Saturday, October 30, 2010

Exploitation of working women in Pakistan and Afghanistan

Exploitation of working women in Pakistan and Afghanistan


I have seen that women are used as economic commodities . in afghanistan i saw many women working whole of their lives and their fathers and brothers did not let them get married because they wanted to eat their sister and daughters salaries . my neighbour a proud pashtun had five sisters , all worked and he ate their salary and would not let them get married as in his eyes no proposal was suitable ! He was married and had five children but wont let his sisters get married !


my accountant a brilliant afghan lady worked whole of his life and her salary was gobbled by her father and brother a murgh baz ! Her father would find fault with every proposal of marriage that came for her !


her aunt also who died in the same house worked all her life as an air stewardess in Afghan Ariana Airlines !
She was stunningly beautiful but her greedy brother would say no to all her proposals for marriage beacuse she was seen a golden hen that laid golden eggs for her brother !
She died in the same house ! The first thing that her brother did after she died was to break her cupboards lock to retrieve dollars she had kept in there !


since she had worked in foreign firms in Kabul some foreigners also asked for her hand in marriage ! Her father dismissed this saying that her daughter would only marry an Afghan !


Some time later I met a relative of my accountants who did not know that I knew her ! In a casual conversation he revealed that my accountants grand father was a Polish engineer who married an Afghan lady in 1920s. So I discover that the proud father of my accountant was son of a Polish engineer , a deep family secret but wont let her daughter marry a foreigner !


In Pakistan at one time it was considered bad in some families if a woman worked !


Air stewardesses and nurses got few proposals ! Today it is other way but suitors of air stewardesses and nurses marry them on the condition that they would not leave the job after marriage ! That is they want to live off their wives salaries !


Dual standards are the norm ! A man I know is happy that his wife makes more than 100 thousand per month working at the American School but is deeply suspicious always about his wife having an affair at the school ! Dual standards par excellence !


Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death."  --
Albert Einstein !!!

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