By Alan Woods The discussions on World Perspectives are the foundations from which everything else flows in terms of the perspectives and work in each country, our priorities, tasks, etc. The instability on a world scale has only deepened since the World Perspectives document was drafted, in the autumn of 2009. But the main lines of the perspectives have been entirely confirmed by the march of events. The following is a summary of the main points in the lead-off given by Alan Woods at the 2010 World Congress on the basis of notes taken by delegates. | By Jorge Martín The strike by 1.3 million public sector workers in South Africa has entered its third week after angry union members rejected the latest offer from the government. | By Abrar Farhat in Islamabad Workers of Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited have launched a strike for one month. The main demand was implementation of the 50% salary increment announced by the government of Pakistan. After holding public meetings and rallies across the country the workers of PTCL from all over Pakistan assembled in Islamabad on 31st August at PTCL headquarters. Since then they have continued a protest sit-in at the company headquarters. | By Alan Woods The discussions on World Perspectives are the foundations from which everything else flows in terms of the perspectives and work in each country, our priorities, tasks, etc. The instability on a world scale has only deepened since the World Perspectives document was drafted, in the autumn of 2009. But the main lines of the perspectives have been entirely confirmed by the march of events. This is a recording of the lead-off given by Alan Woods at the 2010 World Congress. | | | ESPAÑOL | By David Rodrigo García Colin A 70 años de que el asesino Ramón Mercader, gánster stalinista, asestara el golpe que acabaría con la vida de León Trotsky es pertinente hacer una breve revisión de dos episodios que han sido desvergonzadamente utilizados por "historiadores" burgueses (como Robert Serrvice) para arrojar lodo y tierra sobre los dirigentes de octubre Lenin y Trotsky e identificarlos con el brutal régimen de Stalin; la memoria de Octubre tiene que ser enterrada bajo una "montaña de perros muertos" pues el peligro de su ejemplo sigue quitando el sueño a la clase dominante y sus plumíferos a sueldo. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By Stamatis Karagiannopoulos La dette publique grecque reflète l'impasse du capitalisme, dans ce pays. Elle s'élève désormais à 125 % du PIB, soit 310 milliards d'euros. Le FMI estime qu'en 2012, elle s'élèvera à 149 % du PIB, puis à 167 % en 2014. | By La Riposte Voici le texte du tract que nous diffuserons sur les manifestations contre le racisme d'Etat, le 4 septembre. | | |
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