Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Envy, Guilt, and Self-Destruction

Rebel Newsflash: Envy, Guilt, and Self-Destruction (plus 25 more items)

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Envy, Guilt, and Self-Destruction

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:47 AM PDT

"White Guilt" is a term which, strictly speaking, has no meaning. No group can be guilty of anything, only individuals. You might as well speak of Black guilt, Asian guilt, French, Burmese or Klingon guilt.

This "guilt" is claimed to exist because of what "Whites," lumped together into a non-existent uber-group, have supposedly systematically done to "non-Whites" as groups, i.e., oppression, exploitation, slavery, murder. (As an aside, I'll point out the original Welsh version of my last name meant "slave" to the English, who captured the Welsh and sold them as slaves. Should all English, even today, suffer group guilt because of this? Do they owe me and all my Welsh/Scots-Irish/Scottish/Irish relatives reparations? Tearful apologies, at the very least?)

Mainstreaming war with Iran

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:09 AM PDT

If you are worried that the United States might be foolish enough to attack Iran, then you might take comfort from Jeffrey Goldberg's lengthy and alarmist Atlantic article on the subject. Based on a flock of mostly anonymous interviews, Goldberg has concluded that odds are better than 50-50 that Israel will attack Iran sometime next spring. Given his track record as a Middle East analyst — particularly when it comes to the wisdom of using force — you might be justified in viewing that prediction as a sign that war was in fact quite unlikely .

Israeli Terrorism Against America

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 06:24 AM PDT

Nothing can show the Zionist control over American media and politics more than the fact that Israel has committed cold-blooded, murderous terrorism and treachery against America without any reprisal. The fact that most Americans are not even aware of Israeli terrorist attacks against us speaks volumes as to the extent of media control that we are under. This video exposes the only nation in Israel- Arab conflict that has committed terrorism against us. That nation is Israel. In the Lavon Affair terrorist attacks Israel was caught red-handed. In the attack on the USS Liberty was proven to be deliberate terrorism against us by people no less than the US Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer. In the repeated spying against America by Israel, we see no "friend" but an enemy of everyone but their own Zionist agenda. It is illustrated by the Pollard Spy Case which is considered the most damaging spying done to America in our nation's history. Yet, still our government sends billions of our tax dollars to Israel.

Jews Allways Get The Top Rolls

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:33 AM PDT

Jews Allways Get The Top Rolls

Books Are Not Sacred

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:23 AM PDT

Stupid might be a good way to describe the Reverend Jones' exercise of his right.

(GOLD RIVER B.C.) - Well, Terry Jones backed off on the Koran burning. So what? Why should any rational person care if someone burns a Koran, or a Bible, the Sears catalogue or a Donald Duck comic book? That would depend on the nature of the burning.

Why Tariq Aziz Should Be Release

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 03:39 AM PDT

The appearance on August 5 of an interview with former Iraqi diplomat Dr. Tariq Aziz in the Guardian was a minor bombshell, whose repercussions were to be felt worldwide. Like an underground explosion, the interview sent waves throughout international waters, rocking many boats and reaching far distant shores. It was not only what the former top Iraqi diplomat said — although his brief statements were of utmost relevance — but the mere fact that he was allowed to speak out in public, which sent eerie signals across international diplomatic circuits.


Jew Sarkozy oversees deportation of Roma

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:28 AM PDT

This is precisely the reason why Jews are such HYPOCRITES. They can deport other minority groups without a shred of conscience or decency, yet will be the first to declare discrimination if the boot was on the other foot.

Return to Shatila

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:19 AM PDT

Twenty eight years ago, a scene of unspeakable horror rocked the rubble strewn alleys of Sabra and Shatila refugee camps in Beirut as vengeance vied with naked lust in a massive display of human malice illuminated for the IDF (Israeli Defence Forces) overseers of this massacre with flares that provided "an unobstructed and panoramic view" for Israeli Defense Minister, Ariel Sharon and his Chief of Staff, Rafael Eitan, as they watched from the seven story Kuwaiti embassy providing logistical support for their Phalangist allies as they "massacred for 36 to 48 hours" the hapless Palestinians imprisoned in the camps.

Richard Cohen - Israel liability for US

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 01:29 AM PDT

Critics of  the US  "special relationship" with Israel hold that it is detrimental to American interests in the Middle East.  Its supporters, however, normally claim the opposite—that Israel is actually an American  strategic asset.  (The Chomskyites are the odd men out since even though they are critical of American and Israeli policies, they maintain that US support for Israel is beneficial for the imperialistic interests of the (predominantly gentile) US ruling class, though harmful to the American masses.)

The Black Heart Over Palestine

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 01:29 AM PDT

Were not the demonically inspired imageries provided to Theodore Herzl the Modern Father of Zionism, when these entities delivered to him his conceptualization of the Jewish State, minutely detailed. Had the centuries not groomed the evil inventions founded in the 24 Protocols of the Elders of Zion to perfection and these were believed presented to the First Zionist Convention in 1897. Had not the Jewish Talmud proclaimed and attested to the Jews innate superiority and subsequently deceiving them sufficiently to announce that they were god's who would rule the world. Thus, providing the spiritual inspiration behind efforts to rule and dominate the planet earth. There would be no intelligent way to apply reason and frame an understanding for the political madness, economic crisis and starvation gripping Gentile nations.

Start again with a clean sheet, Palestinians

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 11:29 PM PDT

So criminal within itself, it flinches from upholding the rule of international law. So corrupt, it happily outsources its foreign policy to terrorists in Tel Aviv. The idea that America acts as an honest broker for peace between its fellow cut-throat Israel and their victim, Palestine, on whose neck the Zionist jackboot is firmly planted, is a joke that is only funny in the hysterical sense.

The idea that any country, let alone America, would promote talks where one party is expected to make concessions to another which is bent on land-theft and whose government can only survive if it continues to defy international law, is madness. But Barack Obama is up for it.

Why did Palestinian leaders allow themselves to be sucked into this instead of going over America's head to the UN and campaigning intelligently for implementation of the rulings the world community had already made?

Voices Against Poverty

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 10:19 PM PDT

From 17 to 19 September, people across the globe will turn up the volume on their call for Heads of State gathering at the United Nations on 20-22 September to demonstrate leadership in order to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) .The United Nation information service in Vienna (UNISV) released that citizens will gather at events across continents to amplify their support for the eight MDGs, a set of targets to eradicate extreme poverty and its root causes by 2015 that marks its tenth anniversary this week. They will be singing, chanting, blowing whistles, playing drums, blowing vuvuzelas, banging pots and pans and setting off alarm clocks. The sounds of these noises emanating from villages, towns and cities around the world as part of the three day mobilization "Stand Up, Take Action, Make Noise for the MDGs" will make citizens' commitments to track and support their countries' achievement of the Goals visible, vocal and impossible to ignore.

Made in Israël? Geert Wilders accused of working for Mossad

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 09:53 PM PDT

THE HAGUE A declaration published just before the recent Dutch elections suggests that Geert Wilders was trained by the Mossad to serve Israëli interests in the Netherlands. The declaration is signed by a Mrs. M.B. Kwint-de Roos, a former employee of the VVD, the party where Wilders started his career. The declaration was picked up by Misdaadjournalist, who writes to have understood that the declaration was sent to all major Dutch newspapers before the recent elections. No attention has been given to it however by the Dutch media and its authenticity has not been verified.

The declaration, written on june 2nd 2010, states that Geert Wilders and Mrs. Kwint sat at the same table at a party in 1991. After becoming drunk, Wilders told Mrs Kwint that his career was plotted out by the Mossad. The secret service gave him a tough training in which he was even tortured. The divorce and second marriage of Geert Wilders were arranged by the Mossad, Wilders is reported to have said. After Mrs. Kwint told Wilders that her husband had relations to Dutch intelligence, Wilders is said to have uttered words of intimidation to the thought that she would make any mention of their conversation. The declaration can be downloaded here.

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Israeli discrimination drives kids from school

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 09:44 PM PDT

A thin Palestinian boy, no older than ten, darts between the piles of garbage and the congested lines of traffic which converge at the Qalandiya checkpoint between Ramallah and Jerusalem.

He pleads with bus drivers to allow him on their buses so he can sell chewing gum at a pittance. When nobody buys any gum and the boy is ordered off the bus, he leaves on the verge of tears. Risking life and limb he then moves from car to car begging the frustrated drivers to purchase some of his goods.

Israel Prevents Journalist Mission From Entering Gaza

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 05:50 PM PDT

In clear defiance of international press organizations, journalists and media, and the right to freedom of movement, and while the Israeli propaganda and the censored media continue misleading the international public opinion, especially the Europeans officials, by claiming that Israel removed it's restriction on freedom of movement and access to the Gaza Strip, the occupation authorities prohibited a high level journalist mission headed by Mr. Jim Baumila, the President of the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) and IFJ Executive members accompanying him, Franco Siddi, General Secretary of the Italian Federazione Nazionale della Prensa Italiana, Eva Stabell, Norwegian Norsk Journalistlag, Androula Georgiadou, European Federation of Journalists Steering Committee member, a representative of the Union of Cyprus Journalists and Monir Zaarour, co-coordinator of IFJ Middle East and Arab World, from entering the Gaza Strip and meeting with the Palestinian Journalists and discussing their safety and the action needed to improve their freedom of movement under the strict closure imposed on Gaza since 2006.

In Israel, a criminal conviction doesn't mean an end to political favors

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 05:18 PM PDT

Dagan, Hanegbi - Michal Fattal - Sept. 17, 2010

The following scene is completely imaginary: Mossad chief Meir Dagan appears before the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee to report on the Dubai assassination, which was attributed to Israel. He offers his explanation, the meeting ends, and Chairman Tzachi Hanegbi turns to him. "Meir, can you stay for a moment? I have to ask you something."

"What can I do for you, Tzachi?" Dagan asks.

Taking stock

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 05:18 PM PDT

The prayer "For the sin we sinned before you" recited on Yom Kippur includes a confession in the sphere of social and public morals - between two people and also between a public figure and the public. The range of sins it covers goes from sins that stem from malice and deception, falsehood and untruths, to those that stem from wielding power and arrogance.

In the past year, the trial began of the former prime minister, Ehud Olmert. Olmert was accused of a series of serious crimes in the public sphere. This is the first time that so severe an indictment has been submitted in Israel against someone who has served in such senior positions. Alongside the indictment, the concluding document in the police investigation of the Holyland affair points to "independent evidence" and documents that testify to what appears to be an extensive network of corruption, perhaps unprecedented in its gravity and deployment.

Waiting for justice

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 12:06 PM PDT

"Amelia," a Filipina domestic worker who sought shelter at her embassy in Beirut earlier this year, had one wish: "I just want to get my money [unpaid wages] and to go back to the Philippines." Her employer had savagely beaten her with a stick - as photos taken by the forensic doctor clearly showed - and allegedly owed her $3,800 in unpaid wages. But while Amelia's wishes were clear, her circumstances were complicated - a situation she shared with many other migrant domestic workers in Lebanon and elsewhere in the Middle East.

Under Lebanon's kafeel (sponsorship) system, she lost her legal residency as soon as she left her abusive employer. She was consequently confined to her embassy - which was already overcrowded with other domestic workers who had fled similar situations. It would probably take at least two years for her to seek her back wages in court. And she faced an additional hurdle: Her employer held her identity papers and had filed a theft claim against her - a claim she vehemently denied and which her embassy appointed lawyer believed her employers filed to pressure her into dropping her claims.

Negotiations While Ethnic Cleansing Continues

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 10:16 AM PDT

Seven million of the 11 million Palestinians are refugees or displaced people. Israeli war criminals and US officials complicit in ethnic cleansing meet in fancy hotels to claim they are "negotiating" for peace (while in the meantime giving green light to further ethnic cleansing and destruction of Palestinian lives to strengthen the apartheid system. Colonial apartheid soldiers seal shops in Hebron to add to hundreds of shops closed because illegal settlers took over nearby buildings. Video and story by Israeli human Rights group B'Tselem.

General Patton Discovered the Truth

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 07:14 AM PDT

George Patton was a highly decorated war hero from WWII who led the Third Army to victory in many campaigns.  After the war, General Patton was tasked with control of the larger portion of American occupied Germany, and his job was to dole out justice to the newly defeated enemy.  It was the summer of 1945, and after the end of the fighting, General Patton started to get a grip on what had really transpired around him.

As General Patton started to actually become acquainted with the defeated Germans and America's Soviet allies, Patton finally realized what he was in the midst of, and his opinions about the war, and both our enemies and allies changed drastically.  What Patton realized was recorded in his diary, and in letters to everyone from his family and friends, to other military and government personnel.

The Bizarre Background of the '9/11' New York Mosque

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 05:43 AM PDT

For days the headline in US and even world news has been whether or not a fanatic Christian preacher from a tiny Florida church will or will not burn the Moslem Koran in protest to the announced plans to build a mosque 400 meters from the site of the World Trade Twin Towers. Conveniently, the drama was focused on the 9th anniversary of the collapse of three (not two as widely believed) towers on September 11, 2001. Now details about the real estate group that is allegedly ready to invest $100 million in the mosque construction suggest that the entire drama is being deliberately orchestrated. The question is by whom to what ends?

The Jewish identity of the State of Israel

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 02:30 AM PDT

Does anyone else wonder why Benjamin Netanyahu is already insisting that a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians must include recognition by the latter that the state of Israel is a homeland for the Jewish people? By insisting on no ambiguity whatsoever, the Israeli prime minister has thrown down a challenge to the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, who has said that the leaders of Israel can define their state as they like, it's nothing to do with him.

US drones prowl Mexico bicentennial

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 01:42 AM PDT

As Mexicans celebrate the 200th anniversary of their independence from Spain, evoking a history of resistance against colonialism, a disturbing development unfolds on the country's northern border: a fleet of US Predator B drones has been deployed on constant patrol.

Fireworks will blast and flags will soar south of the Rio Grande in the most expensive festivities Mexico has ever seen, however the bicentennial may be over-shadowed by growing tensions with the country's biggest trading partner and fiercest historical adversary.

EU Mideast role: go big or go home

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 07:50 PM PDT

The European Union (EU) was not present at the initial round of direct talks between the Israelis and Palestinian Authority (PA) in Washington and was again excluded from the current gathering at Sharm el Sheikh. This is not the first time that EU involvement in the peace process has been stalled, a situation that is untenable for one major power broker within the bloc, the French.

Bernard Kouchner, the French foreign minister, lamented that it was "a shame" that the EU was locked out. He also sent a letter to the EU headquarters in Brussels complaining that the EU, as the largest aid donor to the PA and a member of the Quartet, the international body dealing with the peace process, should be playing an active and participatory role in the process. Exclusion from the two high level diplomatic engagements is wholly contrary to this end.

'Iraqis should be paid trillions by US as compensation for invasion'

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 04:54 PM PDT

Well the violence in Iraq is not abating after the departure of US combat troops. 9 Iraqi soldiers have just been killed by a roadside bomb in the latest attack. Talking about the reparations, Abdel Bari Atwan, editor-in-chief of the Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, says it's the Iraqis who should be getting compensation from the US, not the other way round.

911, Power Elite, and Al-Qaeda

Posted: 15 Sep 2010 12:45 PM PDT

The terrorist attack of 911 had been used to launch WWIII called "Global war on terror". The American administration had enlisted world political bodies such as UN, EU, and NATO to wage wars in different kinds of shapes and intensity against other countries; Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Syria and Iran.

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