Saturday, October 30, 2010

US Plans long term stay in Afghanistan

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U.S. Expanding Bases In Afghanistan For Permanent Presence

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:25 am (PDT)

People's Daily
September 20, 2010

Why U.S. forces bent on expanding military bases in Afghanistan?

Of late, the United States planned to expand the Bagram, Kandahar and Mazar-e-Shairf air bases in Afghanistan with an allocation of 300 million US dollars. The expansion of U.S. military bases in Afghanistan is obviously running counter to the commitment to begin withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan in 2011; the United States is aiming to build permanent military bases in the "post-antiterrorism era" and to consolidate its global military network and to guard against the possible future global volatile situations.

In fact, the United States has tried hard to secure its permanent military presence since it launched the war in Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 as the US military Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) along with the British military, in response to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., with the construction of its permanent military bases and "frontline" operation bases.

To date, the Untied States has established a dozen military bases in Afghanistan, with the airbases at Bagram, Kandahar and Mazar-e-Shairf as the permanent bases and the Herat, Jalalabad and other airfields as the "frontline" operation bases. These U.S. military bases are currently serving not only as a stronghold for control of Afghanistan and to battle hostile forces but also as a springboard to cope with the volatile situation in Iran and elsewhere in the Middle East.

The intention of the United States with its permanent presence in the Afghanistan is indicated by the new strategy for Afghanistan and Pakistan President Barack Obama's administration has been pursuing since assuming its presidency in January 2009. The United States has set forth the limited goals to battle and destroy the "Al Qaeda" terrorist organization inside Afghanistan but involved itself in quelling rebellions and national construction in an all-round way. And the limited goals and extensive means show in a protruding way the U.S.' strategic goal which is far more "grandiose" and audacious than its purpose regarding the war on terrorism.

President Barack Obama pledged to begin withdrawing from Afghanistan in July 2011, according to David Petraeus, the commander of the U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan. Nevertheless, Obama would continue the US effort and postponing the withdrawal of forces if the war situation "is bad" and unfavorable. Although the U.S. has publicly come out to say they will start withdrawing in 2011, noted US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, it does not affect the U.S. continued support to Afghanistan in the political, economic and military realms.

Apparently, the United States will not abandon the strategic and geopolitical interests it has paid in blood for easily. At a time when the Taliban insurgent forces are staging a comeback, the U.S. will easily find many excuses to suspend withdrawing its forces.

As a matter of course, the United States has made a series of preparations for its permanent presence in Afghanistan. The U.S. 2005 Annual Defense Report made it clear [that it would] increase the number of military bases in southwestern Asia, in an effort to cope with the possible volatile global situation in the years ahead. In 2006, the U.S. forces started building a 3,000-meter runway at the Bagram air base and a living facility for 1,000 servicemen the Corps of Engineers were building at the time, a giant step ahead toward the goal of building the permanent military bases.

The United States and Afghanistan plan to work together to develop appropriate arrangements and agree to implement their strategic partnership; they also signed an agreement on the lease of additional land for a military purpose at the Bagram air base. So, the U.S. has undoubtedly the same purpose in nature with its endeavor to build permanent bases together with Japan and the Republic of Korea (South Korea) in East Asia.

Obama pledged to withdraw his forces from Afghanistan to gear to domestic political factors as the mid-term elections are historically difficult for the president's Democratic Party. The expansion of U.S. bases and the permanent U.S. military presence in Afghanistan have been a set policy of the Obama administration. As the Middle East and South Asia are the "frontline" in the U.S war on terrorism, Central Asia has much weight or a bearing in the U.S. global geopolitical and strategic interests and, hence, the maintenance of a long-term military presence in Afghanistan is a crucial component part of the vital U.S. military chain around the world to cope with possible volatile global situation in years ahead.

By People's Daily Online and its author is PD reporter Fu Xiaoqiang

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Russian Missiles In Syria To Protect Naval Base

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:25 am (PDT)

Russian Information Agency Novosti
September 20, 2010

Yakhont missiles could protect Russian naval base in Syria - analyst

Russian-made mobile anti-ship missile systems sold to Syria could be used to protect a Russian naval supply and maintenance site near Syria's Mediterranean port of Tartus, a Russian arms trade expert said on Monday.

Russia earlier announced it would honor a 2007 contract on the delivery of several Bastion anti-ship missile systems armed with SS-N-26 Yakhont supersonic cruise missiles to Syria, despite U.S. and Israel security concerns.

Syria needs to shield a 600-km stretch of its coastline from potential amphibious assaults.

"One of the purposes of the deployment of Bastion missile systems in Syria is to ensure the protection of the Russian naval site in Tartus," said Igor Korotchenko, head of a Moscow-based think tank on the international arms trade.

The Yakhont missile has a range of 300 kilometers, the capacity to carry a 200-kilogram warhead and the unique ability of being able to cruise several meters above the water surface, making it difficult to detect and intercept.

According to Korotchenko, none of the world's existing warships could thwart a Yakhont missile attack.

The Soviet-era naval maintenance site near Tartus is Russia's only military foothold in the Mediterranean. Russia plans to modernize the facility to accommodate large warships, including missile cruisers and even aircraft carriers after 2012.

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Australia: Anglo-Saxon Quad Holds Virtual Combat Exercise

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:35 am (PDT)
September 20, 2010

International virtual military exercise starts today

The Minister for Defence Science and Personnel, the Hon Warren Snowdon MP, said one of the world's largest co-ordinated virtual military exercises between Australian, American, British and Canadian defence forces begins today.

Mr Snowdon said the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) is facilitating Exercise Coalition Virtual Flag.

"It's a four-day simulation activity designed to provide training, it will also provide a means to evaluate planning for joint combat missions," Mr Snowdon said.

"RAAF pilots will fly in high-end exercises from DSTO's newly enhanced Air Operations Simulation Centre in Melbourne.

"DSTO will work around the clock to connect the RAAF to a virtual international network, providing two F/A-18 Hornet cockpits in the centre's sophisticated simulation cube and dome facilities," Mr Snowdon said.

He said recent enhancements, including classified and more capable hardware and software components, mean DSTO's Air Operations Simulation Centre is suitably equipped to support networked coalition forces in advanced simulation and modelling activities.

Mr Snowdon said virtual exercises are a valuable means of determining important combat mission data in an environment that is safer, less expensive and requires fewer resources.

"The outcome of the exercise is expected to benefit participating nations by providing mission-critical information relevant to future deployments."

The Australian Defence Force's Joint Combined Training Centre is providing a link between Australian simulation assets and other participating nations.

Coalition Virtual Flag, led by the US Air Force and coordinated across three continents, commences today on 20 September.

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Czech Republic: NATO Day Warplane Display Draws 200,000

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 9:36 am (PDT)

Czech News Agency
September 20, 2010

NATO Days airshow draws 200,000

-One of the major attractions was a U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber.
The aircraft, which was deployed in the Vietnam war, in the Persian Gulf war, in the bombing of Yugoslavia and in the recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is on the territory of Central Europe for the first time ever.

Mosnov, North Moravia: A total of 185,000 people visited the two-day NATO Days military air show, the biggest event in Central Europe that focuses on aviation, the military and security, at the Mosnov airport this weekend, the organisers said yesterday.

On Saturday the attendance was almost 105,000, while yesterday the event attracted 80,000 people.

Last year's attendance of the two-day show was 135,000.

This year, more than 70 pieces of ten states' air force equipment were on at the NATO Days.

One of the major attractions was a U.S. Air Force B-52H Stratofortress strategic bomber.

The aircraft, which was deployed in the Vietnam war, in the Persian Gulf war, in the bombing of Yugoslavia and in the recent operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, is on the territory of Central Europe for the first time ever. It was closest to the area in Moscow and Berlin.

The visitors could also see the Hawker Hurricane fighter plane that participated in the Battle of Britain 70 years ago, downing five enemy aircraft, the British vertical takeoff and landing Harrier aircraft, and the Eurofighter Typhoon, F-16, Hurricane Mk I, Tornado F3 and JAS-39 Gripen fighters.

The programme also offered simulated operations of ground force units and police.

The high number of visitors on Saturday caused traffic problems. The access road Ostrava-Mosnov was blocked with tailbacks for a couple of hours.

Visitors addressed by CTK praised the rich programme of the show, but they criticised the organisation. They said it took them a long time to get there due to traffic jams.

The entry to the event with a budget of about five million crowns was free.

($1=18.896 crowns)

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Raytheon Completes 1,000th Patriot Missile Upgrade For U.S. Army

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 11:43 am (PDT)

Raytheon Company
September 20, 2010

Raytheon Completes Upgrade of 1,000th Patriot Missile for U.S. Army

TEWKSBURY, Mass. - Raytheon Company completed its 1,000th Patriot Guidance Enhanced Missile-Tactical (GEM-T) upgrade for the U.S. Army. Earlier this year, Raytheon reached the same milestone with its worldwide customer base.

Part of the Patriot Air and Missile Defense System, the upgraded GEM-T missile provides a substantial capability against a wide variety of threats, including tactical ballistic missiles and cruise missiles....

"This low-cost alternative makes it possible for our partner nations to increase their air and missile defense capabilities utilizing their existing Patriot systems," said Sanjay Kapoor, vice president of Patriot Programs at Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems (IDS). "We are proud of this production milestone, the capabilities of the combat-proven Patriot and the trust placed in us by our 12 partner nations."

Patriot GEM-T missiles are modernized and refurbished Patriot Advanced Capability-2 missiles. The upgrade also includes the replacement of select components that increase reliability and extend the service life of the missile. GEM-T missile upgrades are ongoing under existing contracts with the U.S. and other Patriot partner nations and are performed at Raytheon's Integrated Air Defense Center in Andover, Mass.
Raytheon IDS is the prime contractor for both domestic and international Patriot Air and Missile Defense Systems and is the system integrator for Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missiles.

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Troops' Union: Slovenian War Mission In Afghanistan Illegal

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:48 pm (PDT)

September 20, 2010

Slovenian troops "illegally in Afghanistan"

-[The] new Slovenian military mission to Afghanistan will not be peacekeeping and defensive any longer, and that it will be a war mission....

LJUBLJANA: The union of the Slovenian military has sent a letter to the country's President Danilo Turk regarding troop deployment in Afghanistan.

The letter informed Turk that the Slovenian government was "illegally sending troops" taking part in NATO operations.

The union informed the commander-in-chief that the Slovenian government was unconstitutionally and illegally sending Slovenian soldiers to Afghanistan.

President of the Slovenian Armed Forces Union Gvido Novak added in the letter that it was necessary for parliament to make a decision first before Slovenian troops could participate in offensive, war actions.

Reports said that without a state of war being declared, the decision cannot be made without parliament, while the government is yet to send its proposal to MPs, only a week before the deployment of the Slovenian troops in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Colonel Vojteh Mihevc, the commander of the 14th contingent of the Slovenian Armed Forces which is supposed to be deployed to Afghanistan, has not denied that the army would be used in offensive operations outside the country's borders.

Novak warned in his letter that the new Slovenian military mission to Afghanistan will not be peacekeeping and defensive any longer, and that it will be a war mission whose goal will be to defeat the enemy.

That is why the union has called upon the president to, in accordance with the Constitution, make a decision to protect Slovenian troops from missions that the government is unconstitutionally and illegally sending them to, and to protect them from committing planned and deliberate criminal acts while performing their tasks without a legal basis, said the letter.

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U.S. Drone Attacks Kill 15 More In Pakistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:48 pm (PDT)

Press TV
September 20, 2010

US drone attacks claim 15 Pakistanis

At least fifteen people have been killed and many others wounded in two separate US drone attacks in Pakistan's northwestern tribal regions bordering Afghanistan.

In the first attack which took place on the outskirts of Miramshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal district, the US drones fired twelve missiles at several buildings in Dargah Mandi village in the early hours of Wednesday, killing 12 people.

The attack destroyed a number of buildings, causing panic in the village.

"As the US drones came over the villagers started shouting and running here and there shouting 'run, drones have come,'" AFP quoted a local tribesman as saying.

The US officials, however, claimed that the pre-dawn strikes targeted militant hideouts.

Three others were also killed in a US drone attack in Payekhel village of Datta Khel district in North Waziristan later on Wednesday.

The US frequently carries out such attacks on Pakistan's tribal areas, claiming the airstrikes target militants. Most of the attacks, however, result in civilian casualties.

The aerial attacks, initiated by former US President George W. Bush, have been escalated under President Barack Obama. More than 700 people have been killed in such drone attacks since 2009. Over 90 percent of the victims were civilians.

The issue of civilian casualties has strained relations between Islamabad and Washington with the Pakistani government repeatedly objecting to the attacks.

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Guam: U.S. Begins Stationing Global Hawks In Asia-Pacific

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:52 pm (PDT)

United States Air Force
September 20, 2010

Global Hawk arrives in Guam
by Tech. Sgt. Mike Andriacco
36th Wing Public Affairs

ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam:- Airmen here celebrated the arrival of the RQ-4 Global Hawk to Guam during a ceremony Sept. 20.

The Global Hawk brings significant capabilities to the Pacific theater, which will benefit the 36th Wing, Pacific Air Forces, U.S. Pacific Command, and regional partners, said Gen. Gary North, the PACAF commander.
The Global Hawk is capable of providing government and military decision makers near real-time, high-altitude, long-range intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance imagery that can support a full spectrum of operations. Flying above ordinary commercial traffic, the aircraft can survey large geographic areas with pinpoint accuracy....The imagery provides the most current information available during contingency or crisis situations.
"Basing the RQ-4 at Andersen will support ongoing regional partnerships and reaffirm to U.S. friends, allies and partner nations of our commitment to continue modernization efforts and force structure beddown to support maintaining peace and stability in the region," General North said.

So far, one of three planned Global Hawks has arrived here. The remaining two are scheduled to arrive later this year and at the beginning of 2011. Local crews will launch and land the aircraft from here, while crews at Beale AFB, Calif., will control the bulk of the mission, once out of the local area.

"We'll be flying missions in support of U.S. Pacific Command priorities," Colonel Baker said. "We also intend to share with our allies information....""

The Global Hawk has flown more than 45,000 hours worldwide since becoming operational in 1995....

In the event that all communication with the aircraft is lost or it encounters an in-flight emergency, the Global Hawk is programmed to continue its flight to its original destination or return to its point of origin and land. During this time, the pilot may be able to reestablish a link to the aircraft. If that is impossible, the Global Hawk is capable of landing on its own.

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Bulgaria: U.S. Death Merchants Welcome To Privatize Arms Firms

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:57 pm (PDT)

Sofia News Agency
September 20, 2010

Minister Eager to Have US Revive Bulgaria's Defense Industry

Defense Minister Anyu Angelov has expressed strong support for his colleague, Economy Minister Traikov, who invited US companies to consider investments in Bulgarian military plants.

Earlier on Sunday, it was announced that Traikov, who is in the US, had invited Boeing to study opportunities for the privatization of the ailing Bulgarian military industrial giant VMZ Sopot. He also invited Motorola to establish a partnership with the Bulgarian government in the field of communications.

Defense Minister Angelov said subsequently that he backed strongly any idea to "breathe live into the Bulgarian defense industry."

"Unfortunately, many mistakes have been made in the recent years with respect to the easy privatization of the military-industrial complex. I was just in Poland where I saw a very successful defense industry consolidated into one single holding. Thus, it benefits not only the Polish military but also those of other EU member states. This can probably no longer happen in Bulgaria," stated the general.

"I am shying away from specific criticism. I am just saying that already privatized factories cannot be united into such a military-industrial complex as is Bumar in Poland – which has a wide range of goods and efficient market presence. This is why I support Minister Traikov's efforts to find a better place for individual segments of the Bulgarian defense industry in projects of both the United States of America and the European Defense Agency, of which we are members," Angelov concluded while speaking on Bulgaria's draft National Security Strategy on Sunday.

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Baltic: U.S. Warship Leads Multinational Specials Operation Drills

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:02 pm (PDT)

Navy NewsStand
September 20, 2010

USS Mount Whitney Trains with Special Forces from Seven Nations
By Mass Communications Specialist 1st Class Terry Vick, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa/Commander, U.S. 6th Fleet Public Affairs

-JS10 is a multinational military special operations exercise organized by Special Operations Command Europe, designed to improve international military partnerships through joint training with special forces subunits from Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and the United States.

BALTIC SEA: Special operations forces (SOF) from seven nations worked together to conduct several training exercises aboard USS Mount Whitney (LCC/JCC 20) Sep. 19.

The training, which focused on building SOF capacity and capabilities of partner nations, is part of exercise Jackal Stone (JS10) 2010.
Elements from SOF and surface fleet combatants are taking advantage of Mount Whitney's operational capabilities.

"Mount Whitney provides Lithuanian, Polish and U.S. SOF teams the ability to train to insert onto a large moving vessel via fast-roping or hook-and-climb techniques," said Spencer.

Fast-roping is a military insertion technique used to deploy troops from a helicopter using braided nylon descension ropes, and is used by operators during visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) operations. Hook and climb is a less obvious and stealthier VBSS insertion method that uses rigid hull inflatable boats or combat rubber raiding craft to approach a suspicious vessel and climb aboard.
JS10 is a multinational military special operations exercise organized by Special Operations Command Europe, designed to improve international military partnerships through joint training with special forces subunits from Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and the United States.

Mount Whitney, the flagship for the U.S. 6th Fleet, is homeported in Gaeta, Italy, and operates with a hybrid crew of U.S. Sailors and Military Sealift Command civil service mariners.

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