Saturday, October 30, 2010

Capitalisms Insoluble Crisis

In  Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 24 September 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Rob Sewell

Recently the world's central bankers gathered in Jackson Hole, Wyoming for their annual meeting. Having experienced the biggest banking crisis in history, there was a sense of relief at having avoided a complete collapse. The talk now was of the dust settling. Ben Bernanke, chairman of the US Federal Reserve, despite saying a month earlier that the outlook was "unusually uncertain", said he was now "confident". But such confidence is very much misplaced. With the world economy facing at best a painful recovery, and slow anaemic growth, the world's bankers are deeply troubled as to what steps to take next.

By Reza Zadeh

On countless occasions since June 2009, we have seen the potential power of the Iranian people, with numerous protests that have brought hundreds of thousands onto the streets of Tehran and other cities across the country. The pinnacle of the movement so far was the two-day long protest during Ashura in late December 2009, when millions directly challenged the power of the state, occupying police stations and taking control of central areas of the capital. At this point it looked like the Iranian regime was on the verge of collapse.

By Ted Grant in 1965

A socialist policy for LabourThe first year of the Wilson Labour government was one of timid attempts to fulfil the electoral promises of reforms which, however were being wrecked by the sharp reaction of the capitalists. Wilson would soon abandon any further attempt to carry out reforms, buckling under the pressure of the capitalists, paving the way for the disastrous defeat of Labour in 1970. Ted Grant in this pamphlet destroyed the phoney justifications of the Labour leaders for their cowardly policies and reaffirmed the need for socialist policies. The content of this pamphlet is as relevant, if not more relevant, today than when it was first written.

By Alan Woods

Estamos viviendo en la primera década del siglo 21, en un periodo en que la marcha de la tecnología y la ciencia han conseguido milagros. Podemos poner un hombre en la Luna y enviar satélites para explorar los confines del sistema solar y más allá. Y, sin embargo en el año 2010, millones de hombres y mujeres se ven reducidos al nivel más primitivo, cercano a la barbarie. Ese era el caso en Pakistán, incluso antes de las inundaciones. Ahora, millones de personas pobres se aferran a la vida, y su alcance se debilita por momentos.

By Lal Khan

Urdu translation of Is misery Afghanistan's destiny? (September 23, 2010)

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