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EU Leaders To Forge Closer Links With NATO At Summit

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:54 pm (PDT)

Irish Times
September 12, 2010

EU leaders to urge closer links with Nato at summit
ARTHUR BEESLEY, European Correspondent in Brussels

-The draft conclusions, seen by The Irish Times, present closer relations with Nato as a way of exploiting Europe's bonds with Washington more fully. They say the EU-US partnership should concentrate on economic links as well as "working more closely on major international issues".
They also say the EU and US should confront global challenges in a concerted manner. "In this connection, the high representative is invited to develop ideas on how EU-Nato co-operation in crisis management could be further strengthened."

European Leaders are taking steps to develop deeper ties between the EU and Nato as the union seeks to boost its influence in global affairs.

At a summit next Thursday, the leaders of the 27 member states will ask EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton to explore ways of strengthening the union's links with the military alliance.

The move is politically sensitive for Taoiseach Brian Cowen, given Ireland's policy of neutrality and claims by opponents of the Lisbon Treaty that the Lisbon reforms would deepen "militarisation" in the EU.

It comes as the US and Nato push to intensify Europe's security co-operation with the alliance and as the EU tries to give new momentum to its external relations.

The summit was specifically convened to discuss the EU's strategic relations, although the leaders will also debate the economic crisis.

They are expected to hand down a six-week deadline to European Council president Herman Van Rompuy to resolve significant differences between member states on new measures to fortify the union's system of economic governance.

Baroness Ashton was appointed under Lisbon Treaty rules to the post of EU high representative for foreign and security policy as part of a drive to promote the EU's interests and values more assertively globally.

She will make her first appointments this week to the nascent EU diplomatic service, with a small number of Irish diplomats in contention to lead EU missions outside the union. Member states have lobbied intensively in the selection process.

Draft conclusions from the summit, signed off late last week by European diplomats, indicate Baroness Ashton will be asked to review Europe's relations with global powers such as the US.

It is nearly always the case that conclusions of such summits are agreed in advance by the ambassadors to the EU of its member states.

The draft conclusions, seen by The Irish Times, present closer relations with Nato as a way of exploiting Europe's bonds with Washington more fully. They say the EU-US partnership should concentrate on economic links as well as "working more closely on major international issues".

They also say the EU and US should confront global challenges in a concerted manner. "In this connection, the high representative is invited to develop ideas on how EU-Nato co-operation in crisis management could be further strengthened."

The request comes amid debate within the EU on its military role and separate discussions on a new strategic policy for Nato, whose military campaign in Afghanistan will soon enter its 10th year.

For example, Dublin recently called for debate on deeper EU military co-operation with the UN, including by directly supporting the planning and operational cycles of missions.

In a speech last Friday in Madrid, Nato secretary general Anders Fogh Rasmussen called for increased "mutual support" between the EU and the alliance as part of a comprehensive approach to security.

He spoke of "talking together, planning together and acting together" whenever that made sense.

"The days when Nato and the European Union eyed each other a bit warily are behind us," he said.

"Nato has its strengths. So do the EU and the UN, and for that matter non-governmental organisations as well. We need to do our utmost to ensure that those strengths are mutually reinforcing."

Such remarks echo a push for closer EU-Nato co-operation from Washington, where diplomats believe the Lisbon Treaty provides a platform for deeper ties. In Paris last January, secretary of state Hillary Clinton said the complexity of today's world was such that the development of common policies would serve both Nato and the EU.

"They are no longer separated. It's hard to say that security is only about what it was when Nato was formed and the EU has no role to play in security issues," she told the French military academy.

Cyprus is also understood to have significant worries over closer EU- Nato ties, given unresolved questions over the refusal of Nato member Turkey to recognise its government.

Finland, which like Ireland is neutral, is also said to have concerns.

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NATO Eyes Interceptor Missile System In Europe

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:55 pm (PDT)

Press TV
September 12, 2010

NATO eyes missile system in Europe

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has proposed to develop a US-backed missile system around the Europe with Russia's cooperation.

Rasmussen said that it would be necessary to ensure Russia's cooperation in the 200-million-euro ($253 million) project, because "we would have a NATO system alongside a Russian system," the Telegraph reported.

The NATO chief named Iran's nuclear program as one the reasons that justify the necessity for a missile system, saying, "If Iran eventually acquires a nuclear capability that will be very dangerous, and a direct threat to the allies."

Russia, however, has been against the US plans to deploy a missile system in Europe.

We should first determine "who, how and when can get hold of missile technologies capable of posing a threat to both Russia and NATO member states," Russia's Ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin had said earlier this year.

Rasmussen's remarks against Iran come despite the fact that the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has repeatedly verified the non-diversion of Iran's nuclear program.

Iran — a member of the IAEA and a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty — has declared that it has no plan to develop a military nuclear program.

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Pakistan: U.S. Drone Strikes Kill 30 In Past Few Days

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:55 pm (PDT)

Trend News Agency
September 12, 2010

U.S. drone strike kills 6 in Pakistani tribal area

At least six suspected militants were killed in an early Sunday morning U.S. drone strike in northwest Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan bordering Afghanistan, local media reported citing official sources, Xinhua reported.

Two unmanned aircraft fired two missiles at a house allegedly used by militants in Newey Adda village in sub-district Datta Khel near Miranshah, the administrative center of North Waziristan.

The house was completely destroyed and six bodies were recovered from the debris, official sources said. However, the identity of the perished militants could not be known.

Some 24 people were killed in four most recent drone strikes last week in North Waziristan....

More than 1,000 people have so far been killed in U.S. drone strikes in northwest Pakistani tribal areas since August 2008, raising serious concerns over destruction of civilian properties and an alarming civilian death ratio. International watchdogs including Amnesty International have estimated that approximately 25 civilians were killed for each militant slain in controversial U.S. drone strikes in mountainous Pakistani tribal areas.

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Indian Strategic Command To Get 40 New Nuclear-Capable Fighters

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 4:55 pm (PDT)

Press Trust of India
September 12, 2010

Strategic Command to acquire 40 nuclear capable fighters

-Attempts are underway to complete the nuclear triad by developing the indigenous Arihant class nuclear submarine and under-sea launched versions of the existing ballistic missile systems.

New Delhi: With an aim of increasing its lethal power, India's tri-services strike force is planning to acquire 40 fighter planes capable of delivering nuclear weapons. The Strategic Forces Command (SFC) has submitted a proposal to the Defence Ministry for setting up two dedicated squadrons of fighter aircraft which will act as "mini-Air Force", ministry sources said.

This will be the first time that SFC, which at present depends on the Indian Air Force for delivering nuclear weapons under its command, will have its own aerial assets, they said.

The SFC does not want untested fighters but the ones which are battle proven and have capabilities to deliver nuclear-tipped missiles, the sources said.

The aircraft planned to be procured are part of efforts to strengthen the nuclear delivery system which right now is based on land-based ballistic missiles such as the Agni and Prithvi and nuclear-capable fighters such as the Mirage 2000, Su-30 MKI and Jaguars.

Created in January 2003, the SFC is part of the Nuclear Command Authority (NCA) and is responsible for the management and administration of the country's tactical and strategic nuclear weapons stockpile.

Attempts are underway to complete the nuclear triad by developing the indigenous Arihant class nuclear submarine and under-sea launched versions of the existing ballistic missile systems.

India's nuclear doctrine envisages building a credible minimum deterrent for maintaining a 'second strike capability' which will be massive and designed to induce unacceptable damage on the enemy.

The SFC is headed by a three-star officer from any of the three services and is responsible for implementing directives of the NCA. At present, the force is headed by Lieutenant General B S Nagal.

The force manages and administers all strategic forces by exercising complete command and control over nuclear assets, and producing all contingency plans as needed to fulfil the required tasks.

The operational missile groups of the Army are armed with the 150-250 km short-range Prithvi missiles and the others with the Agni missiles of ranges above 1,5000 km form the nucleus of SFC.

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Rasmussen: NATO To Stay In Afghanistan To "Finish The Job"

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:05 pm (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
September 12, 2010

NATO chief says forces to stay in Afghanistan to finish job

MADRID: NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen vowed to keep the alliance's troops in Afghanistan for the time needed to finish its mission, in an interview with a Spanish newspaper published Sunday.

"Defeat is not an option, we will win. The Taliban will never win, nor will they return to power. Never will we allow Al-Qaeda to have refuge Afghanistan," the newspaper ABC quoted Rasmussen as saying in its Spanish translation.
Rasmussen also stressed that Western forces would not withdraw from Afghanistan in 2011, but undertake a gradual process of transferring responsibility for maintaining security to the Afghans as conditions allow.

On his first official visit to Spain since taking over as head of NATO, he was to use the occasion to ask coalition members, especially Spain which has committed around 1,500 troops, to send more forces to help training tasks.
The US and NATO have deployed 150,000 troops to Afghanistan to combat a violent insurgency which begun just after the 2001 fall of the Taliban regime.

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Integrated Air-Missile Defense: Over 150 Aircraft In Guam War Games

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 12, 2010 5:52 pm (PDT)

U.S. Air Force
American Forces Press Service
September 10, 2010

Valiant Shield exercise begins at Joint Region Marianas

-"It is a rare opportunity to bring together platforms that normally do not regularly exercise together, such as B-52 (Stratofortress) bombers and carrier strike groups, to ensure an integrated American air, sea, land, space and cyberspace force capable of an overwhelming and decisive response in any future contingency."

ANDERSEN AIR FORCE BASE, Guam: Air Force bombers, fighters, tankers and support aircraft from the Pacific theater are arriving and making preparations for Valiant Shield 2010.

The U.S. Pacific Command exercise, which runs Sept. 12 through 21, and will be conducted near Guam.

"Valiant Shield 2010 exercises the military's ability to rapidly bring together joint forces in response to any regional contingency," said Brig. Gen. John Doucette, the 36th Wing commander.

"It is a rare opportunity to bring together platforms that normally do not regularly exercise together, such as B-52 (Stratofortress) bombers and carrier strike groups, to ensure an integrated American air, sea, land, space and cyberspace force capable of an overwhelming and decisive response in any future contingency," General Doucette said.

More than 150 aircraft will participate in Valiant Shield, including B-52 Stratofortresses, F-15 Eagles, F-15E Strike Eagles, E-3 Sentry airborne warning and control aircraft, KC-10 Extenders, KC-135 Stratotankers, P-3 Orions and F/A-18 Delta Hornets. More than 100 of the aircraft will fly from Andersen AFB to conduct sorties in various exercise scenarios.

"During the past year, we have been studying integrated air and missile defense, and air battle command and control concepts," said Col. Alan Kollien, the 613th Air and Space Operations Center vice commander. "During this exercise, we will validate those joint counter-air and counter-sea concepts against a variety of air and maritime targets.

"The Airmen, Sailors, Marines and Soldiers involved in Valiant Shield are excited about our emerging capabilities and are dedicated to succeed," Colonel Kollien said.

A Navy carrier strike group and amphibious ready group will join a forward-deployed Air Force air expeditionary wing and Marine Corps units for exercise Valiant Shield 2010.
"With the vast distances of the Pacific Ocean, integrated air and seapower is essential for immediate response to any contingency," the general said. "Training together during exercises such as Valiant Shield refines PACOM's ability to present a seamless joint force to supported and supporting commanders."

(Courtesy of 36th Wing Public Affairs)

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