Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My new life in a fractured land

Rebel Newsflash: My new life in a fractured land (plus 20 more items)

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My new life in a fractured land

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 08:17 AM PDT

I was still eating my small square of black forest gateaux as we made our final approach to Kabul International airport. It seemed so normal. The planeload of square jaws, gold braid and weary looking Afghans did not bat an eyelid as they did their seatbelts back up for landing. It could have been a runway in Athens or Istanbul if it was not for the extensive military hardware parked along the tarmac. But not much is ordinary about this place.

I had been given plenty of advice before moving to my new home but one suggestion was mentioned repeatedly: Do not hail a taxi off the street - you will be taken straight to the Taliban. An hour after clearing immigration we were bumping along the back streets of Kabul in a cab from the rank. The rules go out of the window when your driver has got stuck in gridlocked traffic on the way to meet you. The traffic police, the human traffic lights here, had gone on strike after one of them was beaten up by a warlord. He reportedly did not like being kept waiting by the man in uniform.

UANI: United Against the Nation of Iran

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 08:07 AM PDT

Those who regularly follow the developments of Iran might have come across to the website of "United Against Nuclear Iran", a "non-partisan, non-profit advocacy organization" that seeks to "prevent Iran from fulfilling its ambition to become a regional super-power possessing nuclear weapons"

UANI has compiled an elaborate list of the foreign companies and firms which do business with Iran and calls on its readers and visitors to send condemnatory letters and complaints to these companies so as to persuade them to withdraw their capitals and resources from Iran and stop doing business with a country which the United States and its European allies consider to be an emerging nuclear threat in the Middle East.

Africa: The first 50 years

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 07:23 AM PDT

Fifty years ago 17 African states celebrated their independence from Britain, France and Belgium. There were high hopes that resource-rich Africa would flourish. A cartoon at that time depicted the map of Africa as a growing giant bursting out of his chains. In Nigeria the main newspaper, The Daily Times, had one word on its front page on October 1, 1960: "Freedom." That expressed the wave of optimism that had surged across Africa.

The Daily Times' editorial that day read: "Two great assets we have inherited from the British - parliamentary democracy and the rule of law. We shall firmly uphold these principles. And we shall do more. We shall jealously guard the sanctity of our constitution and our fundamental human rights."

Espionage – the 'innocent agents'

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 04:43 AM PDT

On July 30, 2010 – The Amnesty Intrnational had demanded that Iranian authorities must release the three American Jew hikers, detained over a year ago on allegation of spying for CIA/Mossad.

On July 31, 2009 – three American Jews were arrested for entering illegically into Iran from the US-Israel protected Iraq's northern Kurdish region. The three arrested were identified as Shane Bauer 28 (Sarah's boyfriend), Josh Fattal 28 and Sarah Shourd 31. According to the King 5 News (Seattle), the fourth member of the group, University of Washington PhD student Shon Meckfessel escaped arrest because he did not go for 'hiking' and stayed at the hotel. All four are Jewish and US citizen. All four are writers and their articles have appeared in 'The Jewish Week' and the 'New America Media'.

Ahmadinejad on NBC – Another Zionist gimmick

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 04:02 AM PDT

"The Americans who think that Jews do not control Holloywood and the media, are just dumb," Joel Stein wrote in L.A. Times, December 19, 2008.

Andrea Mitchell (wife of former Federal Reserve Chairman, Alan Greenspan, her second Jewish husband), TV journalist with NBC (owned by Zionist Jew Jeff Zucker) had an exclusive interview with Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (watch video below). The interview was nothing but to find another venue to stage character assassination of a Muslim leader who is despised by the Zionazi thugs and their western political poodle.

Washington blackmails Sudan for Israel

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 03:43 AM PDT

Ben Obama's special envoy to Sudan Gen. Scott Gration speaking at the US State Department on September 15, 2010 said: "Whether they secede (Darfur) or whether they still stay unified, the South still needs to have better governance, better security, better agriculture, better education, better delivery of public sector services, and so we're continuing to build those. And if it remains united or if it becomes independent, the international community, the United Nations, all of us have a large role and things that we can do to make sure that Sudan is either successful as a whole or as two countries hopefully at peace with each other".

Were 'Mini-Nukes' Used to Bring Down WTC?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 01:23 AM PDT

Could New York City's World Trade Center (WTC) have actually been nuked on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001? The possibility of such a scenario arose during this writer's Aug. 23 interview with aerospace and chemical engineer T. Mark Hightower. As a member and petition signer of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, Hightower has studied the works of military explosives experts, investigators from Finland, the UK and Russia, along with various physicists, both named and anonymous.

While not claiming to have all the definitive answers, Hightower also doesn't fall into the category of researchers who stake out unbending "either-or" claims and refuse to budge. Rather, he remains open-minded to new developments and their analysis.

Ed Steele's 'Intended Victims' Thwart Accuser's Release

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 01:23 AM PDT

Yet to be indicted by a grand jury, a shady character named Larry Fairfax had agreed in late August to a plea bargain with federal prosecutors in exchange for his courtroom testimony against patriot-activist attorney Edgar Steele in Idaho on Nov. 1. The federal ploy was thwarted, however, when both Steele's wife, Cyndi, and her mother filed separate affidavits with the court challenging the action with claims that their lives were still in danger because an unnamed accomplice still on the loose had not been arrested.

Radical Eco-Legislation Coming?

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 01:23 AM PDT

A NUMBER OF ENVIRONMENTAL bills that rely on questionable science to force new regulations on American businesses have already passed the House. Thankfully, they have been stalled in the Senate. But as the elections draw nearer, Democrats could resurrect them. No commonsense American wants to see the country's land and waterways polluted. That's why programs effective at cleaning up rivers, lakes, national parks and other natural resources appeal to conservatives, liberals and others.

Korean Cult Leader Wants to Buy Back Faltering Washington Times

Posted: 18 Sep 2010 01:23 AM PDT

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon, 90, whose ambition is to head a theocratic global government, is trying to buy back The Washington Times from his son and restore it to the complete  "conservative" paper he introduced in 1982. On Aug. 23, Moonie men tentatively agreed to a deal to buy back The Times, with 30 days to reach a final agreement. "Father" Moon would completely restore the trimmed-back paper.


Jewess Bethany Storro fakes acid attack blaming black woman

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:22 PM PDT

"The woman who gained sympathy around the world after a stranger threw acid in her face has made a shocking confession: she made the whole thing up.

Bethany Storro 28, confessed to police yesterday, saying the severe burns she suffered in the horrific 'attack' were actually 'self-inflicted'. Police said they did not know the motive behind her bizarre plan.

The Zionist Gang Behind New York's 9-11 Conference

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:46 PM PDT

Lenny Charles Labanco is the executive producer of the conference "How the World Changed After 9/11" that was held in New York City on September 11-12.  Labanco is the owner of the tax exempt "charitable" organization doing business as INN World Report Inc. Lenny, who is married to a Brazilian Jew named Miriam Tetelbom, was unwilling to discuss the evidence of Israeli and Zionist involvement in the terrorism of 9/11 during his two-day conference at Tribeca's Walker Stage.  To understand why the evidence of Israeli/Zionist involvement was not on the agenda, one need only look behind the scenes to see the super-Zionists and Orthodox Jews who own and control the Walker Stage -- and Leonard Charles Labanco's I.N.N. World News , a tax exempt non-profit television station.


A Policeman And a Terrorist

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 04:21 PM PDT

"Dudi" was accused in Israel of "damaging the rule of Israeli State laws".

David "Dudi" Cohen is the son of a terrorist from the Palmach "underground militia". He is a war criminal complicit in genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity against Palestinians. He was born in 1955, from extremist parents who belonged to the genocidal Chabad cult. His father was Bulgarian, his mother from Greece. His now deceased father was a Palmach terrorist and later IDF navy "marine" war criminal who resided on stolen Palestinian land. He served as police patrolman for 35 years until his retirement.

Yom Kippur's Kol Nidrei 'Nullification of Vows'

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 03:53 PM PDT

The Talmudic "Day of Atonement" takes place on the Tenth of Tishri, following Rosh Hashanah. During this time, the American media reverentially showcase the pious Yom Kippur extravaganza of Pharisaic displays of alleged penitence and purification, fasting and prayer, that supposedly give evidence of the special relationship which the followers of Judaism enjoy with God.

One of the most sensitive portions of Yom Kippur, which has been the object of a certain amount of informed protest and exposure by gentiles over the centuries is the Kol Nidrei rite, which entails the nullification of all vows and oaths that will be made in the coming year.

Is America's military prepared for the Israeli threat?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 03:39 PM PDT

For years, America's military has been divided, competent military professionals and patriots on one side and Christian Zionists, loyal to Israel and addicted to a propaganda "dreamworld" on the other. Americans sat, on 9/11, with their military "asleep at the switch," their president in a daze and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, perhaps out of confusion, we may never know, talking about airliners being shot down and the Pentagon being attacked by missiles. Yes, he said these things, things he couldn't "unsay" but things the press showed once and quickly buried. Something terribly wrong happened, something years in planning, but not planned in a cave in Afghanistan. Everywhere investigators look, one thing pops up, Israel. The moment that door is opened, it is slammed shut, often with threats, often with more than threats.

On the current phase of the Middle East peace process

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 02:40 PM PDT

The protracted peace process between Israel and the Palestinians has made both parties and the international community sceptical about its chances of success. Although the two parties move from one phase to the next, they do so unwillingly under pressure from the US and local self-interested regimes.

Finding a solution to the conflict, or making significant progress, is advantageous to the United States, one of the members of the Quartet on the Middle East (the US, the UN, Russia, and the EU). Like many Presidents before him, US chief Barack Obama probably feels that a focus on the Middle East peace process may divert attention from other problems at home and abroad. In addition, the US does not want to lose its position of influence across the Middle East, something that has happened since the withdrawal of frontline troops from Iraq; Russia and the EU appear to have taken up the slack in their efforts to play pivotal roles. The US also has to repair its image amongst Muslims, which was tarnished during the George W. Bush presidency.

Crisis and Opportunity

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 12:43 PM PDT

White advocates are the most despised minority in the world.  Throughout the post-West, "racist" is used as a slur by both conservatives and progressives.  Even loose affiliations with proscribed figures or organizations can doom a political career.  The vast majority of whites, out of fear, desire for conformity, or sincere conviction, believe that "racism" is a sin perhaps only rivaled by murder.  Racism may actually be worse, as even serial killer and cannibal Jeffrey Dahmer thought it was important that people knew he was no racist and didn't choose his victims for that reason.  If it is suspected that you are a racist, family members, friends, and colleagues may shun or even attack you.  Even the most capable and effective of the few spokesmen for white advocacy are either smeared or ignored by the mainstream media.

Nonetheless, white advocates dominate political discourse in the United States today.  Almost every issue, movement, and political figure is analyzed not on its own terms, but as a possible indicator of white racial consciousness and explicit white political mobilization.

Hezbollah: Judicial Decision to Summon Sayyed "Political par Excellence"

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 10:00 AM PDT

Hezbollah on Friday condemned Attorney General Judge Said Mirza's request to summon former General Security chief Jamil as-Sayyed, saying that the request was "political par excellence," and calling on authorities to back down this judiciary decision.

Hezbollah said in a statement issued by it media relations office: "We were surprised by the exploitation of the judiciary for political ends."

From rape to racism: How and why did charges change against Arab man?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 09:20 AM PDT

Sabbar Kashur

Something seems off about the story of Sabbar Kashur, a.k.a. "Dudu," the Arab man who presented himself as a Jew and thus obtained a Jewish woman's consent to sex, and who was on this basis convicted of rape and sentenced to 18 months in prison. The feeling that a court would have treated a Jew less severely gives the affair a whiff of racism, aggravating the sense that this cannot be what happened, not even in Israel's current climate.

Since the verdict became public a month and a half ago, the case won Kashur much sympathy in the international media. Based on the fact that it had not been permitted to publish any of the court transcript until now, it seemed justified to call him the victim. Once the complainant's testimony is actually taken into account, however, it becomes clear that the story is much more complicated, and that the real victim is the woman who Kashur left naked in the stairwell of the building on 13 Ben Hillel Street, in Jerusalem.

America's True Believers and the Great Muslim Scare

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 05:55 AM PDT

True Believers. These are people who are alienated from their present conditions and suffer feelings of insecurity and uncertainty about the way their lives and communities are heading. To set things straight they seek out movements, either of the right or the left, that claim to have assured answers to problems while offering comfort and solidarity in a fellowship of like believers. The leaders of such movements often can be demagogues who expect their followers to be, well, true believers. The one and the many are made for each other in this regard. The solution to problems almost always entails conspiracy theories and the confronting of enemies, both internal and external. In generally uncertain and fearful times, more and more of the citizenry can be pulled into such movements, attracted by leaders who are assertive in a mesmerizing way. All societies have such true believers in them and today's America is no exception.

Obama edges to the dark side

Posted: 16 Sep 2010 06:45 PM PDT

Possibly the most dramatic mea culpa in Presidential history, Bill Clinton, newly appointed as UN Special Envoy for Haiti, admitted to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that the US policy of compelling poor developing countries to buy US agricultural products at subsidised prices, which destroyed local agricultural sectors, was a disaster.

"I did that. I have to live every day with the consequences of the lost capacity to produce a rice crop in Haiti to feed those people, because of what I did. Nobody else."

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