Saturday, October 30, 2010

Who was behind the destruction of the WTC steel

Rebel Newsflash: Who was behind the destruction of the WTC steel? (plus 37 more items)

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Who was behind the destruction of the WTC steel?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 08:11 AM PDT

My forthcoming article focuses on the Mossad-run network behind the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.  I have found that the network that arranged for the destruction of the steel - critical evidence from the crime scene - was organized by Israel's Mossad and their Zionist agents, the real culprits behind the false-flag terrorism that changed the world.

UN report on flotilla raid blisters Israel

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 06:16 AM PDT

The extensive and meticulous investigative report by the UN Human Rights Council on Israel's May 31 raid on the Free Gaza flotilla was released yesterday. Interviewing 112 survivors (but forbidden by Israel from questioning any of its commandoes), the report devastates Israel's claim of innocence—further damaging her international reputation. Here are selected passages from the UN's high-drama, fast moving account, beginning with attack on the Mavi Mamara and ending with abuse and humiliations of survivors before deportation from Israel.

Abdel Nasser Amer's "Intelligent dreams"

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 05:51 AM PDT

Abdel Nasser Amer is an artist who lives and works in the city of Khan Younis in the occupied Gaza Strip. During Israel's 2008-09 winter invasion of Gaza, Amer's studio and some of his art were destroyed. Amer won a competition for a six-month residency with the Swiss Visual Artists Association in Neuchatel, Switzerland where he is working on his latest project, Rehaan (intelligent dreams). The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof interviews Amer to discuss his life and work.

90% Of People To Be Removed: A Timeline Of World Population Control

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 04:38 AM PDT

It's just unfortunate that those in power who want the New World Order and population reduction can help prevent aspartame from being banned, but we have to keep trying and keep warning. Like Dr. Maria Alemany told me in Barcelona who did the Trocho Study, proving the formaldehyde from the free methyl alcohol embalms living tissue and damages DNA), aspartame will kill 200 million, maybe already has. '

Jones: Israel-bashers are "scum"

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 04:35 AM PDT

In a recent Youtube clip, talk show host Alex Jones describes himself as the most influential leader of the Patriot/Tea Party revolt, next to Rep. Ron Paul. Many would disagree. Yet he inarguably has the power to influence and mislead many.

A tactic of the intellectually dishonest is to mock or defame their opponent instead of responding to their facts. On Youtube, Jones can be heard repeatedly using this strategy to oppose critics of Israel. "What I want to say is this…I support Israel. It is their land…it is the UN that has declared them terrorists. The UN supports groups that want to dissolve Israel…" (Youtube: 'Alex Jones - "I Support Israel Its Their Land" Zionism') Jones ignores the 65 years of abuse of Palestinians and violations of international law that cause the UN to criticize Israel. He vilifies other critics of the Jewish state: "I watch these Nazi and anti-Israel groups. They're a bunch of scum."(Youtube: 'Alex Jones on Israel critics: "weak minded idiots"...')

Ahmadinejad and the 9/11 attacks

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 03:39 AM PDT

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, has again managed to steal the global spotlight, after levelling a series of rhetorical attacks on the US and Israel - the "Zionist entity" in his words - during an address to the UN General Assembly.

Specifically, he told world leaders on Thursday that the "majority of the American people, as well as most nations and politicians around the world agree" that "some segments within the US government orchestrated" the September 11, 2001, attacks in order to "reverse the declining American economy" and to justify US military operations in the Middle East to "save the Zionist regime".

Democrats Want to Shake Down Fast Food Industry

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 02:48 AM PDT

Obama often appoints czars for this and that, but the First "Lady" has become a rajah of restaurants, dictating to the American eating-out trade what they can serve.

A recent news article reports, "First lady Michelle Obama is prodding the nation's restaurants to add more healthy options to menus, label those items more prominently and market nutritious foods to kids. Speaking to the National Restaurant Association on Monday, Mrs. Obama pleaded with restaurants small and large to take a little butter or cream out of their dishes, use low fat milk and provide apple slices or carrots as a default side dish on the kids' menu."

Guilty As Charged: UN Report on Gaza Flotilla Massacre

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 02:47 AM PDT

steve lendmanOn September 22, Reuters headlined the news, saying:

"UN Experts Condemn Israel Attack on Gaza Flotilla"

It explained that the UN Human Rights Council's (HRC) "panel of international experts" concluded what was obvious on day one - that Israel's international water attack "was unlawful and resulted in violations of human rights and international humanitarian law...."


Have you noticed mainstream health news getting crazier lately?

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Mark your calendars. This week goes down in history as the most bizarre health news weeks in the history of the mainstream media. I've noticed more truly strange and illogical health stories this week from the conventional press than ever before, and I'll share a few of those with you below.


Protect yourself from Alzheimer's disease with cinnamon

Posted: 24 Sep 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Degenerative mental diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia continue to ravish the lives of millions around the world. And to make matters worse, the financial burden of caring for dementia patients now tops one percent of the entire world's gross domestic product (GDP). But there are ways to help prevent and treat serious mental decline, including simply eating lots of cinnamon.


Abbas – 'The double agent'

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:15 PM PDT

"Mahmoud Abbas is arguably the most extraordinary the double agent in the Middle East…. Most of what he does for Israeli and the US masters he does in plain sight," Jeffrey Blankfort

When Fatah President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) called Israeli President Shimon Peres to wish him 'Happy Rosh Hashana' – Peres pleaded with Abbas to trust Benji Netanyahu, calling him the best 'negotiating partner' the Palestinians living under Jewish boots ever had. " Don't abandon the talks before peace is achieved. There is no one more suited than you to achieve peace for your people, and for the entire region," Peres told Abbas on the phone.

Why Mitchell Said 'No': Hamas is Not Ready to be 'Engaged'

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 03:38 PM PDT

One key difference between Hamas and its rival, the Fatah movement in the West Bank, is that Hamas is accountable to a much more complex set of priorities and expectations. While Fatah is effortlessly co-opted, Hamas remains confined by ideological standards and the stringiest political space. Although, on one hand this represents Hamas' greatest strength, on the other it shows just how truly arduous is its political undertaking.

Is the Mideast Peace Process a Charade?

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 03:29 PM PDT

A debate over the seriousness of the Middle East peace process was held in London, where six analysts argued for and against the motion that the current Israeli-Palestinian negotiations were merely a charade.

Shlomo Ben-Ami, historian and former Israeli minister, expressed "serious doubts" on the validity of the negotiations, where both sides were in a "sate of indifference" and not ready to make any significant commitments.

Abbas and Bibi Need Help

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 03:25 PM PDT

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton must have been very disappointed when she returned home last week virtually empty handed. She was not able to announce that the Israeli and Palestinian leaders with whom she had 11 sessions had agreed on a formula for maintaining the moratorium on building new Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank. 

And all this despite the pleas of President Barack Obama and herself that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu extend the 10-month ban, even for a short period, on additional construction in the occupied Palestinian territories where some 500,000 Israeli colonialists had moved since the 1967 Arab-Israel war. The ban expires on September 26.

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to James Morris on War in Afghanistan

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 02:42 PM PDT

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to James Morris on War in Afghanistan

Israel's settlement industry under boycott pressure

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 02:05 PM PDT

Palestinian activists in the occupied West Bank have called for the boycott of the popular Rami Levy Israeli supermarket chain which has several stores inside Israel's illegal settlements. Activists say they will call on fellow Palestinians to "avoid supporting the occupation and settlements' economy by boycotting Israeli goods and settlement stores."

A vigil was to be held today outside the Rami Levy store inside the Sha'ar Binyamin settlement south of Bethlehem, along Route 60 which connects Jerusalem to settlement blocs in the southern West Bank. Activists with the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee (PSCC) said in a press release that the chain is "popular among some Palestinian shoppers, attracting its clientele through cheap pricing" ("Palestinians to Call for Boycott of Israeli Goods in front of Settlement Supermarket," 22 September 2010).

Aafia Siddiqui Sentenced: A Grievous Miscarriage of Justice

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:51 PM PDT

steve lendmanOn September 23 in federal court, US District Court Judge Richard Berman sentenced political prisoner Aafia Siddiqui to 86 years in prison. Outrage most accurately expresses this gross miscarriage of justice, compounding what she's already endured following her March 30, 2003 abduction, imprisonment, torture, prosecution, and conviction on bogus charges.


Lessons of resistance from southern Lebanon

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:24 PM PDT

In May 2000, after two decades of brutal Israeli rule and stiff resistance, the Israeli occupation of southern Lebanon suddenly ended. The Israeli army fled in haste and within hours the South Lebanon Army (SLA) -- its local collaborator militia -- collapsed and many of its members also fled to Israel where they still live. Joyful Lebanese, including tens of thousands of displaced southerners, streamed home to the liberated lands.

Much of the equipment left behind by Israel and its collaborators is now exhibited at a museum housed in a former Hizballah command center in the village of Mlita, in the heart of southern Lebanon.

Israel makes meeting another Arab a crime

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 09:33 AM PDT

A vague security offense of "contact with a foreign agent" is being used by Israel's secret police, the Shin Bet, to lock up Arab political activists in Israel without evidence that a crime has been committed, human rights lawyers alleged this week.

The lawyers said the Shin Bet was exploiting the law to characterize innocent or accidental meetings between members of Israel's large Palestinian Arab minority and Arab foreign nationals as criminal activity.

Bin Ali Baba Tunisia's last bey?

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 07:38 AM PDT

What happens when money, coercion and blood ties become the potion of power? A 'state' is born. Not 'Tunis,' that place of congeniality and conviviality as its Arabic name suggests. Rather, a different 'Tunis,' a Tunis, which is run and owned by a club of rich and powerful families. That 'Tunis' today conjures up a disturbing political triad. 'Bin Ali Baba' is partly 'Papa Doc' partly Suharto reincarnate.

Presidency for life, military background and nepotism, ingredients of misrule prevail as they did once in Haiti and Indonesia. The First Lady is almost the Philippines' Imelda Marcos incarnate. But instead of shoes, Madame Leila collects villas, real estate and bank accounts. Rule of the wealthy (plutocracy) is wedded to autocracy. The country is Tunisia. But this reality replicates itself in many an Arab 'republic'. Literally, republics without genuine or abundant republicans!!!

Peace talks and war fever

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:43 AM PDT

Two days ago, MSNBC's Dylan Ratigan hosted a 14-minute segment on Iran with journalist constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald and Clifford May, the neocon head of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

Greenwald opposes confrontation with Iran and believes the case for war is utterly phony.  May is a war hawk on Iran, as he was on Iraq.  (He also supports any and all Israeli military actions.)

'Worse than Hitler': NY Intolerance or Ignorance to Ahmadinejad?

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:29 AM PDT

As discussion over Iran's nuclear program takes the floor at a UN meeting in New York, a media blitz against it has been launched in Manhattan. The main target of the costly ad campaign is President Ahmadinejad himself.

'I Worked For Osama Bin Laden'

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 06:21 AM PDT

RT gets an inside look of what it's like to work for the most wanted man on earth, Osama Bin-Laden. Noman Benotman reveals what was happening behind the scenes, and why he's now encouraging extremists to give up violence.

UN report into flotilla assault places the BBC in bad light

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 05:10 AM PDT

A report by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) has concluded that Israel committed war crimes in its "clearly unlawful" assault on the Turkish-flagged vessel the Mavi Marmara at the end of May. The report was compiled by a team of four human rights experts who, according to the Guardian newspaper, "condemned the treatment of the passengers and crew as brutal and disproportionate". The Mavi Marmara was part of the Freedom Flotilla seeking to break the Israeli-led blockade of Gaza which, the report said, "is illegal because of the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza". The UNHRC report said, "There is clear evidence to support prosecutions of the following crimes within the terms of article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention: wilful killing; torture or inhuman treatment; wilfully causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health."

The attack by Israeli commandos took place while the ship was in international waters and nine unarmed Turkish civilians were killed by the soldiers; subsequent autopsies revealed that most had been shot at close range, described by witnesses as "executions". The UNHRC team believe that the evidence they amassed suggested that the assault was "disproportionate" and "betrayed an unacceptable level of brutality". This is in stark contrast to the example of some of the passengers who were able to disarm some of the commandos and empty their guns of ammunition when they were in a position to shoot the soldiers themselves.

Palestinian Economic Dependency on Israel

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 04:42 AM PDT

Shortly after the 1967 Middle East War, many economic boundaries for transactions between the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and Israel collapsed: both labor and goods could flow freely from the OPT to Israel and vice versa.


We are the fools, not Lieberman

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 04:00 AM PDT

The Israeli Foreign Minister, Avigdor Lieberman, is the person who expresses most truthfully the feelings of most Israelis, or those of the government coalition parties in Tel Aviv. The man makes statements and demands that sound outrageous on first hearing, but soon turn into the policies and positions adopted by Israeli governments.

Many disregarded Lieberman's demands for Arab recognition of Israel as the state of the Jews, and denounced his calls for the expulsion of all non-Jewish citizens. Such calls were, though, made frequently by the leader of the supposedly moderate Kadima Party, Tzipi Livni; were adopted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; and, later, persuaded US President Barack Obama and his Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of their validity.

Israeli Demolitions in East Jerusalem, Tubas District

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:48 AM PDT

Yesterday morning (21 September) Israeli forces, composed of a large team of bulldozers, border police and personnel from the Israeli Nature and Parks Authority, demolished several Palestinian-owned structures in the Khalet Al-'Ein area of At Tur in East Jerusalem.

Google Reports Israeli Infringement of Privacy

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:02 AM PDT

On 25-26 October, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) will hold a conference in Jerusalem on "The evolving role of the individual in privacy protection: 30 years after the OECD Privacy Guidelines." The conference will be held in Jerusalem, following Israel's acceptance to the organization in May this year.

Senate bill 3767 seeks to put dietary supplement makers in prison for ten years (for telling the truth)

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:00 AM PDT

Beware of Senate bill 3767, the so-called Food Safety Accountability Act. This dangerous legislation, if passed, would criminalize nutritional supplement manufacturers who tell the truth about their products or link to published scientific studies describing the biological benefits of their products. Based on language in the bill, health proponents who sell supplements could be criminalized and convicted to ten years in prison.


Avandia diabetes drug placed under severe FDA restrictions in US as European regulators ban it outright

Posted: 23 Sep 2010 12:00 AM PDT

The diabetes drug Avandia, shown to raise heart attack risk by 40 percent in a paper published in the New England Journal of Medicine, was banned today across many European countries in a coordinated global announcement. The FDA didn't quite ban the drug but placed it under severe restrictions that will all but guarantee the drug's sales in the United States drop to almost zero.


Remarks by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the 65th UN General Assembly

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 11:59 PM PDT

I am grateful to the Almighty God who granted me the opportunity to appear before this world assembly once again. I wish to begin by commemorating those who lost their lives in the horrible flood in Pakistan and express my heartfelt sympathy with the families who lost their loved ones as well as with the people and the government of Pakistan. I urge everyone to assist their fellow men and women as a humane duty.

Let me thank H.E. Mr. Ali Abdussalam Treki, the President of the he sixtyfourth session of the United Nations General Assembly, for all his efforts during his tenure. I also would like to congratulate H.E. Mr. Joseph Deiss, the President of the sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly and wish him all success.

Palestinian-Israeli Peace Must be Founded on Human Rights, Justice

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 11:53 PM PDT

As I keep hearing the mantra of a "new" opening for peace in the Middle East, I am reminded of the statement issued by Amnesty International in March 2001, stating that "a major flaw of the process that began with the Oslo Agreement of 1993 was that peace was not founded on ensuring respect and protection for human rights. If human rights are sacrificed in the search for peace and security there will be no peace and no security".

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Mark Dankof on US Bishop Scandal

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 07:29 PM PDT

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Mark Dankof on US Bishop Scandal

Iran's 'Sakineh Affair'

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 05:11 PM PDT

Remember the French essayist Bernard-Henri Levi (born 1948), the Algerian-French Jew 'Islamophobe', who early this year defended his fellow Jew rapist Roman Polansky on the bais that Roman being a 'holocaust survivor' – has already paid for his future crimes. Levi's other credentials include support of creation of Bangladesh out of Pakistan, war on Iraq for Israel, banning Tariq Ramadan from entering the US for criticizing Israeli policies and the 'Jews for Darfur'.

Bernard-Henri's latest crusade for his own creation of Sakineh – an Iranian woman being sentenced to 'stoning' for adultery (a serious crime punishable with death in Bernard-Henri's own Jewish religion). He posted an article in the Israeli hasbara mouthpiece, Huffington Post, on September 13, 2010 under the title "Yes We Can (Save Sakineh)" – reasoning that why like in the case of Polansky, he supports Sakineh's right to use her body whichever way she wants. The same logic behind the Tel Aviv city being home to 280 Jewish brothels.

Iraq Surge in Neo-Con Imagination: The Myth That Kills

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 02:20 PM PDT

If you're like me, you can barely make it through a David Brooks column. Should you arrive at the bitter end, your face is screwed up--like you were sucking lemons or whiffing a fetid odor--in a painful mix of disbelief, consternation, and sadness at the waste of prime op-ed real estate. Most days you quickly move on to whatever's next, and your face slowly relaxes to normal.

Press TV's Marzieh Hashemi discusses Bahrain Crackdown on Shiites with Nabeel Rajab

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 08:56 AM PDT

Press TV's Marzieh Hashemi discusses Bahrain Crackdown on Shiites with Nabeel Rajab, President of Bahrain Center for Human Rights.

Riz Khan - Richard Holbrooke

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 06:14 AM PDT

The US' war in Afghanistan has entered its ninth year, making it the longest in US history. Now, as the US triples its ground forces, we ask Richard Holbrooke, the special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan: What does the US hope to achieve and how long will it stay?

CNN Declares the Constitution Racist

Posted: 22 Sep 2010 05:35 AM PDT

In a discussion about Texas governor Rick Perry, CNN's Rick Sanchez told Wayne Slater of the Dallas Morning News that "people of color" consider the Constitution — in particular the Tenth amendment — racist. Sanchez made his comment at 1:45 in the following video.

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