Saturday, October 30, 2010


Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)

Undeclared War: Deadly Drone Attacks In Pakistan Reach Record High From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Helicopter Strike Kills At Least 30 In Pakistan From: Rick Rozoff
Two NATO Soldiers Killed In Southern Afghanistan From: Rick Rozoff
Three New U.S. Drone Attacks Kill 12 In Pakistan From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Troops Kill Two Afghan Civilians From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Tankers Set On Fire In Pakistani Baluchistan From: Rick Rozoff
SCO Consolidates Itself As Security Institute Over Eurasian Space From: Rick Rozoff
25:1 Civilian Deaths: U.S. Launches 8 Attacks In Pakistan In Week From: Rick Rozoff
América Latina en la mira From: Rick Rozoff
Russian Military Chief Rejects NATO Membership From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Deploys Aircraft Carrier Strike Group To Pacific, Indian Oceans From: Rick Rozoff
Advanced U.S. Nuclear Fast Attack Submarine Docks In Guam From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Raid, U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 42 In Pakistan From: Rick Rozoff
Holbrooke Recruits Bangladeshi Combat Forces For Afghan War From: Rick Rozoff



Undeclared War: Deadly Drone Attacks In Pakistan Reach Record High

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:38 am (PDT)

September 26, 2010

America's Undeclared War: Deadly Drone Attacks In Pakistan Reach Record High
Rick Rozoff

On September 25 three missiles fired from a U.S. Predator drone killed four people near the capital of North Waziristan in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas, marking at least the 16th such attack in the country so far this month.

This September has seen the largest amount of American unmanned aerial vehicle - drone - attacks in Pakistan and the most deaths resulting from them of any month in the nine-year war waged by the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies in Afghanistan and, though insufficiently acknowledged, increasingly in Pakistan.

By way of comparison, in the deadliest month preceding this one, January of 2010, there were 11 missile strikes directed by the Central Intelligence Agency's Special Activities unit inside Pakistan. Last September there were six.

In 2009 there were 53 drone attacks. This year so far there have been nearly 75. The estimated death toll from strikes for last year was 709. In less than nine months this year there have been close to 650. If the annual, and surely if September's monthly, rate continues, 2010 will be the deadliest year to date just as this month is already the deadliest month.

The amount of fatalities this year may well have been substantially higher except for the catastrophic flooding that beset Pakistan starting in late July and caused the confirmed deaths of at least 1,500 people, the destruction of one million homes and the displacement of millions of Pakistanis. Although the inundation and the damage it wreaked did not directly affect the main targets of U.S. drone strikes, South Waziristan (overwhelmingly) and North Waziristan, there were only five unmanned aerial vehicle attacks in July and four in August. There have been at least four times more strikes and almost the same ratio of deaths this month than in the preceding one.

Reliable figures for fatalities are harder to determine than the number of Hellfire missiles fired by U.S. Predator drones. Calculations for both are provided on a daily basis by the website of the New America Foundation and by a Wikipedia page on the subject. [1]

The first is transparently supportive of the drone assassination campaign; the tone of the second is closer to being neutral. As of September 25 both sites show identical figures for the amount of attacks and deaths so far this year - 72 and 639, respectively - and list information on every individual incident from 2004 to the present. However, the casualty figures are within a range of minimum to maximum estimated deaths in each instance and are occasionally lower than reports in Pakistani news accounts.

For example, the New America Foundation reports the deaths of 4-6 people identified as militants on September 20 in North Waziristan and Wikipedia reports a total of 19 killed in two attacks in the agency on the same day, but Pakistan's Daily Times revealed that "At least 28 people were killed in three US led drone strikes in the remote areas of South and North Waziristan" [2] on that day. The additional numbers in the Pakistani version alone push this month's death toll - 122 by adding the Wikipedia numbers - to only one short of the previous monthly high of 132 from this January. And there are five more days left in September.

Wikipedia calculations from 2004 to now document 167 drone attacks and 1,753 deaths. 72 or more strikes this year, then, account for over 43 percent of the total in a six-year period, notwithstanding the lull following this summer's flooding. The 2010 death count to date constitutes 37 percent of all fatalities since 2004.

The approximately 1,800 people killed in Pakistan by drone attacks are invariably referred to in the Western press as armed militants belonging to outfits affiliated with al-Qaeda, members of Pakistani Taliban and allied formations like the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan of Baitullah Mehsud (killed with his wife and in-laws in a drone strike in August of 2009), Lashkar al-Zil and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi and veteran Afghan Mujahedin organizations such as the Haqqani network and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin, ethnic Arab fighters, and members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan and the Turkistan Islamic Party (al-Hizb al-Islami al-Turkistani), the last claiming to be fighting for the liberation of what it calls East Turkistan - that is, China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

It is worth recalling that last year then-commander of all U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, issued his COMISAF (Commander of International Security Assistance Force) Initial Assessment which, while calling for the surge in U.S. and NATO forces that has occurred in the interim, stated "The major insurgent groups in order of their threat to the mission are: the Quetta Shura Taliban (05T), the Haqqani Network (HQN), and the Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HiG)." [3]

The Haqqani network is led by Jalaluddin Haqqani and his son Sirajuddin and Hezb-e-Islami Gulbuddin by its founder Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. The elder Haqqani and Hekmatyar were among America's - the CIA's - main clients and proxies during the Pakistani-based war against the successive Afghanistan governments of Nur Muhammad Taraki, Hafizullah Amin, Babrak Karmal and Mohammad Najibullah and their Soviet backers from 1978-1992. Several thousand Afghans and Pakistanis have been killed in the past nine years in a war waged by Washington in large part against its former assets.

Citing Pakistani government sources, the nation's Dawn News reported this January that in 2009 the U.S. launched 44 Predator drone attacks in Pakistan which killed 708 people. Contrary to how the victims were routinely characterized in the American and most of the world press, of the nearly four dozen attacks "only five were able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al-Qaeda and Taliban leaders, but at the cost of over 700 innocent civilians."

As a result, "For each Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorist killed by US drones, 140 innocent Pakistanis also had to die. Over 90 per cent of those killed in the deadly missile strikes were civilians, claim authorities." [4]

The persistent threat of attacks has instilled intense and abiding fear in the people of South Waziristan in particular and the cumulative effect of over two years of steady drone strikes - never knowing at what hour of the day or night they will occur, whether the first will be followed by others - will unavoidably create collective post-traumatic stress disorder among all sectors of the population, especially children, who face a lifetime of panic and other anxiety and mood problems, flashbacks, night terrors and hypervigilance.

With this month's numbers added, U.S. drone attacks have killed more people in Pakistan than those confirmed dead from the recent disastrous flooding.

Starting last year strikes have expanded beyond the Federally Administered Tribal Areas to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (until this April the North-West Frontier Province). In 2009 the New York Times reported that leading American government officials were "proposing to broaden the missile strikes to Baluchistan," on Iran's southeast border.

Several milestones have been marked in South Asia this year. There are now more foreign troops in Afghanistan than in any other period in the nation's history: 150,000 under U.S. and NATO command, currently 80 percent of them under NATO's. On September 25 the 535th Western soldier was killed, surpassing last year's previous high of 521.

And U.S. drones attacks in Pakistan have claimed more victims than in any previous year amid indications that their number and lethal effect will continue to escalate.

1) New America Foundation
The Year of the Drone

Wikipedia: Drone attacks in Pakistan
2) Daily Times, September 22, 2010
3) Washington Post, September 21, 2009
4) Dawn News, January 2, 2010

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NATO Helicopter Strike Kills At Least 30 In Pakistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:04 pm (PDT)

Xinhua News Agency
September 27, 2010

30 killed as 2 NATO helicopters strike inside Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: At least 30 people were killed as two NATO helicopters struck inside Pakistan in its northwest tribal area bordering Afghanistan in the wee hours of Monday, reported local media Express.

According to the report, the Afghanistan-based NATO helicopters fired at militants hiding in the Pakistani side who earlier launched an attack at a NATO check post in the Khost area of Afghanistan. But the report failed to say when the check post was attacked by the militants.

Most of the people killed in the incident were believed to be militants.

It was a rare incident in which NATO troops launched military actions against the militants within the territory of Pakistan. So far there is no response yet from the Pakistani government regarding the incident.

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Two NATO Soldiers Killed In Southern Afghanistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:05 pm (PDT)

September 26, 2010

2 NATO troops killed in Afghanistan

Two NATO troops died after an explosion in southern Afghanistan Sunday, the organization's International Security Assistance Force said in a statement.

The troops died after an improvised explosive device attack, the statement said. But NATO officials did not provide further details about the circumstances of the blast or the nationalities of the service members involved.

Agence France-Presse
September 26, 2010

Two foreign soldiers killed in Afghanistan: NATO

KABUL: Two foreign soldiers battling the Taliban in southern Afghanistan were killed Sunday in a bomb attack, NATO said.

The deaths bring to 536 the number of foreign troops to die in the Afghan war so far this year, compared to 521 for all of 2009, according to an AFP tally based on that kept by

NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said the soldiers "died following an improvised explosive device attack in southern Afghanistan," referring to roadside and remote-control bombs laid by the Taliban.

The nationalities of the dead were not given, according to policy.

The United States and NATO have almost 150,000 troops in Afghanistan, battling an insurgency launched soon after the Taliban's 1996-2001 regime was overthrown in a US-led invasion.

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Three New U.S. Drone Attacks Kill 12 In Pakistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:05 pm (PDT)

International Herald Tribune
September 26, 2010

Twelve killed in new wave of drone strikes

PESHAWAR: Twelve people have been killed in three alleged US drone strikes in North Waziristan today (Sunday).

In the first attack, drones fired three predator missiles at a vehicle in Lawara Mandi area of tehsil Datta Khel in North Waziristan. A second attack was also reportedly carried out in Datta Khel area.

The third attack was carried out at Tarmanu road in North Waziristan in which five missiles were fired, killing three people. Two people were also injured in the attacks.

Despite the ongoing floods crisis, the CIA has picked up the pace of its missile strikes against militants with back-to-back the country’s northwest region.

The air strikes have raised fresh concerns among some Pakistani officials that the agency is resuming its lethal campaign at the worst possible moment â€" in the midst of a humanitarian crisis that has submerged one-sixth of the country and left at least six million people homeless.

For a 20-day period, between July 25 and August 13, the CIA failed to launch any missile strikes at all, the longest such period this year, according to an analysis by the Long War Journal, a publication that closely tracks the drone campaign. Before the hiatus, the CIA had mounted 49 attacks in 2010, amounting to an average of about two a week.

The US missile strikes have killed about 100 people since September 3, while over 1,100 people have been killed in more than 130 drone strikes in Pakistan since August 2008....

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NATO Troops Kill Two Afghan Civilians

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:05 pm (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
September 27, 2010

NATO troops kill two Afghan civilians September 27, 2010 - 1:44AM

Scholars examine the facts about Jesus' claims to be God

NATO forces in Afghanistan killed two civilians on a motorbike after they refused to stop while driving towards a security barrier, the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) says.

The force denied any misconduct in the killings in the southern province of Helmand, saying the pair refused to listen to warnings and posed a threat.

"Two Afghan civilians riding a motorcycle were killed after failing to adhere to several warnings to stop while approaching a security perimeter in southern Afghanistan Saturday," the ISAF statement said.

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NATO Tankers Set On Fire In Pakistani Baluchistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:06 pm (PDT)

Associated Press
September 27, 2010

NATO tankers attacked in Mastung, Kalat

QUETTA: Unidentified gunmen set two NATO oil tankers on fire in different areas of Balochistan on Sunday.

One oil tanker was set on fire in the Mastung. The second tanker, carrying fuel for NATO forces deployed in Afghanistan, was set on fire in the Manuchar area of Kalat district on Sunday morning.

Seven NATO suppliers had been attacked and destroyed during the past three days in the Manuchar area.

Police said that the attackers had managed to escape.

A case had been registered against the unidentified attackers, and police are investigating the matter.

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SCO Consolidates Itself As Security Institute Over Eurasian Space

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:07 pm (PDT)

September 26, 2010

SCO consolidates itself as security institute over Eurasian space

MOSCOW: The SCO has consolidated itself as an inseparable institute of security in the region, said President Dmitry Medvedev in an interview with the Chinese newspaper Renmin Ribao on the eve of his visit to China.

“The SCO has become one of the most prestigious organizations not only on the regional but also on the global scale thanks to joint efforts of Russia, China and our Central Asian partners,†he stated.

“I shall not overestimate, I believe, by saying that the solution of tasks of stable and gradual development in the Euro-Asian space is already impossible to imagine without the SCO,†the Russian head of state added.

According to the president, “the steady expansion of diverse multilevel partnership relations also points to the rising influence of the SCO†. “Activities of observer states remain invariably high. They are also joined by countries, that have received the status of a partner in the dialogue,†the Russian head of state stated. “On the whole, network dialogue cooperation with the leading international organisations â€" the UN, the CSTO, the CIS, the Euro-Asian Economic Community and the ASEAN â€" is turning increasingly efficient.â€

“We fight terrorism, separatism, trans-border organised crime and illicit drug trafficking in the framework of the SCO,†Medvedev noted. “Joint anti-terrorist exercises of SCO states help to raise their role in the struggle against new challenges and threats, including the exercises, carried out in Russia last August and ‘Peace mission-2010’ in Kazakhstan, that has just successfully ended,†he continued.

The head of state noted, “The main areas of our partnership within the SCO are economic and humanitarian cooperation†. “I’m convinced that precisely the balanced advance along all directions of joint work will help to ensure further consolidation of our organisation,†he concluded.

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25:1 Civilian Deaths: U.S. Launches 8 Attacks In Pakistan In Week

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:13 pm (PDT)

Xinhua News Agency
September 27, 2010

Repeated U.S. drone strikes could spark another round of terrorist attacks in Pakistan

-The so-called precision strikes of the U.S. drones against militants have also mistakenly killed many other innocent people. There are reports saying that the death ratio of militants killed against civilians in such strikes stands at about 1 against 25, leading to a strong anti-American sentiment in the country.

ISLAMABAD: At least nine people were killed and another two injured in three U.S. drone strikes launched on Sunday evening in Pakistan's northwest tribal area of North Waziristan, reported local media.

According to the reports, the U.S. drones launched three strikes at different targets in Miranshah, North Waziristan, a place bordering Afghanistan, which is believed to be one of the strongholds of militants in Pakistan.

During the first strike, the U.S. drones fired three missiles at a house located at the Datta Khel Road in Miranshah, killing at least four people and injuring two others.

In the second strike, six to seven U.S. drones seen hovering over Miranshah
fired five missiles at a target at the Tarmano Road in the area, killing at
least three people.

In the third strike, the U.S. drones fired one missile at another target in the Miranshah, killing at least two people.

The third strike launched by U.S. drones on Sunday evening counts for the eighth of its kind over the past week. Starting from last Sunday, the U.S. drones have apparently stepped up its strike against the militants hiding in Pakistan's northwest tribal areas of North Waziristan and South Waziristan. So far over 40 people including some important militant leaders have reportedly been killed in the strikes since last Sunday.

The so-called precision strikes of the U.S. drones against militants have also mistakenly killed many other innocent people. There are reports saying that the death ratio of militants killed against civilians in such strikes stands at about 1 against 25, leading to a strong anti-American sentiment in the country.

Local watchers believe that the repeated U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan, plus the recent sentencing of a Pakistani female scientist named Aafia Siddiqui to 86-year imprisonment by a US court over terrorism charges, could lead to another round of fierce terrorist attacks in the country.

On Saturday night three NATO oil tankers were attacked by Taliban in Pakistan and Pakistan Talibans have threatened to continue attacks on NATO convoys supplying goods to the US-led NATO troops in Afghanistan through the land route of Pakistan unless Aafia Siddiqui, a female Pakistani scientist recently sentenced to 86-year imprisonment by a US court, is released and returned to Pakistan.

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América Latina en la mira

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:26 pm (PDT)

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22 de septiembre 2010

América Latina en la mira
Estados Unidos tiene su mapa militar en cuatro grandes áreas de la región, a partir de sus bases castrenses.
Luis Gutiérrez Esparza

El mapa de la presencia militar de Estados Unidos en América Latina a partir de sus bases, que tejen además una verdadera, intrincada y apretada red global, puede observarse en cuatro grandes áreas: la centroamericana, donde están incluidos principalmente Honduras y El Salvador con la base de Comalapsa, presuntamente dedicada a la vigilancia del narcotráfico; el Caribe (Guantánamo en Cuba y Vieques en Puerto Rico, fundamentalmente); Sudamérica, donde si bien Washington perdió Manta, en Ecuador, obtuvo siete en Colombia, aunque están siendo reconsideradas por el nuevo gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos; además de que en Perú se encuentra la de Iquitos, si bien el gobierno de Alan García insiste en negar su existencia.

En el marco de la reactivación de la IV Flota, Estados Unidos decidió la construcción de un enclave para submarinos en Surinam, pese a las protestas de Brasil; y dispone de las instalaciones navales de Aruba y Curazao, esta última a solamente 50 kilómetros de Venezuela, con las repercusiones inevitables de enrarecimiento en una región sometida a una permanente presión estadunidense, que se agrava con el financiamiento a la oposición política venezolana en los procesos electorales.

Respecto a las tropas en Paraguay, las fuentes de inteligencia consultadas coinciden en que puede tratarse de una fuerza de presencia permanente. Los cambios de rumbo del presidente Fernando Lugo no permiten establecer con claridad cuáles son sus verdaderas intenciones. El debate se centra en la mayor base aérea de la zona, la de Mariscal Estigarribia, a la cual me he referido anteriormente. Desde sus pistas, una aeronave puede desplazarse en sólo unos minutos hacia cualquier punto de América del Sur; y domina la estratégica Triple Frontera.

Al parecer, subsisten ocho instalaciones militares estadunidenses en Argentina, pese a la muy clara posición en contra de los gobiernos de Néstor Kirchner y Cristina Fernández. En marzo de 2007, un tribunal ético argentino dictaminó que las bases estadunidenses en América Latina "violan los derechos civiles, políticos, económicos, sociales y culturales de la región".

La promoción del militarismo es la primera de las consecuencias directas de esa política que ha continuado el presidente Barack Obama, pese a sus promesas y declaraciones preelectorales. Ya en 2001, por ejemplo, se hablaba de construir una base militar y nuclear en la Tierra del Fuego, cerca del Estrecho de Magallanes, una zona estratégica que vincula al Atlántico con el Pacífico. Asimismo, se planteó la creación de la base de Chubut como una ampliación de las instalaciones Torre Omega (entre las ciudades de Trelew y Puerto Madryn), para completar el cerco de la OTAN, que comienza con la llamada Fortaleza Malvinas.

La preocupación del pueblo argentino por la presencia de tropas extranjeras y la realización de operaciones militares desde su territorio, se manifestó por medio de una de las voces más respetadas de la sociedad civil de aquel país, la de Miguel Monserrat, copresidente de la Asamblea Permanente por Derechos Humanos de Argentina, quien subrayó que el intervencionismo estadunidense ha existido durante dos siglos y, en la actualidad, "es preocupante por su nivel de agresividad", evidente en la expansión de la red de bases militares por el continente.

La presencia permanente de fuerzas militares de Estados Unidos en todo el mundo, y en especial en zonas de conflicto, permite concluir que el poder militar estadunidense podría incrementar sus efectivos permanentes en la región, para que aseguren el establecimiento de bases a fin de recibir eventualmente a fuerzas de gran magnitud que operen combinadamente en caso de ser necesario.

Todo esto constituiría la respuesta a un escenario de desafío a las directrices políticas trazadas desde Washington y destinadas a mantener a Latinoamérica bajo control. Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador e incluso Argentina y Brasil, se encuentran en la mira.

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Russian Military Chief Rejects NATO Membership

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:26 pm (PDT)

Voice of Russia
September 26, 2010

Russia's membership in NATO premature - miliary chief of staff

Russia’s Military Chief of Staff Nikolai Makarov considers it premature to bring up the issue of Russia’s membership in NATO. He said that neither Russia nor its armed forces are ready for such a move and that Russia and NATO pursue different agendas.

As he appeared on national television, General Makarov said that the government is allocating 19 trillion rubles for a program to rearm this country’s armed forces. Under the program, which comes into effect next year, Russia’s armed forces will be equipped with new weaponry by 2020.

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U.S. Deploys Aircraft Carrier Strike Group To Pacific, Indian Oceans

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:47 pm (PDT)

Navy NewsStand
September 25, 2010

By Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group Public Affairs

USS Abraham Lincoln, At Sea: Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group entered the 7th Fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR) Sept. 25 as part of their scheduled 2010-2011 deployment.

The 7th Fleet AOR is the largest of the numbered fleets, covering more than 48 million square miles of the Pacific and Indian Oceans.

The mission of the Lincoln Strike Group while deployed will focus on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts, which help establish conditions for regional stability.

"Working with our allies in this region is extremely important to us," said Rear Adm. Mark D. Guadagnini, strike group commander. "The U.S. commitment to cooperation and collaboration with like-minded nations is vital to Asia-Pacific security and stability."
Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group consists of flagship USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 2, San Diego-based guided-missile cruiser USS Cape St. George (CG 71), and the embarked Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 9. Ships assigned to DESRON 9 include the Everett-based destroyers Momsen (DDG 92) and Shoup (DDG 86), as well as USS Halsey (DDG 97) and USS Sterett (DDG 104).

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Advanced U.S. Nuclear Fast Attack Submarine Docks In Guam

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 4:49 pm (PDT)

Navy NewsStand
September 24, 2010

USS Hawaii Visits Guam
From Joint Region Marianas Public Affairs

-The state-of-the-art submarine is capable of supporting a multitude of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike, naval special warfare involving special operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare.

APRA HARBOR, Guam: The Virginia-class fast attack submarine USS Hawaii (SSN 776) arrived Sept. 24 in Apra Harbor, Guam for a port visit during the ship's first deployment to the Western Pacific.

The ship departed Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam for a scheduled deployment to the Western Pacific region Aug. 25.

With a crew of 136, this is the ship's first deployment from Pearl Harbor.

Hawaii will be conducting a multitude of missions while assigned to 7th Fleet during the next several months.

"Guam, as a port, plays a vital role in the U.S. military's efforts to fulfill our commitments to our allies and partners and to protect our nation's security," said Capt. John Russ, commodore for Submarine Squadron 15....

Measuring 377 feet long and weighing 7,800 tons when submerged, Hawaii is one of the Navy's newest and most technologically sophisticated submarines.

The state-of-the-art submarine is capable of supporting a multitude of missions, including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface ship warfare, strike, naval special warfare involving special operations forces, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and mine warfare.

Stars and Stripes
September 7, 2010

Submarine USS Hawaii first of its class to enter Western Pacific
By Erik Slavin

YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE, Japan: The USS Hawaii's arrival at Yokosuka on Friday marks the first port visit by a Virginia-class submarine in the Western Pacific.

The USS Hawaii’s arrival on Friday at Yokosuka for a port visit signaled the first time a Virginia-class submarine has entered the Western Pacific, Navy officials said Tuesday.

The relatively new fast-attack submarine’s arrival in Asian waters represents yet another piece of the Navy’s shift toward watercraft and weaponry designed to operate in nearshore waters.
Submarine commanders tend to avoid talking about specific countries and operations, but they’re usually happy to talk about their boats. Mack was no exception aboard the Hawaii on Tuesday.

The Hawaii can not only drive itself, it can auto-hover and auto-stabilize, keeping the boat as quiet as possible while avoiding detection at varied depths, Mack said.

It also uses a sonar “chin array†to detect mines and other threats beneath the boat, an upgrade over the older Los Angeles-class subs that the Hawaii and boats like it are replacing.

“The Los Angeles-class is extremely capable, but it was designed in an era more focused on open ocean,†said Cmdr. Jeff Davis, spokesman for the 7th Fleet, which oversees the Western Pacific. The Hawaii and its class “add a lot of value, particularly in ... the littoral environments in which we operate.â€

The new capabilities would aid the Hawaii if it ever operated in the often shallow waters near the Korean Northern Limit Line, where international investigators believe the South Korean ship Cheonan was destroyed by a North Korean torpedo in March.

The Hawaii also has an airlock chamber which it can use to launch Navy SEAL teams into nearshore waters.

Davis said the Hawaii was not scheduled to participate in a U.S.-South Korean anti-submarine exercise that was postponed this week due to a tropical storm off the peninsula.

He said there is no special reason why a Virginia-class sub hadn’t shown up in the Western Pacific sooner. However, with 12 Virginia-class subs expected to be ready by 2015, the boats will likely play an increasingly larger role in 7th Fleet plans.

“We are the first, but there are more to follow,†Mack said.

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NATO Raid, U.S. Missile Strikes Kill 42 In Pakistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:12 pm (PDT)

The Daily Mail (Pakistan)
September 27, 2010

34 killed in NATO raid
Coalition helicopters intrude across border

-The exact identities of the seven people killed in the attacks were not known, but most of this month’s strikes have targeted forces led by Jalaluddin Haqqani, a commander who was once supported by Pakistan and the US during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

ISLAMABAD: According to eyewitness and news sources from the tribal area, the US troops on two helicopters conducted raid in Pakistan territory and killed at least 34 people in the region near Pakistan-Afghanistan border.

Although US drones are frequently conducting strikes against militant targets in the tribal areas, the raid of the US ground troops with help of helicopters is a rare incident, wherein over 34 people were statedly killed on Saturday night.

Two years back, in September, 2008, US troops had conducted a similar raid across the border and 20 people were killed in the raid, which had elicited strong criticism from Pakistan.

Two US drone strikes targeting vehicles killed eight people on Sunday in North Waziristan near the Afghan border, officials said. Both attacks took place in the Asar village of Datta Khel town, some 50km (31 miles) west of Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal district. “The US drone fired three missiles at the militants’ vehicle, killing four rebels,†a senior security official in the area said of the first strike.

Another senior security official in the area confirmed the strike and toll.

The second strike, also targeting a vehicle, killed three rebels in the same village. “Four missiles fired from a US drone on another vehicle which was going to the site of the first attack for rescue work, killing three militants,†a senior security official in the area said. The two strikes came a little over 24 hours after a similar drone attack in the same Datta Khel area, which killed four militants on Saturday. The US has launched eighteen such drone attacks in just 23 days in North Waziristan.

More than 1,100 people have been killed in over 130 drone strikes in Pakistan since August 2008.

Suspected US drone aircraft carried out two missile strikes against a house and a vehicle in North Waziristan on Sunday, killing seven alleged militants, Pakistani intelligence officials said.

The US is now suspected of conducting 19 such attacks this month, the most intense barrage since the strikes began in 2004.

Most have targeted Datta Khel, part of the North Waziristan tribal area that is dominated by militants who regularly stage attacks against Nato troops in Afghanistan. In the first strike Sunday, a drone fired three missiles at a house in Lwara Mandi village in Datta Khel, killing three suspected militants, said the intelligence officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

Minutes later, a drone fired two missiles at a vehicle in the same area, killing four suspected militants, the officials said. The exact identities of the seven people killed in the attacks were not known, but most of this month’s strikes have targeted forces led by Jalaluddin Haqqani, a commander who was once supported by Pakistan and the US during the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

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Holbrooke Recruits Bangladeshi Combat Forces For Afghan War

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:38 pm (PDT)

Radio Netherlands
September 26, 2010

US seeks Bangladesh troops for Afghanistan: Dhaka

The United States has urged Bangladesh to send combat troops to Afghanistan to help the multinational effort bring stability to the war-torn country, Dhaka's foreign ministry said Sunday.

The request was made during meetings in New York between Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni and the United States Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke.

Holbrooke said the US needed the "help of friends like Bangladesh" to ensure security in Afghanistan, according to a government statement released in Dhaka.

"He sought for any kind of help like deploying combat troops, providing economic and development assistance or giving training among the law enforcement agencies," it said.

Moni said the government would consider the request.

Muslim-majority Bangladesh is a major contributor to United Nations peacekeeping missions around the world, but has no troops in Afghanistan.


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