Saturday, October 30, 2010

A very British WMD program

Rebel Newsflash: Analysis: a very British WMD program (plus 22 more items)

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Analysis: a very British WMD program

Posted: 20 Sep 2010 03:47 AM PDT

In an attempt to save billions and avoiding a political row in the run-up to the next general election the British mps are planning to delay any decision concerning the replacement of the Trident nuclear missile system until after the 2015 election.

This decision is beneficial for most political parties and peace activists, but, the very existence of such a killing machine, falsely labeled as a deterrent, Is questionable .

Trident , the Britain's nuclear weapon system consists of four nuclear-armed submarines, one of which is on operational patrol at all times. Each Trident submarine carries 48 nuclear warheads, each of which can be sent to a different target. Each warhead has an explosive power of up to 100 kilotons, the equivalent of 100,000 tons of conventional high explosives. It is 8 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima in 1945, which killed over 140,000 people.

Weapons Bizarre

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:00 PM PDT

Justin Raimondo

A number of seemingly random news items caught my attention this relatively uneventful weekend, but by the time we get to the end of this column a pattern is bound to emerge:

Hypocrisy Watch: Christopher Hitchens, the professional warmonger turned professional atheist, is demanding the Catholic Church be "held accountable" for the crimes of pederastic priests. His appetite for "justice" is considerably reduced, however, when it comes to meting it out to those public officials who lied us into war with Iraq – a war he vociferously supported and continues to support. Apparently the mass murder of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and the decimation of their society by US occupiers, is not a crime in his book. Not even the growing dominance of religious fanatics in positions of power in "liberated" Iraq has managed to attract his ire. Of course, he's otherwise occupied at the moment, but still – how about an act of contrition before he drops out of sight?

The Petraeus Bait and Switch

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:00 PM PDT

Gareth Porter

In interviews in recent weeks, Gen. David Petraeus has been taking a line on what will happen in mid-2011 that challenges President Barack Obama's intention to begin a troop withdrawal from Afghanistan by that date. This new Petraeus line is the culmination of a brazen bait-and-switch maneuver on the war by the most powerful military commander in modern U.S. history.

It represents a new stage in the process by which Petraeus, abetted by his allies in the Pentagon, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mike Mullen, has appropriated much of the power over decisions on war policy that rightly belongs to the commander in chief.

The Banks Still Win

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 09:40 PM PDT

Campaign for Liberty

On Friday, Congressman Ron Paul issued the following statement about Obama's appointment of Elizabeth Warren to head up the creation of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

This past week, the administration announced its choice for the first credit czar at the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This bureau was created as part of the supposed Wall Street reform bill recently passed by Congress. This new bureau, which represents nothing more than another layer of useless Washington bureaucracy, will be housed within the Federal Reserve-- one of the most anti-consumer institutions in Washington.

Non-violent forumla for controlling the Jews

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 08:05 PM PDT

In all of recorded history, there was only one civilization which the Jews could not destroy. Because of this, they have given it the silent treatment. Few American college graduates with a Ph.D. degree could tell you what the Byzantine Empire was.

It was the Empire of East Rome, set up by Roman leaders after the Jews had destroyed Rome. This empire functioned in Constantinople for twelve hundred years, the longest duration of any empire in the history of the world.

The Victim Game: Israel's War With Itself

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 04:25 PM PDT

It is easy to spot a liar if you are willing to take an honest look.  When the American press quoted President Ahmadinejad of Iran saying, "I am going to wipe Israel off the face of the earth " we had our own gullibility thrown in our faces.  We, if willing to look honestly at ourselves, were being humiliated, played for fools.  It is one thing if a spokesman for Bibi Netanyahu's Likudist government had tried this, but it was all the networks and newspapers in America, all carrying the same story, a story, not only inaccurate but an outrageous lie.  The story, the translation, was so false, that it should have been a joke were it not being used to try to convince America to attack Iran to "defend" Israel.

Murkowski's Write-in Bid Could Test Alaska's Dubious Diebold E-Voting System

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 03:49 PM PDT

Over the weekend, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced she would run as a write-in candidate this November after reportedly losing a close GOP primary race to far Rightwing "Tea Party" candidate Joe Miller.

The three-way race, along with Democratic candidate and Mayor of Sitka Scott McAdams, could prove to be a serious challenge for Alaska's historically-dicey optical-scan voting system made by Diebold. Given the shortcomings of the system which otherwise employs the concealed vote-counting of centrally tabulate ballots, the need to hand-review write-in votes this November could present a unique opportunity for citizens of the 49th state to oversee at least some of their own electoral system --- for a welcome change.

WHO's Chan: Public's Obedience to Health Officials "May Be Fading"

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 03:04 PM PDT

Lamenting the likely outcome of recent revelations that the WHO knowingly and unnecessarily hyped the recent H1N1 influenza panic, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan admitted: "The days when health officials could issue advice, based on the very best medical and scientific data, and expect populations to comply, may be fading."

The remarks came in Chan's report to the WHO Executive Board at the biannual meeting of the board in Geneva last week. They come at the end of a decidedly upbeat report on the WHO's recent successes that avoids talking about recent allegations that the WHO's own officials and advisors knowingly and unnecessarily hyped the recent swine flu panic to benefit their big pharma patrons. In the report, Chan does not mention the recent Dutch parliament investigation into Dr. Albert Osterhaus or the ongoing investigation by the Council of Europe, choosing instead to allude to these ongoing investigations elliptically: "It is natural that every decision or action that shaped the response [to the H1N1 outbreak] will likewise be closely and carefully scrutinized." She adds somewhat hopefully that "WHO can withstand this scrutiny."

Martin Peretz: Editor of New Republic and agent of Israel

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 02:38 PM PDT

Martin Peretz is editor-in-chief of the New Republic. He acquired that position by simply buying the magazine in 1974. Although he resold it to a group of investors in 2002, they were, and apparently remain, his ideological soul mates for he continues to this day to be the magazine's executive editor.

Peretz's New Republic is a far cry from the original magazine. The origin of the New Republic goes back to 1914 when it was established by Herbert Croly and Walter Lippman. From the beginning the magazine was liberal and progressive. Between the world wars I and II it took a stand against the growing ideological enmity that bred the "red scares" and their accompanying violations of the civil rights of Americans. In the 1950s it took a principled stand against both Soviet tyranny and the McCarthy witch hunts. In the 1960s the magazine took a position opposing the Vietnam War.

Partners in Crime: The U.S. Secret State and Mexico's "War on Drugs"

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 12:54 PM PDT

For decades, investigative journalists, researchers and analysts have noted the symbiotic relationships forged amongst international drug syndicates, neofascists and U.S. intelligence agencies, documenting the long and bloody history of U.S. complicity in the global drugs trade.

While the United States has pumped billions of dollars into failed drug eradication schemes in target countries through ill-conceived programs such as Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative, in the bizarro world of the "War on Drugs," corporate interests and geopolitics always trump law enforcement efforts to fight organized crime, particularly when the criminals are partners in crimes perpetrated by the secret state.

UN Human Rights Council to Discuss Jerusalem's Mamilla Cemetery

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 12:07 PM PDT

The Wiesenthal Center's founder, Rabbi Marvin Hier, said last week that he was preparing a team of experts to rebut Palestinian allegations at an upcoming debate at the United Nations Human Rights Council, reported the Jerusalem Post.

The battle for Mamilla Cemetery has intensified over the past year. The cemetery has been a Muslim burial ground and holy site since as early as the 7th century, when companions of the Prophet Muhammad were reputedly buried there. In addition, numerous Sufi saints and thousands of other officials, scholars, notables, and Jerusalemite families have been buried in the cemetery over the last 1,000 years.

Drones on Trial: Narrowing the Gap Between Law and Justice

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:06 AM PDT

Common Dreams
I received an education Thursday. I wasn't in a classroom. I wasn't laboring over a paper, strategizing in a small group, poring over a textbook or hustling across campus. I was sitting as a spectator in the front row of Judge Jansen's courtroom in Clark County, Nevada.

Fourteen peace activists were on trial for trying to hand-deliver a letter to the base commander at Creech Air Force Base in April of 2009. Their letter laid out concerns about usage of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, for surveillance and combat purposes in Afghanistan. The Creech 14 believe that the usage of remote aerial vehicles to hunt down and kill people in other lands amounts to targeted assassination and is prohibited by international and U.S. law. Soldiers carrying M16s stopped them after they had walked past the guardhouse at the base entrance and a few hours later Nevada state troopers handcuffed the Creech 14 and took them into custody.

Sunday: 55 Iraqis killed, 157 Wounded

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:02 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

An unusually quiet Saturday was followed by a very bloody Sunday in which at least 55 Iraqis were killed and 157 more were wounded. Baghdad again received most of the violence, for which a member of the Iraqi National Alliance blamed al-Qaeda and the political vacuum.

Underscoring the unreliability of news accounts from Iraq since many international reporters left, a couple of the attacks that occurred yesterday went unreported until today. Also, all of today's reports were from in or around greater Baghdad. No accounts were received from Mosul, where remarkably few attacks have been reported since the end of Ramadan. This is unlikely because Mosul is condsidered the most violent major city in Iraq.

Sunday: 56 Iraqis killed, 171 Wounded

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 11:02 AM PDT

Margaret Griffis

An unusually quiet Saturday was followed by a very bloody Sunday in which at least 56 Iraqis were killed and 171 more were wounded. Baghdad again received most of the violence, for which a member of the Iraqi National Alliance blamed al-Qaeda and the political vacuum. Underscoring the unreliability of news accounts from Iraq since many international reporters left, a couple of the attacks that occurred yesterday went unreported until today and Mosul saw very little violence.

In Baghdad, 21 people were killed and 70 others were wounded in a suicide car bombing in Aden Square. At least one of the two bombs reported was on a minibus and appeared to target a police station. About the same time, a car bomb killed 19 Iraqis and wounded 58 more as it demolished an Asiacell building in Mansour. Guards fired shots into the air following the explosion.

It wasn't Arabs - it was Jews

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 10:43 AM PDT

  1. It wasn't Arabs who tried to steal my law practice - it was a Jew.
  2. It wasn't Arabs who threatened to kill my children and wife - it was Jews.
  3. It wasn't Arabs who threatened to kill me - and continue to do so with regularity - it was/is Jews.

Diaspora Jews pledge their loyalty to Israel

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 10:26 AM PDT

Jews from all over the world pledging allegiance to Israel first.

Press TV-Cine Politics

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 08:55 AM PDT

The documentary "Money-Driven Medicine" directed by Andrew Frerdricks based on the book of the same title by Maggie Mahar is discussed in this program. This movie goes through America's profit-driven health care system in which money is distorting the whole system.

The Synagogue Of Satan - Beginners Guide to the Jewish Question

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 08:55 AM PDT

This is a mini-documentary that I made as a beginners guide to the Jewish question. Jewish power, domination, and historical facts are examined to shed light on the age old question of why Jews are so universally disliked and the pending doom that is in store if we do not wake up to the reality of this dangerously subversive element in society.

Unannounced Psych Warfare Drill at School Designed to Condition You

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 08:15 AM PDT

Unannounced Psych Warfare Drill at School Designed to Condition You

Canada's turning immigration tide

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 07:44 AM PDT

In January 2005, Judy Sgro, the then Canadian immigration minister, resigned from the short-lived Paul Martin government after she was accused of corralling Harjit Singh, a refugee applicant, into offering her re-election campaign free pizzas and garlic bread. At the time, much of the country believed Singh, who later retracted his allegation.

But when, five years later, in August 2010, a boatload of Tamil refugees landed off British Colombia, the majority of Canadians wanted them sent back to wherever they came from.

Ken O'Keef-Gaza Flotilla Probe

Posted: 19 Sep 2010 03:51 AM PDT

Interview with Ken O'Keef,Gaza Flotilla attack survivor from Dublin, about Netanyahu's recent remarks on the deadly attack by Israeli navy on the Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aids to Gaza.

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Stephen Sniegoski on American "Third Party" ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 07:30 PM PDT

Press TV's Kaneez Fatima talks to Stephen Sniegoski on American "Third Party" ?

Press TV's Waqar Rizvi talks to Paul Sheldoon Foote on Ailing US Economy

Posted: 17 Sep 2010 06:59 PM PDT

Press TV's Waqar Rizvi talks to Paul Sheldoon Foote on Ailing US Economy

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