By Alan Woods The Pope's visit to Britain comes in the midst of the most serious crisis of capitalism since the Second World War, with a growing mood of discontent among the workers. No doubt a little help for the British Establishment in times like these from the Almighty will always come in handy. The Pope is also hoping to boost the fortunes of the Church after it has been shaken by scandals in one country after another. | By In Defence of Marxism On the occasion of the Pope's visit to Britain we remind our readers of an article published two years ago, which shows that Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) has put his foot on the accelerator of Christian fundamentalism. While talking of reconciliation he promotes conflict, backs reactionary politicians everywhere and condemns anyone who wants to really change the material conditions of millions of poor and working class people. | By HoV Britain The leaders of British trade unions representing more than 5 million workers sign Hands Off Venezuela appeal in support of the Bolivarian revolution and the PSUV candidates for the National Assembly elections. | | | ESPAÑOL | By Tendencia Marxista Militante Tendencia Marxista Militante (TMM): El proceso en Honduras ha tenido un impacto muy fuerte en América. En México se han creado organizaciones que han apoyado la lucha, nosotros estamos en coordinación con muchas de ellas. Hay falta de conocimiento del movimiento porque los medios de comunicación no dan cobertura, ¿cuál es la situación que se encuentra ahora el movimiento? | |
| OTHER LANGUAGES | By Socialist Appeal USA I en ny undersøgelse fra det formentlig mest respekterede analyseinstitut i USA – Pew Research Center – blev 1500 tilfældigt udvalgte amerikanere bedt om at beskrive deres reaktion på ord som "kapitalisme" og "socialisme". Pew opsummerede resultatet af undersøgelsen med overskriften: "Socialisme ikke så negativt, kapitalisme ikke så positivt". | By Ted Sprague Pada hari Sabtu (31/7), pejabat Cina mengumumkan bahwa Cina sekarang adalah ekonomi nomor 2 yang baru. Pengumuman ini tidaklah mengejutkan. Pada tahun 2009, Cina sudah hampir melewati Jepang. Ia bahkan dapat melewati Amerika Serikat sekitar tahun 2025 menurut prediksi Bank Dunia, Goldman Sachs, dan yang lainnya. | | |
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