Sunday, October 24, 2010

Revolutionary Flood Relief and Protest Campaign in Sindh

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 9 September 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Hanif Misrani

Pakistan: Revolutionary Flood Relief and Protest Campaign in SindhFloods continue to devastate Pakistan and yet help to the victims is painfully slow. The government and the rich of Pakistan are more concerned about protecting property than helping the millions affected. In this dramatic situation the comrades of the PTUDC continue to do all they can with the meagre resources available. Here we have a report on their activities in Sindh.

By Farshad Azadian, Arash Azizi, members of Toronto Young New Democrats

Canada: Toronto youth raise $1400 for PTUDC flood relief effortsToronto Young New Democrats, together with other local community groups, recently held an event in support of the efforts of the PTUDC in providing relief for the flood victims in Pakistan in a true spirit of international solidarity.

By In Defence of Marxism

We provide here a link to an article by Lal Khan on the flood that was published in the Daily Times of Pakistan. Read the article in the Daily Times and the longer version previously published on this site.

By Séamus Loughlin

Symptoms are the physical signs of an underlying problem. At the moment the Irish economy has a series of symptoms which would send the average doctor fleeing to the hills. But according to the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, everything is stable and the economy is fine thank you very much. Of course Mr Lenihan's analysis was designed for the press and to settle the nerves of the international speculators.

By Greg Oxley, La Riposte

France: Massive protests against pension The overwhelming majority of French people are against the so-called pension reform of the Sarkozy government. This was made abundantly clear in yesterday's mass demonstrations. But what can be done to transform this opposition into an all-out movement to stop the government?

By Alan Woods

El 26 de septiembre el pueblo de Venezuela elegirá una nueva Asamblea Nacional. La oligarquía reaccionaria, apoyada por el imperialismo, se aprovecha de las carencias de la revolución para fortalecer su posición y prepararse para la contrarrevolución. La revolución venezolana ha recorrido un largo camino, pero las palancas claves de la economía aún están en manos de la oligarquía. Lo que hace falta es llevar a cabo plenamente la revolución socialista y expropiar a los capitalistas y terratenientes. Esa es la única manera de hacer irreversible la revolución.

By موقع الدفاع عن الماركسية

شكل مؤتمر 2010 العالمي للتيار الماركسي الأممي، الذي انعقد في البلدة الساحلية التابعة لتوسكانيا، مارينا دي ماسا، في إيطاليا، ما بين 01 و08 غشت، خطوة عظيمة إلى الأمام بالنسبة للأممية.

By Dr. Ahmad Arsalan

Pakistan steht vor einer großen Katastrophe durch die jüngsten Überschwemmungen. Millionen von Menschen haben alles verloren. Die gesamte staatliche Infrastruktur ist zusammengebrochen. Diese Flut hat die Farce der kapitalistischen Entwicklung aufgezeigt. Die herrschenden Klasse Pakistans ist dafür verantwortlich. Sie haben das Leben von Millionen Menschen durch ihre Korruption, Misswirtschaft und Unfähigkeit fahrlässig zerstört.

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