Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pentago tells NATO to match nuclear with cyber shield

Messages In This Digest (11 Messages)

Pentagon Tells NATO To Match Nuclear With Cyber Shield From: Rick Rozoff
Estonia: NATO Upgrades Air Base Near Western Russian From: Rick Rozoff
Simmons Invites Armenian President To NATO Summit From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Troops Kill Afghan Civilian From: Rick Rozoff
Simmons: NATO Could Deploy "Peacekeepers" To South Caucasus From: Rick Rozoff
Canada Contests Russian Claim In Arctic From: Rick Rozoff
92 Troops Killed, PM Says Spain To Stay In Afghan War Zone From: Rick Rozoff
War Games Solidify U.S. Military Ties With Bangladesh From: Rick Rozoff
Pentagon Chief Confirms Interest In Missile Shield Radar In Azerbaij From: Rick Rozoff
Russian President Concerned Over NATO Activity In The Arctic From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Chief Reiterates Demand For Continental Missile Shield From: Rick Rozoff



Pentagon Tells NATO To Match Nuclear With Cyber Shield

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 2:59 pm (PDT)


Agence France-Presse
September 15, 2010

US urges NATO to build 'cyber shield'

BRUSSELS: NATO must build a "cyber shield" to protect the transatlantic alliance from any Internet threats to its military and economic infrastructures, a top US defence official said Wednesday.

Cyber security is a "critical element" for the 28-nation alliance to embrace at its summit of leaders in Lisbon on November 19-20, US Deputy Defence Secretary William Lynn said in Brussels.

"The alliance has a crucial role to play in extending a blanket of security over our networks," Lynn said.

"NATO has a nuclear shield, it is building a stronger and stronger defence shield, it needs a cyber shield as well," he said at a forum hosted by the Security & Defence Agenda think-tank.

The Pentagon's number two called for adopting the Cold War-era strategy of "collective defence" in the cyber arena.

"The Cold War concepts of shared warning apply in the 21st century to cyber security. Just as our air defences, our missile defences have been linked so too do our cyber defences need to be linked as well," Lynn said.
The threat of cyber attacks was highlighted in Estonia, a NATO member, in 2007 when it suffered an assault that paralysed key business and government web services for days.
Lynn said the Pentagon strategy has identified "five pillars" to cyber security: recognising cyberspace as the next domain of warfare; the need for active defences; the protection of critical infrastructure; enhancing collective defence; and the need to "marshall our technological prowess."

Lynn stressed that any cyber security strategy needs to take into account threats to critical infrastructure for economies such as power grids, transport systems and financial markets.

"NATO indeed needs to take decisive action to defend its networks," he said.

"I think at Lisbon we will see the kind of high-level leadership commitment to cyber defence. It's the foundation for any alliance effort," he said.

Lynn said he discussed cyber security at a meeting with NATO's decision-making body, the North Atlantic Council, in Brussels on Wednesday.

"I was very impressed with the unity of purpose and the similar vision that most nations in the alliance seem to have towards the cyber threat," he said.

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Estonia: NATO Upgrades Air Base Near Western Russian

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


Estonian Public Broadcasting
September 15, 2010

Beefed-Up Air Force Base Ready for NATO Action

-"You could say that it wasn't just the Estonian Air Force that got a base, but our allies now also have a home...."
-The air base construction project should be completed in its entirety by 2012 at a cost of 96 million euros.

The ceremonial opening of a new, multi-million-euro airfield took place Wednesday at the Ämari Air Base, about 40 kilometers southwest of Tallinn.

The expanded landing facilities, which took three years to construct, give Ämari the capacity to handle up to 16 NATO fighters, 20 transport planes and to serve up to 2,000 people per day.

The improvements were made so that Ämari could better host NATO allies and contribute to the alliance's air security mission in the Baltics.

"You could say that it wasn't just the Estonian Air Force that got a base, but our allies now also have a home, or if you prefer, a nest in Estonia where they can land and rest," Defense Minister Jaak Aaviksoo said during a live interview on ETV.

The head of the Estonian Air Force, Brigadier General Valeri Saar, said it is possible that the NATO planes patrolling Baltic airspace from Lithuania could one day be based in Ämari. He noted that there is already an agreement whereby allied pilots will begin conducting training flights at the base in October.

The air base construction project should be completed in its entirety by 2012 at a cost of 96 million euros.

In a statement, President Toomas Hendrik Ilves acknowledged the high cost of the improvements, but underscored the importance of contributing to NATO efforts.

"The construction of the Ämari Air Base, which was jointly financed by the Estonian state and NATO, is a perfect expression of the solidarity between allies in everyday life," the president said in the statement. "As we know, NATO covered almost 35 percent of the cost of the project - which is a considerable sum, given that the total cost of the project is more than a billion kroons. This shows that NATO's allies understand the importance to the alliance as a whole of ensuring the security of its new member states."

Originally built during the Soviet [period], Ämari is the Estonian Air Force's only active base.

Office of the President
Public Relations Department
September 15, 2010

President Ilves: Ämari Air Base shows solidarity of NATO allies15 Sep 2010
At the opening of the NATO air force base runway in Ämari in Harju County today, Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves described the event as one of great military and political significance.

The head of state said that the completion of the air base would make it much easier to bring allied troops and their equipment to Estonia in the event of a crisis situation. "It is obvious that a small country like Estonia would need the help of its allies in the event of a serious military crisis. Likewise, it is obvious that no matter how willing someone is to provide this help, they cannot do so without the proper infrastructure. Let's be honest: until today our ability to accept the airborne help of our allies has been extremely limited."

President Ilves underscored the fact that from 2012, when the complex as a whole is due for completion, NATO will have one of the most modern air force bases in the region at its disposal, which will undoubtedly contribute to the efficiency of the alliance's air security mission.

"The construction of the Ämari Air Base, which was jointly financed by the Estonian state and NATO, is a perfect expression of the solidarity between allies in everyday life," said the president. "As we know, NATO covered almost 35% of the cost of the project – which is a considerable sum, given that the total cost of the project is more than a billion kroons. This shows that NATO's allies understand the importance to the alliance as a whole of ensuring the security of its new Member States. NATO's decision to cofinance the construction of the air base is also significant in the sense that it was made in a situation where the alliance's budget was under a lot of pressure due to the complex and expensive mission in Afghanistan."

President Ilves stressed that NATO's readiness to support Estonia was dependent on the country's own readiness to work hard in the interests of national security and to finance it at an acceptable level.

"What is important here is that Estonia has been able to keep its national security expenditure close to the level of two percent of GDP during the recession, and that the government has set itself the objective of achieving this level in the state budget by 2012. The more a country invests in its own national security, the more seriously its views will be taken in terms of security policy – not just in NATO, but in other organisations as well."

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Simmons Invites Armenian President To NATO Summit

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


September 15, 2010

Armenian President invited to NATO Summit in Lisbon

The NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the Caucasus and Central Asia Robert Simmons said that the conducting of the Armenia 2010 disaster response exercise as part of Partnership for Peace program shows the level of relations between Armenia and NATO.

He also said that the Alliance invited Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan to attend the NATO summit in Lisbon, where the new strategic concept will be adopted.

"NATO leadership would be interested to know the opinion of partner countries regarding the new strategic concept of the Alliance," Simmons said.

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NATO Troops Kill Afghan Civilian

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


Deutsche Presse-Agentur
September 15, 2010

NATO soldiers kill Afghan civilian

Kabul: NATO soldiers killed an Afghan civilian near a security perimeter they set up after a roadside bombing in south-eastern Afghanistan, the alliance said Wednesday.

The soldiers shot and killed a man who was trying to approach the site where a convoy of the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) was bombed Tuesday in the Sharan district of Paktika province, an ISAF statement said.

The soldiers said the victim 'failed to stop after receiving several verbal and visual warnings.'

Civilian casualties at the hands of foreign troops is the most delicate issue in Afghanistan. President Hamid Karzai has repeatedly warned that such deaths erode popular support for Western forces and his government.

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Simmons: NATO Could Deploy "Peacekeepers" To South Caucasus

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


Azeri Press Agency
September 15, 2010

Robert Simmons: The co-chairs and conflicting parties can appeal to NATO and offer the deployment of the peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone
Lachin Sultanova

Baku: NATO supports the OSCE Minsk Group's efforts for the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, the NATO Secretary General's Special Representative for the South Caucasus and Central Asia Robert Simmons said in Yerevan, APA reports quoting the Armenian media.

"The North Atlantic Alliance does not directly participate in the process of negotiations on this conflict, but we support the efforts of OSCE Minsk Group and welcome the statement issued by the co-chairing countries in Almaty," Robert Simmons said.

The Special Representative said NATO was concerned over recent incidents on the line of contact [and] supported the statement issued by OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs [on the] peaceful resolution of the conflict based on the territorial integrity and people's right to self-determination.

Asked about the prospects of deployment of NATO forces in the conflict zone, Robert Simmons said:

"If necessary OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs and the parties to Nagorno Karabakh conflict can appeal to NATO and [request] the deployment of peacekeeping forces in the conflict zone. As there is no such an agreement yet, it is early to speak about the deployment of the peacekeeping forces there."

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Canada Contests Russian Claim In Arctic

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


Voice of Russia
September 15, 2010

Canada claiming Lomonosov Range in the Arctic

Canada intends to apply for expanding its continental shelf in the Arctic. The Canadian Foreign Minister Lawrence Cannon said that Canada will provide all the necessary documents to the UN Commission on Maritime Law by 2013.In particular, Canada has claims on the Lomonosov Range.

That part of the underwater shelf in the Arctic Ocean was discovered by Soviet scientists in 1948.In 2007 the Russian Institute of Ocean Studies investigated the range from the ice-breaker the "Rossiya". The scientists took samples of the ground from the sea bed and established a Russian flag there. The test results proved that the Lomonosov Range is the continuation of the Russian continental shelf.

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92 Troops Killed, PM Says Spain To Stay In Afghan War Zone

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


Xinhua News Agency
September 15, 2010

Spanish PM refuses to put date of Afghanistan withdrawal 

MADRID: Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero on Wednesday refused to put a date on any withdrawal of his country's troops from Afghanistan.

Spain has had troops in the country since 2002 and has suffered 92 deaths, the latest of which took place two weeks ago when two Civil Guards were killed by a chauffer with Taliban connections.

Speaking in the Spanish parliament to announce the arrest of four people who are suspected to be connected to the incident, Zapatero defended the Spanish mission as well as revealed that the country has over 1,500 troops in "war situations."

"We will continue to everything possible so that the day that our troops can leave Afghan territory arrives as soon as possible," said Zapatero, while committing Spain to the ongoing NATO mission.

"We have to remain in Afghanistan, accepting the current responsibilities for as long as it is necessary and while the security of the country, the region, the world and of Spaniards is in danger. We will always work within the law and with the consensus of the international community," he stressed.

Zapatero revealed that Spain's contribution in Afghanistan had cost the country 1.900 billion euros (2.466 billion U.S. dollars) since 2002, to which a further 220 million euros (285.5 million dollars) were dedicated to civil cooperation projects.

"Afghanistan is a scene of violence and conflict. It is a war-zone, dangerous for our troops and for civil personnel who work there," he said.

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War Games Solidify U.S. Military Ties With Bangladesh

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:00 pm (PDT)


The New Nation
September 15, 2010

Bangladesh-US training exercise from Sept 19

Dhaka: Bangladesh-US joint training exercise 'Tiger Shark-4', mostly to be conducted in the Chittagong and Sylhet area, will begin on September 19 and continue till September 26.

An ISPR release Tuesday said the Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy, Bangladesh Air Force and other law enforcing forces like Coast Guard, BGB and Bangladesh Police (in a limited way) will jointly participate with US military forces in the exercise.

Approximately 500 personnel, a few helicopters and Navy ships from the Bangladesh side and almost 350 personnel, a few aircraft, helicopters and Navy ships from the US armed forces will take part.

This joint exercise is the continuation of a series of exercises conducted between both the armed forces for about last two decades.

In the recent past, both the military forces participated in similar exercises - Tiger Shark-1, 2 & 3 in 2009-2010 - held independently between US military forces and individual units of the Bangladesh Army, Bangladesh Navy and Bangladesh Air Force.

However, Tiger Shark-4 is a combined-joint military exposure between Bangladesh and USA. It is expected that this exercise will enhance training cooperation and capacity building between the two friendly countries in the field of counterterrorism.

During the conduct of the exercise from September 19-26, a few helicopters will fly in and out of the exercise area.

The US personnel will start arriving in Bangladesh (mostly in the Chittagong area) from September 15 by US helicopters and aircraft.

In this combined-joint exercise, a Commodore from the Bangladesh side and a Rear Admiral from the US side will lead the respective troops. To achieve the desired aim and objectives of the exercise, a Major General from the Bangladesh side has been appointed to give necessary directives on
behalf of an Armed Forces Division.

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Pentagon Chief Confirms Interest In Missile Shield Radar In Azerbaij

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:45 pm (PDT)


Trend News Agency
September 15, 2010

Defense Ministry: U.S., Russia interested in Azerbaijan's Gabala radar station

Baku: U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has confirmed America's interest in cooperating with Russia on a missile defense system using the Gabala radar station in Azerbaijan, Deutsche Welle reported.
"We are partners in some areas and competitors in others," Gates said on the eve of talks with his Russian counterpart Anatoly Serdyukov. "But we cooperate in the important issues."

Such cooperation may result in a center for the exchange of data on missile launches to be based in Moscow.

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Russian President Concerned Over NATO Activity In The Arctic

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:45 pm (PDT)


Russian Information Agency Novosti
September 15, 2010

Russia 'concerned' by NATO activity in Arctic

MURMANSK: Russia favors international cooperation in the Arctic but without the military component and is concerned by NATO activity in the region, President Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday.

"The Russian Federation is keeping a close eye on this activity [NATO in the Arctic] because it [Arctic] is a zone of peaceful and economic cooperation," Medvedev said.

The existing economic regulatory mechanisms and international documents are sufficient for developing the Arctic resources, he said.

Medvedev is currently in the northern Russian city of Murmansk where he has been holding talks with Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and overseeing the signing of a deal to delimitate the maritime border between Russia and Norway, which has been under dispute for 40 years.

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NATO Chief Reiterates Demand For Continental Missile Shield

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff" rwrozoff@yahoo.com   rwrozoff

Wed Sep 15, 2010 3:49 pm (PDT)


Agence France-Presse
September 15, 2010

NATO Sec Gen Pushes for Agreement on Missile Defense

BRUSSELS: NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen has urged member countries to adopt territorial missile defense as an alliance mission at the bloc's upcoming summit in Lisbon on Nov. 19 and 20.

Giving his regular monthly briefing at NATO headquarters here, he said, "we need an effective missile defense," and suggested that NATO restate a clear offer to engage Russian cooperation.

In May, Rasmussen said that "NATO is already building a [theater] missile defense system to protect our armed forces, when they go out on mission. The cost of expanding that system to cover not only our soldiers, but also our populations … is less than 200 million euros over 10 years, spread among the 28 NATO countries."

Rasmussen said a NATO working group was finishing a report about NATO's military command structures in time for discussion by defense ministers on Oct. 14.

"Based on that, I hope that the NATO summit will make decisions on the overall command structure to make it leaner and more effective," he said. Proposals are expected to include cutting the number of NATO agencies.

He also announced that foreign and defense ministers meeting on Oct. 14 would give their views on his proposal for a new strategic concept for the alliance. He expects discussions to focus on how best to defend the 900 million citizens of NATO countries against modern threats, including missile and cyber attacks.

Rasmussen called for more common funding, multinational cooperation and joint procurement, as well as more cooperation with Russia and the European Union. On the latter point, he reiterated his call for Turkey to have an arrangement with the European Defence Agency and to have a broader security agreement with the EU.

He also suggested that non-EU contributors (such as Turkey) that are active in EU operations should be involved in decision-making for those operations, as is the case with NATO.

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