Sunday, October 31, 2010

CTFxC Does Washington DC On Halloween

Well, we got an explanation from Charles about why there was no CTFxC meetup like they had hoped at the Jon Stewart-Stephen Colbert Rally Charles, Alli & Melissa were attending in Washington DC - there was a massive Internet blackout. No cell phones, no texting, no Internet - BIG fail on the part of the InterWebs, so although Charles Trippy had planned on telling everyone where he and the girls were, they couldn't, but it still looks like it was an awesome time.

Loved all the signs and costumes they spotted in the crowd. And one dude found them and gave his YouTube channel - arandomkindofthing (go give Shane a shout out from CTFxC!). Of course there was also that total DB who interrupted them to make a snide comment about liberals and their skin. Alli TOTALLY called it right with that guy. And did you see the guy wearing the Rorschach mask? I half expected him to say "Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon." lol.

Still the shots after dark were pretty cool too, with the Lincoln Memorial all lit up and Charles got a good quote from Lincoln: "Hey Charles! CTFxC FTW!" But they did meet up with a couple of youtubers, jeremyi and kxkevin12 - so give them a shout on their channels too. It was also interesting to see the spot where Martin Luther King Jr delivered his "I Have A Dream" speech. That's one thing about DC - massive history all over the place.

What do you think about their latest outro for their channel? I think it sounded awesome. It was done by Terabrite, so there's a link if you want to check out their channel.

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