Sunday, October 24, 2010

Interview with Esteban Volkov (Spanish)

In Defence of Marxism
  Thursday, 2 September 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Editorial Board of Socialist Appeal

Britain: Labour Leadership Election. Photo by Young Fabians.The Labour leadership election contest will be ending in September as the ballot papers finally go out. It could have been an opportunity to discuss a balance-sheet of the right-wing control of the party under New Labour and an opportunity to discuss a socialist programme in face of the worst capitalist crisis since the 1930s. However, the contest has left most people cold.

By Tanveer Hassan in Bahawalpur

Medical Students Occupy their College in BahawalpurThe devastating floods in Pakistan have caused widespread hardship among the workers and peasants, and the repercussions are affecting every stratum of Pakistan society, including the youth and the students. We have received this report of a protest movement by the medical students in Bahawalpur, which is suffering brutal repression at the hands of the authorities.

By Lucha de clases

Recientemente se acaba de conmemorar el 70 aniversario de la muerte de León Trotsky. Los camaradas de Lucha de clases hicimos una corta entrevista a Esteban Volkov, nieto de León Trotsky, con motivo de los actos que realizaran los compañeros de en Caracas y en oriente del país. Invitamos a todos los camaradas trabajadores y del PSUV a participar en los actos que se van a realizar. Pueden ver la agenda en:

By Lal Khan



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