Sunday, October 24, 2010

Genius Americans

Rebel Newsflash: Stupid Americans (plus 9 more items)

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Stupid Americans

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 07:46 PM PDT

Another video showing just how ignorant Americans are. LOL. They think Barrack Obama is a terrorist!

Sex and the Jews: Letter to a Jewish Correspondent

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 07:29 PM PDT

A few months ago, I received an angry email from a young woman called Victoria. Having ticked me off severely for various things I'd said in an article - and after a further exchange of emotional letters - Victoria, who was half Jewish, told me she would no longer be writing to me. So I wrote her a valedictory note in which I took my leave of her with the friendly words, "Farewell, my dear Jewess!"

The J Word

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 04:24 PM PDT

The division of the United States into two federations of equal force  was decided long before the civil war by the high financial power of  Europe. These bankers were afraid that the United States, if they  remained in one block and as one nation, would attain economical and  financial independence, which would upset their financial domination  over the world. The voice of the Rothschilds predominated. They  foresaw the tremendous booty if they could substitute two feeble  democracies, indebted to the financiers, to the vigorous Republic,  confident and self-providing. Therefore they started their emissaries  in order to exploit the question of slavery and thus dig an abyss  between the two parts of the Republic.

Sotomayor Says Court May Rule to Limit First Amendment in Response to Wikileaks

Posted: 28 Aug 2010 03:20 AM PDT

On Thursday, talking to students at the University of Denver, Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor said the Wikileaks case will result in the Court likely weighing the First Amendment against national security. She made the comment in response to a question posed by a student.

"That was not the beginning of that question, but an issue that keeps arising from generation to generation, of how far we will permit government restriction on freedom of speech in favor of protection of the country," Sotomayor said. "There's no black-and-white line." According to Sotomayor, the balance between national security and free speech is "a constant struggle in this society, between our security needs and our first amendment rights, and one that has existed throughout our history."

Analysis of BBC Panorama "Death on the Med" exposes blatant pro-Israel bias

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 11:33 AM PDT

An extraordinary document has been sent to the BBC – a carefully detailed and forensic-like analysis of the transcript of the Panorama programme "Death on the Med", broadcast on 16 August 2010.

Below is the transcript of this programme, together with the resulting dissection and complaint of bias and lack of impartiality which is now in the hands of the BBC.

More pointless talks with Israel? Send in the clowns

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 11:32 AM PDT

The Palestinians' champion –  their White Knight – is preparing to ride forth next week and do battle at the negotiating table with the racist regime's Black Knight and his minder, the Great Satan.

The rules of chivalry don't apply, so the outcome is not in doubt.

However, the White Knight is not quite as white or brave as he seems. Eager to do his lord's bidding, Mahmoud Abbas is a willing fall guy. On this occasion Barack Obama has imperiously snapped his fingers and announced he wants direct talks started "well before" the Black Knight (aka Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin  Netanyahu) ends the partial freeze on illegal settlements in a month's time.

US victory in Iraq?

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 11:31 AM PDT

Back in July 2010 Senator John McCain told Geoff Millard, board chairman of Iraq Veterans Against the War, that his organization was irrelevant. "You're too late. We already won that one" was McCain's comment. Senator McCain has never defined exactly what he meant by winning. Nor, for that matter, have the various media outlets that follow his line. Nevertheless, they certainly want to convince the American people that their nation has won a war in Iraq.

Israeli, US Zionists mount ferocious attack on liberal academics in Israel

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 11:25 AM PDT

On 31 May, I joined some 50 students and faculty members who gathered outside Ben-Gurion University of the Negev to demonstrate against the Israeli military assault on the flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza. In response, the next day a few hundred students marched towards the social sciences building, Israeli flags in hand. Amid nationalist songs and pro-government chants, there were also shouts demanding my resignation from the university faculty.

No reconstruction despite siege "easing"

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 09:05 AM PDT

"We are not here to steal or take over something which is not our own. We are not criminals or thieves. We are humans who seek a safe shelter after we have lost hope that our houses will be rebuilt," said Bassam Dardouna, 46, head of a 15-member household, as he stood in the middle of an unfinished apartment.

Last week, Dardouna's and more than 35 other displaced families from the al-Salam neighborhood took over the abandoned, partially-built Abu al-Kheir building, a 10-story apartment block east of Jabaliya refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip.

Burn, Witch, Burn!: America Rages Against Islam

Posted: 27 Aug 2010 04:17 AM PDT

Islamophobia is sweeping the nation—and it couldn't have come at a better time.  Just when the American people were starting to become distracted with trivial issues like the potential stock market crash, the re-branding of the war in Iraq, and the ongoing environmental disaster in the Gulf—along comes a crisis of biblical proportions, that threatens to destroy the moral fiber of America itself, and deliver its Christian population into the diabolical hands of an Islamic dictatorship ruled under the precepts of Sharia law.

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