Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Where is Cuba Going

In Defence of Marxism
  Friday, 17 September 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  

By Jorge Martin

Where is Cuba going? Towards Capitalism or Socialism? Photo by Aaron Escobar.On September 13, a statement by Cuba's trade union (CTC) published in Granma announced a whole series of sweeping changes in the country's economy. These measures are the result of the serious economic crisis affecting Cuba, which has been hit hard by the recession in world capitalism. This underlines Cuba's dependence on the world market and the impossibility of "building socialism in one country".

By Ted Grant in 1965

Britain: director shows the real face of capitalismIn 1965 the capitalist class in Britain, happy with the largest increases in profits ever seen, voiced their concerns about the policies proposed by the Labour government through the reactionary outing of Sir Halford Reddish. Ted Grant exposed these criticisms, explaining that they were a way of justifying the theft of the surplus value produced by the workers and concluded: "Big business is moaning about 'socialism'. Give them a real taste of socialist measures, so that they can have something genuine to moan about!"

By Alan Woods

Hace nueve años todo el mundo quedó conmocionado por los dramáticos ataques suicidas a las Torres Gemelas en Nueva York. Ese evento fue utilizado posteriormente como una excusa para aumentar masivamente el gasto en armas, para invadir Afganistán e Irak y para intensificar las operaciones militares en otras partes del mundo, todo encapsulado en la idea de la "guerra contra el terrorismo". Hoy, el mundo, lejos de ser un lugar más seguro, se ha vuelto más inestable y más peligroso. Esto es un claro síntoma de la enfermedad que aqueja al capitalismo en su fase senil.

By Alan Woods

Alan Woods diwawancari oleh Sudestada, sebuah majalah bulanan seni, budaya, dan berita Argentina, tentang Revolusi Rusia dan degenerasi yang terjadi sesudahnya. Sebagaimana dijelaskan Alan, apa yang gagal di Rusia bukanlah sosialisme, melainkan sebuah karikatur birokratik dari sosialisme. Dalam bagian pertama ini, Alan bertutur mengenai bagaimana Stalin naik ke tampuk kekuasaan.

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