Saturday, October 30, 2010


In Defence of Marxism
  Monday, 27 September 2010 About us     Contact us     Join us  
By Socialist Appeal Editorial Board

Ed Miliband - Photo by Christian GuthierAgainst the odds, and against the wishes of the British Establishment, Ed Miliband has emerged as Labour Party leader, simply by standing a little to the left of his brother. This clinched the trade union vote, which shows in which direction workers want the party to go, clearly to the left. But which way will Ed Miliband go?

By In Defence of Marxism

With almost all seats declared the United Socialist Party of Venezuela has won the elections with 95 seats so far against the Opposition's 62. The fact that the PSUV – although it won by a wide margin – failed to win a two-thirds majority means that now the counter-revolutionary Opposition will step up its attempts to derail the Venezuelan Revolution. We will publish a more in-depth analysis direct from Venezuela tomorrow.

By Manos Fuera de Venezuela

Los revolucionarios de Venezuela agradecen a la campaña de MFV-CBP. La campaña internacional de acciones en defensa de la revolución bolivariana organizada por Manos Fuera de Venezuela y el Congreso Bolivariano de los Pueblos ha tenido un gran impacto en la propia Venezuela, siendo el objeto de artículos en los principales periódicos del país y de pequeños reportajes en la televisión.

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