By John Peterson Ever since we founded of the Workers International League and published the first issue of Socialist Appeal, the need for a mass party of labor has figured prominently in our program and work. The objective need for such a party has been explained in countless editorials and articles. The lack of independent political representation for the US working class is an urgent problem and contradiction, which can only be resolved if the labor movement breaks with the parties of big business and forms a party of, by, and for the working class majority. | By Socialist Appeal USA Happy Labor Day! We're proud to announce the launch of the Campaign for a Mass Party of Labor (CMPL). Over the next few weeks we will be unrolling the campaign, adding to the website, holding local launch meetings in cities across the country, and above all, spreading the word about the need to break with the big business parties and build a mass labor party. We invite you to learn more about, join, and work with us to help build the CMPL. Read more about the CMPL and join here. | By Tom Trottier in NYC Recently, TV and talk radio have been obsessed with stopping the construction of an "Islamic Center and Mosque" which will be located two blocks away from where the World Trade Center used to be. The right wing, including former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and NY Republican Gubernatorial candidate Rick Lazio, have seized on this issue, attempting to gain political support...What Gingrich, Lazio, Reid and other right-wing commentators are practicing is a well known method known as "divide and rule." | | | ESPAÑOL | By Sergio González Con la realización del congreso fundacional el 19 de junio, la elección de autoridades provisorias y una serie de encuentros regionales en Avellaneda, Lanús, La Matanza, Caseros, etc. se van dando pasos en la conformación de la Unidad Popular. Está impulsada por el sector de la CTA encabezado por Víctor De Gennaro, que ha delimitado por izquierda con el kirchnerismo, y la integran cientos de dirigentes sindicales y sociales. | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By La Riposte La journée de mobilisation de demain, 7 septembre, s'annonce exceptionnelle. L'humeur très combative des assemblées générales des syndicats ; le grand nombre de préavis de grève déposés, et notamment de préavis reconductibles ; le succès des manifestations du 4 septembre ; les sondages indiquant qu'une grande majorité de Français soutient les grévistes ; les déclarations des ministres eux-mêmes, qui cherchent à minimiser d'avance la signification de cette journée : tout porte à croire que la mobilisation dépassera, par son ampleur, celle du 24 juin dernier. Il devrait donc s'agir de la plus puissante journée d'action syndicale depuis l'élection de Nicolas Sarkozy. | By Jorge Martin Dinsdag 22 juli besloot de Venezolaanse president Chávez de grens met Colombia met uiterste militaire waakzaamheid te bewaken, nadat de Colombiaanse president Alvaro Uribe aantijgingen maakte dat Venezuela FARC-guerrilla's onderdak aan het bieden waren en een "internationale commissie van onderzoek" eiste. | | |
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