Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Brilliant NATO Victory in Afghanistan-NATO Kills Six Afghan Children, Loses Three Soldiers

Messages In This Digest (14 Messages)

NATO Kills Six Afghan Children, Loses Three Soldiers From: Rick Rozoff
Letter: Bookseller Tony Blair Belongs In War Crimes Dock From: Rick Rozoff
Latvia Streamlines Law On NATO Deployments Abroad From: Rick Rozoff
Baltic to Black Sea Alliance, "LATO" Want Georgia In NATO From: Rick Rozoff
Letter: Iran Encircled By Nuclear Weapons From: Rick Rozoff
Nuclear, Missile Defense From: arn specter
Irak: la guerra que no cesa From: Rick Rozoff
NATO Tankers Attacked In Pakistani Balochistan From: Rick Rozoff
U.S. Bid To Control Korean Peninsula Threat To China, Russia From: Rick Rozoff
Armenia 2010: NATO 15-State Europe-Caucasus-Mideast Exercise From: Rick Rozoff
Western-Backed Kosovo Entity Threatens Military Action In North From: Rick Rozoff
Afghan War: NATO Gets 52-Troop Singapore Drone Task Group From: Rick Rozoff
South Ossetia Accuses Georgia Of Drone Flights, Sabotage Plans From: Rick Rozoff
China Calls On U.S. Not To Sell Taiwan Radars From: Rick Rozoff



NATO Kills Six Afghan Children, Loses Three Soldiers

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:10 am (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
August 27, 2010

NATO kills Afghan children, loses three soldiers
By Sardar Ahmad

KABUL: Three US soldiers were killed Friday in attacks in Afghanistan, NATO said, as Afghan authorities accused international forces of killing six children during an air assault....

Amid a surge in military deaths, NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said it lost three soldiers in two separate Taliban-style bomb attacks - two were killed in the country's east, while one died in the south.

The insurgency, dragging towards its tenth year, is concentrated in the eastern and southern border belts of the country.

In eastern Kunar province, a mountainous region known to be a Taliban stronghold, a police commander told AFP that six children were killed in an air raid aimed at quelling a Taliban attack.

Provincial police chief Khalilullah Ziayee said a group of children were collecting scrap metal on the mountain when NATO aircraft dropped bombs....

"In the bombardment six children, aged six to 12, were killed. Another child was injured," the police commander said.

ISAF said in a statement that it had carried out an airstrike and it was investigating claims that civilians had been killed in those raids.
The US-led force has been responsible for scores of civilian deaths....

Violence has picked up in Afghanistan in recent months, coinciding with the deployment of 30,000 additional US troops to reinforce the battle against the Taliban under Washington's Afghan counter-insurgency strategy.

The surge in violence has led to increased military deaths. With Friday's casualties, the number of foreign soldiers killed in Afghanistan this year reached 465, compared to 521 for all of 2009, according to independent tallies.

There are nearly 150,000 US-led foreign troops in Afghanistan....

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Letter: Bookseller Tony Blair Belongs In War Crimes Dock

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:10 am (PDT)

Irish Independent
August 27, 2010

Bookseller Tony Blair belongs in court

-Seven Irish soldiers are now serving with this NATO occupation force in Afghanistan, in clear breach of Ireland's so-called military neutrality.

The proposed visit by former British prime minister Tony Blair to Ireland on September 3-4 to publicise his autobiography should be used by the Irish people to express their opposition to the wars and military occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq, which were carried out in contravention of the UN Charter and have cost the lives of an estimated one-and-a-half million people so far.

With the withdrawal of US operational troops from Iraq, that country is now on the brink of a renewed outbreak of civil war, resulting from the US-led invasion.

The prospects for democracy and peace for the people of Iraq are very remote.

In Afghanistan, Mr Blair falsely claimed that one of the reasons for British participation in the overthrow of the Afghan government in 2001 was to stop the flow of drugs to Europe, yet he must have known when he made that statement that one of the few positive achievements by the Taliban government by 2001 was the virtual elimination of drug production, as confirmed by the UN at the time.

The US and British occupation was achieved by knowingly creating an alliance with the warlords and drug barons, thereby restoring the production of drugs.

The export of drugs from Afghanistan to Europe is now at an all-time high.

Hundreds of thousands of Afghan people have been killed and seriously injured, and the abuse of women and children, especially girls, has worsened rather than improved under the Karzai government, supported by the NATO occupation forces.

Seven Irish soldiers are now serving with this NATO occupation force in Afghanistan, in clear breach of Ireland's so-called military neutrality.

Mr Blair should be at The Hague war crimes tribunal as a defendant, not selling books in Ireland.

Edward Horgan

International Secretary, Irish Peace and Neutrality Alliance,

Castletroy, Limerick

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Latvia Streamlines Law On NATO Deployments Abroad

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:10 am (PDT)

Defence Professionals (Germany)
August 27, 2010

Latvian participation in NATO, EU military exercises should be made by the Minister of Defence

On August 4, 2010 in a meeting of the State Secretaries, the draft law prepared by the Ministry of Defence, titled Amendments on the Law for Participation of Latvian National Armed Forces in international operations" (hereafter – draft law), was announced.

The amendments are made in order to simplify the decision making process regarding the participation of the National Armed Forces (NAF) in joint military exercises abroad.

The draft law states that the Cabinet of Ministers makes decisions about NAF participation only in those joint military exercises which are conducted outside NATO and EU because such participation must be backed with political approval. Otherwise the decision on participation of the NAF in joint military exercises is made by the Minister of Defence.

The Ministry of Defence emphasizes that the participation in NATO and EU organized exercises derives from international contracts on collective security.

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Baltic to Black Sea Alliance, "LATO" Want Georgia In NATO

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:10 am (PDT)

Defence Professionals (Germany)
August 27, 2010

Latvian MoD hosts discussion about Georgia's integration in NATO

On August 27, 2010 the Ministry of Defence in cooperation with Baltic to Black Sea Alliance (BBSA) is organizing a meeting of Georgian Deputy Defence Minister Nodar Kharshiladze with Latvian Non-Governmental organizations (NGO).

It is planned to discuss current events in Georgia's defence and safety policy, integration in NATO and state reforms. The aim of this discussion is to support dialogue about regional safety and the development of Georgia.

NGO representatives from the BBSA, the Latvian Transatlantic Organization (LATO) and the Centre of East European Policy Studies, experts from Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, foreign policy experts Toms Rostoks and Andris Spruds and chairperson of the Saeima European Affairs Committee Vaira Paegle will participate in a round table conference.

The moderator of the discussion is Andris Spruds.

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Letter: Iran Encircled By Nuclear Weapons

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:11 am (PDT)

Belfast Telegraph
August 27, 2010

Iran encircled by nuclear weapons

Tom Sutcliffe's piece on the Iranian nuclear weapons threat (Comment, 24 August) prompts me to raise a rarely mentioned point.

The prospect of a nuclear-armed Ahmadinejad is certainly a nightmare, but let us not pretend that attempts to avert this are based on moral principle rather than pragmatic realpolitik.

Iran is virtually encircled by nuclear-armed powers: Pakistan to the east, Russia to the north, Nato to the west, Israel to the south-west and the US Navy to the south. According to deterrence theory, it is thus, in principle, more justified in acquiring nuclear capability than any other country.

This theory remains central to US and British defence thinking, so much so that the phrase "Britain's nuclear deterrent" is now invariably used as simply a factual description, rather than begging the whole question at issue.

As a CND supporter since the late 1950s, I never found deterrence theory logically credible. The Iranian situation is but the latest instalment in the proliferation process which we foresaw back then. While deterrence theory prevails as official doctrine, principled ethical opposition to nuclear proliferation will remain stymied.

Graham Richards, Tunbridge Wells, Kent

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Nuclear, Missile Defense

Posted by: "arn specter"   arnpeace

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:35 am (PDT)

Second Live Tracking Exercise For Ballistic Missile Defense Completed

Known as the "Cruiser in the Cornfield" for its ship-like exterior appearance,
the Navy's Vice Admiral James H. Doyle Combat Systems Engineering Development
Site (CSEDS) develops, integrates and delivers sophisticated computer software
that allows the Aegis Combat System to constantly evolve to meet the world's
emerging threats. CSEDS incorporates highly-integrated, classified, real-time
networks that connect numerous contractor and U.S. government facilities. by
Staff Writers,

Moorestown NJ (SPX) Aug 27, 2010
Lockheed Martin successfully identified and tracked four live targets during a
test of its Multi-Mission Signal Processor (MMSP) being fielded as part of the
Aegis next-generation Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) capability.

The MMSP is part of the Navy's Advanced Capability Build 12 system, intended to
help combine next-generation Aegis BMD and anti-air warfare (AAW) capabilities
in an open combat system architecture.

"This is our second demonstration of the MMSP capability, and both have
successfully shown its abilities to detect and track targets," said Allan Croly,
director, Naval Radar Programs, for Lockheed Martin's Mission Systems and
Sensors business unit. "MMSP allows our customers to track threats that would
have gone undetected with lesser capabilities."

The first demonstration conducted earlier this year showcased the radar's AAW
capability while this test focused on the radar's BMD capability.

Both were conducted using an augmented Aegis system at the Navy's land-based
test facility, the Vice Admiral James H. Doyle Combat Systems Engineering
Development Site in New Jersey. Additional testing will occur through 2011.

As part of the Aegis Modernization Program, MMSP is scheduled for installation
on guided missile destroyers currently equipped with the Aegis Weapon System,
starting in 2012.

The Aegis BMD element of the nation's ballistic missile defense system provides
the capability to use hit-to-kill technology to intercept and destroy short- and
medium-range ballistic missiles.

Additionally, Aegis BMD-equipped ships provide surveillance and tracking of
intercontinental ballistic missiles and work with other elements of the nation's
missile-defense systems to provide advance warning for the defense of the
nation, deployed U.S. forces, and allies.



Irak: la guerra que no cesa

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:39 am (PDT)

August 26, 2010

Irak: la guerra que no cesa
El portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Philip Crowley, no deja lugar a dudas: no están poniendo fin al involucramiento en el país.
Luis Gutiérrez Esparza

La propaganda gubernamental estadunidense suele estar sistemáticamente basada en la mentira o, al menos, en la manipulación de la verdad. Por ello, muchas personas en todo el mundo creen a pie juntillas que las tropas de Estados Unidos han salido de Irak y la guerra ha terminado.

Mentira. Permanecerán 50 mil soldados y alrededor de 75 mil "asesores civiles", entre los cuales figuran millares de mercenarios de empresas privadas de seguridad; es decir, unos 125 mil, algo así como la mitad de las fuerzas que integran el Ejército mexicano.

Siete años y medio después de una intervención cuyo pretexto, la supuesta existencia de armas de destrucción masiva, particularmente nucleares, resultó falso, como lo comprobaron desde la Agencia Internacional de Energía Atómica, hasta militares estadunidenses que enfrentaron un verdadero problema de conciencia, Irak es un país empobrecido, desgarrado y envuelto en la violencia bélica.

La versión oficial es que a partir del 31 de agosto, cesarán las operaciones de combate y se iniciará un programa de entrenamiento y asesoría, que incluye el desarrollo de un aparato de inteligencia cuyo control continuará en manos de Washington. Según el mayor Stephen Lanza, portavoz del ejército estadunidense, la orwellescamente denominada Operación Libertad Iraquí pasará a denominarse Operación Nuevo Amanecer, a cuyo cargo estarán las actividades "de estabilización".

No está de más recordar que Estados Unidos decidió no presentar su proyecto de invasión ante el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas, por el seguro veto de tres de sus miembros permanentes: Rusia, Francia y China. Contó con el apoyo de una miniconstelación de naciones segundonas, más la participación decidida de su incondicional aliada Gran Bretaña y de la España gobernada por José María Aznar. En el ámbito mexicano, la sorprendente decisión del gobierno de Vicente Fox de no apoyar a su amigo George W. Bush, ocasionó un enfriamiento casi total de las relaciones bilaterales.

Vale la pena recordar que tanto a Fox como a su canciller, Jorge G. Castañeda, les ganó la partida un gran mexicano ya fallecido, el entonces representante de México ante la ONU, Adolfo Aguilar Zinser. Entonces México formaba parte del Consejo de Seguridad y Aguilar Zinser dio a conocer la oposición mexicana. Yo hablé con él por teléfono en los días previos y me dijo: "Ya les comenté al Presidente y al secretario Castañeda que no puede haber otra opción para México". Le pregunté si estaban de acuerdo y su respuesta fue muy reveladora: "Espero que sí, porque de lo contrario, se van a sentir muy molestos".

La inquina de Bush contra el presidente iraquí Saddam Hussein fue el principal combustible de la invasión. El régimen de Hussein fue, sin duda, cuestionable en muchos sentidos; mas para Haifa Zangana, escritora y periodista iraquí exiliada en Londres, no hay duda acerca de lo que pretendió realmente la invasión:

"Las razones son tres: el control del petróleo (no sólo su extracción), la geopolítica (instalación de bases), y la postura que ha mantenido siempre Irak en defensa de la creación de un Estado palestino, lo que Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña consideraban una amenaza para su aliado, Israel".

El portavoz del Departamento de Estado, Philip Crowley, no deja lugar a dudas: "No estamos poniendo fin a nuestro involucramiento en Irak. Tendremos un trabajo importante que hacer. Esto es una transición. No es el final. Es una transición a algo diferente. Tenemos un compromiso a largo plazo con Irak".

El cinismo de Crowley corre parejas con su franqueza: "Hemos invertido mucho en Irak y tenemos que hacer todo lo que podamos para preservar esa inversión con el fin de integrar a Irak y a su vecindario a una situación mucho más pacífica que sirva a sus intereses y a los nuestros".

Entre muchas secuelas de muerte, destrucción, empobrecimiento, polarización extrema, Zangana se refiere a uno muy importante, porque lo ha tratado de utilizar tangencialmente la propaganda estadunidense, al asegurar que hoy en día se respetan plenamente los derechos humanos:

"Irak era el país de la región con el mayor número de mujeres con estudios y carreras universitarias, porque la enseñanza era gratuita y obligatoria.... (Hoy) las mujeres sufren dos tipos de violencia: una como iraquíes y otra de género, por ser mujeres."

Estos son los saldos de una falsa victoria y una guerra interminable.

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NATO Tankers Attacked In Pakistani Balochistan

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:55 am (PDT)

Daily Times
August 27, 2010

3 NATO tankers attacked in Balochistan

QUETTA: Three NATO oil tankers were attacked on Thursday in Quetta, Kalat and Mastung in which thousands of litres of oil were wasted.

According to sources, an oil tanker carrying fuel for NATO forces was coming from Karachi when unidentified assailants opened fire on it on the RCD highway near the Lak Pass area of Quetta.

Another oil tanker came under fire near the Mongechar area of Kalat district, some 145 kilometres from the provincial capital.

Another oil tanker was attacked near the Sor Gaz area of Mastung.

The attackers were riding on motorcycles and sprayed the tanker with bullets, destroying the fuel. However, no one was injured in the attacks.

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U.S. Bid To Control Korean Peninsula Threat To China, Russia

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 9:12 am (PDT)

Global Times
August 26, 2010

US-S.Korea drill aimed at fall of North

Signs of the ongoing US-South Korea military drill show that the joint war game is not simply a warning or a show of force after the sinking of the Cheonan, nor is it a deliberate attempt to provoke China in the Yellow Sea.

China has to be careful of the two allies' strategic goal, which is to create turmoil in North Korea in the face of a pending political power transition.

China must also be wary of the US putting the entire Korean Peninsula under its influence.

The two Koreas have been deadlocked for nearly six decades. Not many people believe the situation can last forever.

Any change will mean a massive strategic change of power in Northeast Asia, as well as a change in the global balance of power.

Washington has made plans in the event of various scenarios, and has long been trying to push the situation in the direction that favors a US global strategy.

To put it simply, the US has never changed its basic policy toward North Korea, which is to ensue a regime change.

Although Washington is not openly talking about the policy, its goal remains to overthrow the current North Korean government.

The US-South Korean joint military exercises are a move to accelerate this momentum. It is a strategy to push and prepare for change, and take the initiative if the regime change really happens.

The controversial sinking of the South Korean battleship, in retrospect, is more like a convenient excuse for the US to conduct a long-planned drill that envisions the occupation of the North, rather than a single reaction toward an emergency.

US military leaders have been drawing up such plans since the end of last year.

The South's unification ministry has also admitted that the South was practicing a "stabilization" program aimed at turning North Koreans into South Korean citizens.

The Korean Peninsula is too important to ignore in the realm of global geopolitics. US control of the peninsula will pose a realistic threat to China and Russia.

North Korean leadership is expected to change hands soon. The world is watching the change closely, as North Korea is still not back to the Six-Party Talks that aim to persuade it to drop its nuclear weapon program.
A smooth transition of power in the North is vital for the stability of Northeast Asia.

China needs to clearly realize this, and try to play an active role in preserving the peace on the Korean Peninsula, as well as look after its own interests.

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Armenia 2010: NATO 15-State Europe-Caucasus-Mideast Exercise

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:39 am (PDT)

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
August 27, 2010

Civil-Emergency Exercise ''ARMENIA 2010''

The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) will conduct the consequence management field exercise "Armenia 2010" from 11 to 17 September 2010 in the city of Arzni, in the Kotayk region next to Yerevan in Armenia.

Teams from 15 Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC) and Mediterranean Dialogue (MD) nations are planned to take part in the exercise and 11 additional countries are scheduled to participate by sending staff officers.

All together, more than 600 individuals belonging to civilian and military teams from NATO and partner countries with capabilities to deal with different aspects of emergencies will take part in the event. Some 40 observers are also expected. "Armenia 2010" will allow NATO and partner countries to practice disaster response mechanisms and capabilities and to enhance co-operation in emergency situations.

The scenario for the exercise will be a severe earthquake in the vicinity of Yerevan, resulting in high numbers of victims and widespread damage to critical infrastructure, including chemical spills and a radiological incident.

Through this exercise, NATO and partner nations will practice the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC) procedures and capabilities, in order to improve nations' ability to respond to a disaster. The exercise will also contribute to strengthen the stricken nation's capability to effectively coordinate consequence management operations.

The exercise will consist of the following phases:

11-13 September 2010: Organisation of on-site Operations, reception of teams, training for participants and a Command Post Exercise.

14-15 September 2010: Field activities at the exercise sites.

15-16 September 2010: Evaluation, VIP day, demonstrations and a closing ceremony.

The exercise "ARMENIA 2010" is an Armenian contribution to the Partnership for Peace (PfP) Work Programme for 2010. Since 2000, this is the twelfth field exercise conducted by the EADRCC.

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Western-Backed Kosovo Entity Threatens Military Action In North

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 10:39 am (PDT)

August 20, 2010

Pristina ready to respond militarily

Pristina: Kosovo's government stands ready to safeguard the country's integrity with firearms if northern municipalities declare independence and merge with Serbia, the Serbian newspaper Danas reported on Friday.

"We are ready to respond militarily. And obviously, we will arrest all those who decide to do so," Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi told the paper.

When asked if Pristina could take such an action alone or it must first get a green light from the international community, Rexhepi said the EULEX mission has been already notified about the government's stance.

"We sought their assistance to thwart eventual declaration of independence by northern Kosovo, but we also made it clear that our response will be decisive.

August 20, 2010

EULEX gave its guarantee for release of Ramus Haradinaj

Pristina: The EU mission in Kosovo - EULEX - gave its guarantee for a release of the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, the B92 agency said.

According to a letter published by Televizija Kohavision, EULEX took responsibility and gave its guarantee to secure the conditions set by the Hague Tribunal.

Haradinaj will have a limited public and political involvement. He can live in Pristina or the village of Glogjani, his hometown.

Haradinaj is obliged to report to EULEX for any trip he wants to make, 24 hrs. in advance.

Among other thigs he has no right to participate in any public gathering or give any political statements.

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Afghan War: NATO Gets 52-Troop Singapore Drone Task Group

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 6:54 pm (PDT)

Straits Times
August 27, 2010

SAF group in Afghanistan
By Bryan Huang

The Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) has deployed a 52-man Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Task Group and a team of four institutional trainers to Afghanistan as part of Singapore's overall contribution to the multinational stabilisation and reconstruction efforts in the country.

The UAV Task Group, which began operations on Friday, will be deployed for three months to Tarin Kowt, the provincial capital of Uruzgan, from August to November.

The four trainers, who started their operations a week earlier, will be deployed in Kabul till December and will assist the ISAF's efforts to train the Afghan National Army. They will then hand over to a second rotation of institutional trainers who will be deployed for four months till Apr 2011.

The UAV Task Group will operate out of Multinational Base Tarin Kowt to augment the International Security Assistance Force's (ISAF's) surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities in Uruzgan, a statement from the SAF said.

The Task Group will carry out assigned tasks such as the surveillance of key roads to enhance the security of Afghan locals and the international forces.

The SAF currently has a six-man construction engineering team in Afghanistan to supervise the construction of a comprehensive health clinic, as well as a 21-man Weapon Locating Radar team at the Tarin Kowt base since September 2009.

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South Ossetia Accuses Georgia Of Drone Flights, Sabotage Plans

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 7:48 pm (PDT)

Russian Information Agency Novosti
August 27, 2010

Georgia trains young refugees for sabotage - South Ossetian KGB

TSKHINVALI: Georgian security services are recruiting young people living in refugee camps to join reconnaissance and sabotage groups, the head of South Ossetian KGB said on Friday.

"It is known with certainty that Georgian security services are preparing subversive groups from young people living in the refugee camps. They are preparing them for reconnaissance and sabotage activities. We do not rule out that these terrorist groups may sneak into the territory of South Ossetia," Boris Attoyev said.

South Ossetian air defenses have already registered several spy drones taking off from Georgian territory in night time, Attoyev said.

Moscow recognized South Ossetia as independent and became the guarantor of its security following the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia, whose forces attacked South Ossetia in an attempt to bring it back under central control.

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China Calls On U.S. Not To Sell Taiwan Radars

Posted by: "Rick Rozoff"   rwrozoff

Fri Aug 27, 2010 8:43 pm (PDT)

Agence France-Presse
August 27, 2010

China tells US not to sell radars

BEIJING: China on Friday called on the United States to revoke export licences granted to US firms selling radar equipment to Taiwan, warning the move could hurt ties between the two countries.

US State Department spokesman Philip Crowley said this week the move would 'allow the commercial export to Taiwan of defence services, technical data, and defence articles to support Taiwan's existing air defence radar system'.

In Beijing, foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu responded: 'China firmly opposes the United States selling weapons and relevant technical assistance to Taiwan.' 'We urge the United revoke their wrong decision and put an end to arms sales to Taiwan and military ties with Taiwan to avoid causing new harm to Sino-US ties,' she said in a statement faxed to AFP.
Beijing angrily suspended military and security contacts with the United States earlier this year when Washington announced an arms package for Taiwan that included missiles, helicopters and equipment for the island's F-16 jets.

Taiwan's President Ma Ying-jeou last week renewed calls to Washington to sell the island an upgraded version of the F16 fighter, following a Pentagon report warning of China's growing military might. Beijing said the report was 'not beneficial' to military ties, and reiterated that it did not pose a military threat to any country.

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