friends in superlatives. Hence boasts of being the world's sole military superpower and possessing the greatest military in the history of the world.

Every detail of such a person's life, even the most minute, mundane and tedious, becomes a matter of world, even historical, importance and of inestimable value, overshadowing all other events, even those affecting millions of other people: Wars, natural disasters, economic crises. Grandiloquent rhetoric is enlisted in the service of petty personal matters.

In responding to Richard Haass's introductory comments, Clinton said, "I thank you for referencing what has been the most difficult balancing act of my time as secretary of State, pulling off my daughter's wedding, which I kept telling people, as I traveled around the world to all of the hot spots, was much more stressful than anything else on my plate."

The multi-million dollar nuptials of the daughter of a former president and the son of two former congresspersons, one a convicted felon, and himself a multi-millionaire investment banker for a hedge fund, was a source of more concern - "stress" - for the head of the foreign office of the world's superpower than the nearly nine-year war in Afghanistan, the ongoing military occupation of Iraq, the devastating floods in Pakistan, the taunting of China by U.S.-led naval exercises in the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea and the South China Sea, the economic catastrophe confronting tens of millions of Americans themselves and other matters only of interest to the victims and other billions of unimportant, disposable bit players in the grand drama of erecting a 21st century global architecture.

As with her biological, so with her politico-military family: "NATO remains the world's most successful alliance. Together with our allies, including new NATO members in Central and Eastern Europe, we are crafting a new strategic concept that will help us meet not only traditional threats but also emerging ones, like cybersecurity and nuclear proliferation. Just yesterday President Obama and I discussed these issues with NATO Secretary-General Rasmussen."

The North Atlantic military bloc's role in completing the violent dismemberment of Yugoslavia and in waging a war in Afghanistan that will begin its tenth year in three weeks does warrant the use of the superlative, though questionably so when linked with the word successful.

The U.S. is the unchallenged pioneer in and master of overseas outsourcing, from most of its once unrivaled industry to tens of millions of its jobs, and the same practice is employed in regard to its international military ambitions. If other countries are better positioned geographically and can do it less expensively, then Washington can get more war for the dollar, more bang for the buck. Thus in Clinton's words, "From Europe and North America to East Asia and the Pacific, we are renewing and deepening the alliances that are the cornerstone of global security and prosperity." It takes an entire village to further the geostrategic plans of its chief.

Regarding what is one of the projects the Obama-Clinton team inherited from its Bush-Rice forerunner - recruiting the most important nation ever as an American military ally - Clinton added, "India, the world's largest democracy, has a very large convergence of fundamental values and a broad range of both national and regional interests, and we are laying the foundation for an indispensable partnership. President Obama will use his visit in November to take our relationship to the next level." By clinching a reported $5 billion arms deal.

With Europe and much of the rest of Eurasia secured through NATO, the U.S. has expanded its military and geopolitical scope and currently "our strategy has been to reinvigorate America's commitment to be an active trans-Atlantic, trans-Pacific and hemispheric leader."

Referring to the state in the first person as is the wont of grandiose political personalities, Clinton affirmed: "We are a nation that has always believed we have the power to shape our own destiny and to cut a new and better path, and frankly to bring along people who were like-minded from around the world."

Language like power, destiny, better path, around the world is reminiscent of claims made in Central Europe seventy-five years ago.

Humanity is not only bifurcated into good and bad, but is divided between leaders - rather one leader - and followers.

As to those who refuse to be led, "we are approaching the Iranian challenge as an example of American leadership in action." China and Russia, though nominal friends, also came in for their share of criticism, in Russia's case for the Caucasus war of two years ago and ensuing developments.

Friends are used as sounding boards to echo boasts and bravado, as mirrors for one's vanity, as flashy accoutrements and social adornment, but are never accorded the status of persons in their own right. Narcissism is a one-sided, zero-sum proposition: Acknowledging others' qualities is to distract and detract from one's own. Having more than any other is insufficient. Having the most, more than all others combined, is not enough. Anything less than all is unacceptable.

Therefore, "time and time again I hear, as I do interviews from Indonesia to the Democratic Republic of Congo to Brazil, how novel it seems to people that an official would come and take questions from the public. So we're not only engaging the public and expanding and explaining America's values and views, we're also sending a message to those leaders."

Friends and allies can be good people - they can assuredly be useful ones, which is why they are friends - but can only aspire with varying degrees of success to emulate the great ones. For at bottom they are genetically disadvantaged and hence at best poor facsimiles of the original. Claims that others are equal partners and even that one is merely first among equals are insincere. Others exist solely to acknowledge, confirm, praise, applaud and serve one's superior virtues.

It is only in Clinton's detached world with its inflated sense of self-importance that she and fellow American federal officials can be seen as engaging the public both at home and abroad.

Mechanical glad-handing and other sterile mummeries of biennial and quadrennial elections campaigns - run by mammoth advertising and public relations firms paid with billions of dollars from special interests - and state-engineered photo opportunities in the capitals of other countries are what in fact is meant.

On September 8 Clinton demonstrated what she understands as public engagement. On a Wednesday, a workday for other Americans who pay her salary through their taxes, Clinton addressed those who truly pay attention to U.S. foreign policy and whose expectations must be met if one hopes to remain in office: The Council on Foreign Relations and other planning bodies of the permanent rather than the transient and fleeting elite of temporary officeholders. Groups whose members reflect and deepen each other's sense of omnipotence and grandiosity by using the map of the world as their private chessboard.

The psychiatric ailments that give rise to delusions of grandeur are chronic. They cannot be cured, only controlled. Left untreated the prognosis is poor, even terminal. When grandiosity seizes a player on the global stage, and its major one at that, the risk exists of the world being endangered by and consumed along with the megalomaniac should the scaffolding of his pharaonic architecture collapse around his head.

My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!

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British Rapid Reaction Forces Headed To Afghanistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:45 pm (PDT)
September 13, 2010

Nato force will deploy to Afghanistan in January

Some of Gloucester's newest residents are set to be sent to Afghanistan in the new year.

Armed Forces Minister Nick Harvey has today formally announced that some of the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (HQ ARRC) will be sent to Afghanistan in the New year.

They will be supporting the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Joint Command in Kabul.

In a written statement Mr Harvey said: "The (UK) Secretary of State for Defence has endorsed the deployment of elements of NATO's Headquarters Allied Reaction Corps (HQ ARRC) to Afghanistan from January 2011 to January 2012."

He said that ARRC was one of nine forces that, on a rotational basis, support ISAF in Kabul.

They will be replacing the French-led GRF, which is currently deployed.

He added: "HQ ARRC is a UK-led multinational headquarters staffed by personnel from 15 allied nations.

"In the order of 250 headquarters staff will deploy at any one time, of which up to 189 will be UK.

"As a NATO deployment of NATO-assigned personnel, the UK contribution will not be considered as part of the UK's established and enduring force level, which remains at 9,500."

HQ ARRC recently relocated from Rheindahlen in Germany to Imjin Barracks.

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Largest Of Its Kind: White House To Push $60 Billion Saudi Arms Deal

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 12:49 pm (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
September 13, 2010

$60B U.S.-Saudi Arms Deal To Be Proposed

-[T]he administration was also in talks with the kingdom about potential naval and missile-defense upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more.

WASHINGTON: U.S. President Barack Obama's administration will soon notify Congress of plans to offer advanced military aircraft to Saudi Arabia in a massive deal worth up to $60 billion, congressional sources said September 13.

The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because the transaction has not yet been formally announced, confirmed a Wall Street Journal report about the deal but warned that key U.S. lawmakers would block the move.

"You can fully expect that a hold will be placed on this deal," thought to be the largest ever arms sale of its kind, said a senior congressional source.

"There is serious concern about some sensitive material which is expected to be included in the deal," said another source, who told AFP that Obama aides would brief congressional staff on the deal on Monday.

A "hold" would come from the chair or ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee or Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which typically must sign off on arms transfers, and could change what is in the package.

The Journal, which cited unnamed officials, said the administration was also in talks with the kingdom about potential naval and missile-defense upgrades that could be worth tens of billions of dollars more.

The administration sees the sale as part of a broader policy aimed at shoring up Arab allies against Iran, the report said.

The $60 billion in fighter jets and helicopters is the top-line amount requested by the Saudis, even though the kingdom is likely to commit initially to buying only about half that amount, the paper said.

In its notification to Congress, expected to be submitted this week or next, the administration will authorize the Saudis to buy as many as 84 new F-15 fighters, upgrade 70 more, and purchase three types of helicopters - 70 Apaches, 72 Black Hawks and 36 Little Birds, The Journal said.

The notification will set off a congressional review. Lawmakers could push for changes, try to impose conditions or block the deal altogether, though that is not expected, the paper said.

Another congressional source confirmed the broad outlines of the Journal's report but cautioned "the exact dollar amounts in these things is always iffy."

Earlier media reports said that to assuage Israel's concerns, the Obama administration has decided not to offer Saudi Arabia so-called standoff systems, which are advanced long-range weapons that can be attached to F-15s for use in offensive operations against land- and sea-based targets.

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Baltic Sea: U.S. Participates In Multinational NATO Exercises

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:47 pm (PDT)

Polish Radio
September 13, 2010

Northern Coasts 2010 exercises begin

One of the biggest naval exercises, Northern Coasts 2010 has started on the Baltic.

During the week long military exercise naval units from 13 European countries plus the United States will be practicing peacekeeping operations on Baltic Sea waters.

Press Office spokesman of the Polish Navy Command, Piotr Adamczak says this is a large-scope undertaking:

"Over 60 vessels, helicopters and aircraft are participating. Poland is represented by the rocket launcher ORP Orkan and two ships which are part of NATO's permanent naval mine defence forces – the command ship of this group, the ORP Rear Admiral Czernicki and mine destroyer ORP Mewa," he told Polish Radio.

The Northern Coasts exercise is to upgrade international cooperation in providing security for maritime transport, introducing crisis management and embargo procedures as well as countering piracy and terrorism at sea.

There are some 3 thousand ships sailing Baltic waters every day. Polish ports, alone, handle over 50 million tons of cargo annually. Such heavy traffic sets requirements for maintaining order and security in the Baltic Sea basin.

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NATO Discusses Operational Support From EU Eurocorps

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:47 pm (PDT)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
September 13, 2010

Eurocorps Commander Visits HQ SACT

Norwegian Army Brigadier General Roy Hunstok, Deployable Joint Staff Element (DJSE) Co-Chairman, speaks with German Army Lieutenant General Hans-Lothar Domrose, Commander, Eurocorps, at Headquarters, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) September 7.

The visit included an office call with French Air Force General Stephane Abrial, Commander, Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT) and briefings from Allied Command Transformation staff on ACT Command and Policy, the NATO command structure, the status of counter-insurgency (COIN) and counter hybrid threats, and Eurocorps' support to NATO.

Eurocorps is a multi-national army corps within the framework of the Western European Union headquartered in Strasbourg, France.

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Russian MP Calls For Asymmetric Response To U.S. Missile Interceptor

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:47 pm (PDT)

Voice of Russia
September 13, 2010

Russia's "asymmetric" response to US ABMs

Russia should be ready to give an "asymmetric" response to the deployment of US anti missile defense, Russian academician and deputy of the State Duma, the lower house of parliament Andrei Kokoshin said.According to the scientist and lawmaker, Russia has enough grounds to do so.

Russia is particularly concerned with the US' potential means of interception of intercontinental missiles, he said.He added that Russia should also respond to non strategic anti missile defense systems on boardlocated on US cruisers and destroyers.

Kokoshin said he is convinced that Russia has sufficient scientific, technical and economic potential to ensure an asymmetric response.

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Austria Hosts Nine-Nation Military Exercises

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 1:57 pm (PDT)

Xinhua News Agency
September 13, 2010

Nine European countries start military exercises in Austria

VIENNA: The "European Advance 2010" military exercises involving 6,700 troops from nine European countries started Monday in northern Austria.

The Austrian Broadcasting (ORF) reported that the 10-day operation in the military area in Allentsteig of Lower Austria also involved 780 militia and 90 military students, as well as more than 1,600 military vehicles and 50 airplanes, including the Eurofighter and the Black Hawk.

The nine countries are Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland, Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro.

The "European Advance 2010" was the continent's biggest military training operation this year, aiming to strengthen international cooperation in anti-terror, disaster protection, combats against international organized crimes and fights against weapons of mass destruction.

"Since the end of the Cold War, the scenario has changed," Gunter Hofler, commandant of the Austrian Armed Forces Commando, said, adding: "threats have crossed boundaries and can't be overcome by a single state any longer."

The military exercises would cost about 4.5 million euros (about 5.77 million U.S. dollars).

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Rwandan Patriotic Front's Bloody Record, History Of UN Cover-Ups

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:40 pm (PDT)

Monthly Review
September 12, 2010

The Rwandan Patriotic Front's Bloody Record and the History of UN Cover-Ups
by Christopher Black

On August 26, the French newspaper Le Monde revealed the existence of a draft UN report on the most serious violations of human rights in the Democratic Republic of Congo over an eleven-year period (1993-2003).1 The massive draft report states that after the Rwandan Patriotic Front's takeover of Rwanda in 1994, it proceeded to carry out "systematic and widespread attacks" against Hutu refugees who had fled Rwanda to neighboring Zaire (now the DRC) as well as against the Hutu civilian population of the DRC in general. Crucially, it concludes that the pattern of these attacks "reveal[s] a number of damning elements that, if they were proven before a competent court, could be classified as crimes of genocide."2

The draft report was leaked to Le Monde out of the plausible fear that its most damning facts and charges against the armed forces of the Rwandan Patriotic Front and President Paul Kagame would be expunged prior to its official release. Sure enough, one week later, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillay announced that the official report's release would be delayed until October 1 "to give concerned states a further month to comment on the draft," and even "offered to publish any comments alongside the report itself."3

Such an unprecedented offer by the UNHCHR follows from a number of factors, including the role that Rwandan troops play in UN peacekeeping operations, and the fact that earlier this year, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Kagame to serve along with Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero as co-chairs of a new Millennium Development Goal Advisory Group. According to the New Yorker's Philip Gourevitch -- who, after Alison Des Forges, did as much as anyone to sell the official version of the 1994 "Rwanda genocide" to the West, and clearly remains on very friendly terms with the Kagame dictatorship -- "top Rwandan officials [have been speaking] freely and on the record about their efforts to have the draft report quashed." As Rwanda's Minister of Foreign Affairs Louise Mushikiwabo confided in Gourevitch, "If it is endorsed by the U.N. and it's ever published, . . . if the U.N. releases it as a U.N. report, the moment it's released, the
next day all our troops are coming home. Not just Darfur, all the five countries where we have police."4

A third, no doubt more decisive factor is that the Kagame dictatorship is a client of the United States and "acts as a mercenary for U.S. interests in Africa," as Glen Ford observes; the current conflict between this dictatorship and the UN "threatens to reveal the United States' role as enabler in the deaths of as many as six million people while Washington's allies occupied and looted the eastern regions of the Democratic Republic of Congo."5 It is Washington's ties to Kagame' RPF, ultimately, as well as London's and Brussels', that public discussions of the draft UN report should turn the spotlight on.

But this is not the first such report to have been drafted by the UN -- nor is it the first one to be covered up. As early as October 11, 1994, Robert Gersony, an employee of the U.S. Agency for International Development then attached to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, made an oral presentation to the UN Commission of Experts on Rwanda. Gersony had been dispatched to survey the situation inside Rwanda to determine if conditions were right for a return of the Hutu refugees who had fled the RPF. Instead he found that the RPF had been committing systematic massacres of the Hutu population in Rwanda starting in April 1994 and continuing through the date of his presentation.

On page 4 of the UN record of Gersony's oral presentation, we read:

"Significant areas of Butare Prefecture, Kibungo Prefecture, and the southern and eastern areas of Kigali Prefecture have been -- and in some cases were reported to remain as early as September -- the scene of systematic and sustained killing and persecution of the civilian Hutu populations by the [Rwandan Patriotic Army]. These activities are reported to have begun, depending on location, between April and July 1994, immediately following the expulsion from each area of former Government military, militia and surrogate forces. These [Rwandan Patriotic Army] actions were consistently reported to be conducted in areas where opposition forces of any kind -- armed or unarmed -- or resistance of any kind -- other than attempts by the victims of these actions to escape -- were absent. Large scale indiscriminate killings of men, women and children, including the sick and elderly, were consistently reported."

And on page 6 we also learn that "an unmistakable pattern of systematic [Rwandan Patriotic Army] conduct of such actions is the unavoidable conclusion of the team's interviews."

The Gersony report is identified in a cover letter dated October 11, 1994, from one Francois Fouinat to Mrs. B. Molina-Abram, the Secretary to the Commission of Experts on Rwanda. In this brief letter, Fouinat explains:

"We refer to the UNHCR's briefing to the Commission of Experts on Monday, 11 October 1994.

"As requested by the Commission, we are forwarding herewith a written summary of Mr. Gersony's oral presentation and copies of some field reports sent to UNHCR Headquarters by UNHCR Field Offices.

"We are confident that as agreed by the President of the Commission of Experts, these documents will be treated as confidential and only be made available to the members of the Commission."

I possess copies of these two UN documents from October 1994 because they are part of the evidence-base at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, where I serve as the lead defense counsel for Hutu former General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, once the Chief of Staff of the Rwanda Gendarmerie. The documents were found by my legal assistant purely by chance while scanning the prosecution's Electronic Disclosure System, which contains hundreds of thousands of documents that are not indexed in any order. My assistant came across them as part of a package of material organized by Robert Gersony himself while he was assigned to the UNHCR. It must be assumed that Mr. Gersony thought the documents relevant, as they affected the fate of the Hutu refugees.

At the ICTR, the brief cover letter by Francois Fouinat bears the index number "R0002906." The next 14 pages of R0002906 contain the Gersony report and are numbered sequentially with an 'R' -- prefix number used by the ICTR for documents contained in its Rwanda files.

Because I possess the series of ICTR documents beginning with R0002906, I also have in my possession an even more astonishing document the true historical significance of which has once again been underscored by the leaked UNHCHR report: Namely, the copy of a letter from Paul Kagame to his fellow Tutsi Jean-Baptiste Bagaza of Burundi, dated August 10, 1994.

Let me share with you an exchange that took place on November 18, 2008 in the Military II trial at the ICTR.6 What was said in court that particular day explains how these documents came to light. I was one of the speakers.

Mr. Black,7

"Mr. President, before I do that -- that takes place, I have something which I would like to raise of great importance, I think.

"Yesterday my legal assistant found by accident, something, I think of grave importance for this Tribunal and for the world. It's a letter from General Paul Kagame dated the 10th of August 1994 to Jean Baptiste Bagaza, . . . in Burundi. It's marked 'confidential'.

"I didn't have time to make copies, so I want to read it to you. It has an 'R'-number. R0002905. It's in French, so please bear with me to make a loose translation. It says -- it's only one page and it is short:

'Dear Brother Jean Baptiste Bagaza, we have the greatest honour to extend our sincere gratitude to you both for your financial and technical support in our struggle that has just ended with the taking of Kigali.

'Rest assured that our plan to continue shall be pursued as we agreed at our last meeting in Kampala. Last week I communicated with our big brother Yoweri Museveni and decided to make some modifications to the plan. Indeed, as you have noted, the taking of Kigali quickly provoked a panic among the Hutus who fled to Goma and Bukavu. We have found that the presence of a large number of Rwandan refugees at Goma and the international community can cause our plan for Zaire to fail. We cannot occupy ourselves with Zaire until after the return of these Hutus. All means are being used for their return as rapidly as possible. In any case, our external intelligence services continue to crisscross the east of Zaire and our Belgian, British and American collaborators, the rest of Zaire. The action reports are expected in the next few days.

'Concerning the Burundi plan, we are very content with your work to ensure the failure of the policies of FRODEBU. It is necessary to paralyze the power of FRODEBU until the total ruin of the situation in order to justify your action that must not miss its target. Our soldiers will be deployed, this time, not only in Bujumbura, but in the places you judge strategic. Our elements stationed at Bugesera are ready to intervene at any moment. The plan for Burundi must be executed as soon as possible before the Hutus of Rwanda can organize themselves.

'In the hope of seeing you next time at Kigali, we ask you to accept, dear brother, our most respectful greetings'.

General Paul Kagame
Minister of Defence (signed by his assistant Mr. Rwego8)

"The importance of this letter if you have grasped it fully cannot be overstated. It means the attack on Rwanda from 1990 was not the prime objective of Kagame and his collaborators. Zaire was always the prime objective. That their excuse for the attack on Rwanda about establishing democracy and return of refugees, was completely false. That the invasion from Uganda had only one purpose: to clear the path through Rwanda to Zaire. That the return of refugees, as many witnesses have stated, was not for humanitarian reasons, but to clear the path for the invasion of Zaire. It means that the Americans, British, particularly with Kagame and Museveni, planned the invasion of Zaire [sic] in 1994, probably before that. It means that the excuse given for the invasions of Congo since this letter was written to clear the 'Interahamwe' or 'genocidaires' is completely false. No mention is made of 'Interahamwe'. No mention is made of 'genocide'. It means,
since this was received, it looks like a date stamp of this tribunal, 8th December 1994, that the Prosecutor of this Tribunal has been hiding information indicating a conspiracy to commit a war of aggression against Congo-Zaire, Zaire and all of the war crimes have flowed from it since and the continuation of those wars in Congo now begun 14 years ago, if not longer. And that the principal parties are the principal parties stated in this letter. It indicates that the prime target, Hutus in Rwanda and Burundi, that they want to suppress the Hutu population in order to carry out their plan. Democracy was never their concern. And it indicates that the Prosecutor was in -- had information in a territorial and temporal jurisdiction of this Tribunal under rule -- under Statute-Article 1. That they are also concerned with war crimes committed in neighboring states.

"So, here you have the smoking gun, the letter, planning the invasion of Zaire with the Americans and British. And it confirms our theory all the way through this trial that the Belgians were involved with those other countries. And again, there must be -- and this, as a colleague pointed out, is page 8 of 12. So where are the other eleven pages of -- what other letters do they have in their hands? And again, it indicates that these men have been stitched up, falsely accused, in order to clear them out of the way so this plan can take place. If this is published in the New York Times or Washington Post, the whole picture of the war in Rwanda and the wars n Congo would change.

"So I ask the Prosecutor, once again, where is that file? And in fact I would like them to produce the indictment against Kagame9 because I want to see what he's been charged with, exactly what crimes and where. So, again, I ask for this file to be produced and I ask why they have not acted. Mr. Jallow and Louise Arbour and everybody else have been protecting the RPF which has now resulted in millions of deaths in the Congo and continues up till today and what is going on in Congo now.

"And I state openly that the Prosecution office is complicit with this invasion of Congo and is responsible themselves for all those murders in Congo because they've hidden this for a long time and they could have exposed it many years ago and stopped the invasions.

"If the international community, that is, other than the United States and the Britain, had been aware of what was going on, it would never have taken place. But they sit there and they accuse us, my client, and the other officers here of committing crimes, they knew what they were doing in Zaire. I don't think they can even shave and look in the mirror in the morning."

Mr. President,10

"Counsel, having said all of that, why don't you send this to the New York Times?"


"It will be sent . . . whether they publish it I do not know."11

In the days after this letter was exposed the prosecution accused the defence of having fabricated the letter and raised questions about its authenticity.

I replied, first, that the letter bears a sequential ICTR index number with an 'R'-prefix -- the prefix used for Rwanda documents.

Second, as mentioned above, this letter was found among the package of material organized by Robert Gersony while assigned to the UNHCR.

Third, the letter was date-stamped "December 8, 1994" by the ICTR. Presumably, this was its date of receipt by the ICTR.

Fourth, it is also noteworthy that the letter that we know was created no later than December 8th 1994 speaks of moving the Hutus out of the way in Zaire and this is exactly what happened. First the UN tried to force them back into Rwanda and partly succeeded. But the mass of refugees refused to return, so in 1996 the attacks on the Hutu refugee camps began, forcing them to flee into the Congo forest. There is a lot of testimony by Hutus who were either forced at gunpoint to return to Rwanda or experienced the manhunt against them conducted by the RPF and its allies.

Fifth, the letter is further authenticated by noting that the addressee (the Burundian Tutsi Jean Baptiste Bagaza) did in fact carry out a coup d'état in Burundi against a more moderate Tutsi and turned against the Hutu political group called Front pour la Démocratie au Burundi (FRODEBU, or Front for Democracy in Burundi). Unquestionably, Bagaza and Kagame were allies. According to the testimony of expert witness Dr. Helmut Strizek before the ICTR:

Q. "Very well, doctor, let's move toward the end. What clarification would you like to make on the relationship between Bagaza and Kagame when the president's aeroplane was shot down?"

Strizek. "If my memory serves me right, Bagaza had left the country, and I think returned after or before the assassination of Ndadaye. Bagaza was a hardliner, a Tutsi hardliner, so there was an alliance between the two of them, and they wanted to prevent a Hutu president from being in charge of Burundi."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Strizek. "Jean-Baptiste Bagaza was a Hima or Tutsi president of Burundi who took power when he overthrew President Micombero, who had been responsible of anti-Hutu genocide in 1972. He was in power for some time. . . .
"In my opinion, it's quite clear that Bagaza and Kagame follow the same line."12

Sixth, the man whose signature appears on the letter on behalf of Paul Kagame, Mr. Rwego, confirmed to a member of the defence team that he did in fact sign it.

The accidental discovery of this August 10, 1994 letter from Paul Kagame to his "Dear Brother Jean Baptiste Bagaza" was met with an immediate reaction by the prosecution, who accused the defence of fabricating it, pointing out a typo in the letterhead. But this line of criticism failed, as it was shown that there are other letters in existence from the RPF on the same stationary, with the same typo in the letterhead, and these letters are regarded as authentic.

That someone regarded the letter as authentic and dangerous is highlighted the fact that I was followed by a Tanzanian police officer the night after I produced it in court and was forced to complain about this surveillance in court the next day. Yet the prosecution continued its attacks on the letter's authenticity, even though the document came from the files of the prosecutor. And this important revelation during the Military II trial was never reported in the mass media -- though I did send it to many journalists, including the New York Times.

Now that the draft UN report on the atrocities committed by the RPF in the Congo has been leaked, the findings of the very first UN report of RPF atrocities against the Hutus beginning in 1994 should also be recognized and addressed.

The UN must explain why the record of that 1994 presentation by Robert Gersony was marked "confidential" and why the latest draft UN report does not refer to it.

The prosecutors at the ICTR must explain why they hid these documents from the defence for nearly 15 years, and why, even though they have these documents in their possession, they have never once used these documents to bring charges against a single member of the RPF.

Last, Paul Kagame and his American, Belgian, and British collaborators must explain the meaning of the letter -- and in particular, the meaning of the phrase, "plan for Zaire."


1 Christophe Châtelot, "L'acte d'accusation de dix ans de crimes au Congo RDC," Le Monde, August 26, 2010. For some additional news reports, see: "UN Uncovers Possible Genocide in Congo: Report," Agence France Presse, August 26, 2010; David Lewis, "Rwandan Army May Have Committed Genocide -- UN Report," Reuters, August 26, 2010; Judi Rever, "UN Lawyer Says Congo Butchery Resembled Rwandan Genocide," Agence France Presse, August 27, 2010; Michelle Faul, "UN Draft Report: Rwandan Army Attacks on Refugees in Congo in the 1990s Could Be Genocide," Associated Press, August 27, 2010; "DR Congo Killings 'May Be Genocide' -- UN Draft Report," BBC, August 27, 2010; Max Delany, Rwanda Dismisses UN Report Detailing Possible Hutu Genocide in Congo Christian Science Monitor, August 27, 2010; Chris McGreal et al., "Leaked UN Report Accuses Rwanda of Possible Genocide in Congo," The Guardian, August 27, 2010; Xan Rice, "Returning Refugees: Lush Land the Prize That
Could Reignite Ethnic Conflict in DRC," The Guardian, August 27, 2010; Howard French, "U.N. Report on Congo Offers New View of Genocide Era," New York Times, August 28, 2010; Colum Lynch, "U.N. Says Rwandan Troops Carried Out Mass Killings in '90s," Washington Post, August 29, 2010.

2 See "Report of the Mapping Exercise documenting the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law committed within the territory of the Democratic Republic of the Congo between March 1993 and June 2003," UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, draft report dated June, 2010, para. 517.

3 "UN Report on Rights Violations in DR Congo to Be Released Next Month," UN News Center, September 2, 2010.

4 Philip Gourevitch, "Rwanda Pushes Back Against UN Genocide Charges," New Yorker Blog, August 27, 2010.

5 Glen Ford, "Rwanda Crisis Could Expose U.S. Role in Congo Genocide," Black Agenda Report, September 1, 2010.

6 The Military II trial concerns the joint trial of General Augustin Bizimungu, Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army, General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Gendarmerie, Major Nzwonyemeye, Commander of the Reconnaissance Battalion, and Captain Sagahutu , Commander, Squadron A of the Reconnaissance Battalion.

7 Let the record show that I have written here exactly what I said in court. The translation in the trial transcripts is a bit garbled, and I have corrected the text accordingly.

8 Reference ICTR document number R0002905, letter dated August 10th, 1994, date stamped by the ICTR 8th December, 1994. Marked as page 8 of 12.

9 Defence counsel had been informed by a member of the prosecution that an indictment exists against Paul Kagame for war crimes and is being held by the ICTR for the appropriate time. In order to determine whether this was correct information the defence counsel several times asked the prosecution to provide that indictment as it would affect the defense. The prosecution never denied its existence and the defence was advised to bring a motion to request it.

10 Judge Asoka Da Silva of Sri Lanka, Presiding Judge, Tria, Chamber III, ICTR.

11 Transcript, Military II Trial, November 18th, 2008, pages 1-3.

12 Transcript, Military II Trial, November 24th, 2008, page 62, lines 19-24; and page 63.

Christopher Black serves as Lead Counsel for the Hutu former General Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Chief of Staff, Rwanda Gendarmerie, in Military II trial at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

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NY Fashion Week and Das Rheingold

Posted by: "george magiros"   kc2sci

Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:41 pm (PDT)

I took this picture today during setup for Tommy Hilfiger (that is what it
said on the boxes) in front of the Metropolitan Opera and across from the
Fashion Week tents. I thought the Das Rheingold banner was appropriate. As
the story goes, whoever finds the Rhine Gold can weld it into a ring to rule
the world. Last week the Met showed a taped performance of "Dr Atomic"
outside in which Captain Nola sings how toxic these strange metals are: it
"dissolves kidneys". A reference to Fallujah and meeting our
responsibility? The US lives in an alternate reality with temperatures in
Fahrenheit and everything else in code.

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