Thursday, October 21, 2010

NDC-Seminar on ‘Role of Force in Strategic Affairs

Seminar on 'Role of Force in
Strategic Affairs '

National Defence College ,New Delhi-Celebrating 50
years-21-22 October,2010

A sad experience

On 21 October I attended the seminar after its inauguration
by the Indian president which I had missed. I was greatly disappointed to see
the same usual suspects who masquerade as strategic experts in New Delhi
seminar, lecture and cocktail circuit basically marketing western narrative as
handed to these gentleman by western embassies specially US and earlier British
.In any case many of the older military officers were trained by the British ,
though Soviet Union became prominent as a training place when India was refused
arms unless we joined western alliances as subservient partners .

With almost two centuries of
British colonial rule and brainwashing by the British ,Indian military officers
trained under the English the brainwashing still holds good and tuned to
western theories , textbooks and
teachers .

The tired and fatigued Indian strategic experts repeated
the old textbooks stories .One quoted Fukuyama and his end of history .Fukuyama
had recanted soon after , but these gentleman had not progressed beyond the
attention grabbing article and book .

Then he wrote on August 24, 2008 in Washington
Post 'They Can Only Go So Far "The
world's bullies are throwing their weight around. But history isn't on their
side.He mentioned Putin and other opponents of USA.In factt it is US and UK
which have bullied the world .

Worse was one Sir Laurence Freedman.
His presentation was pure simple British western narrative .He said how the
West had wanted to do a quick job and come out of Iraq.He is speaking truth
like British PM Tony Blair.

What an inane assertion . This
was too much for me .I mentioned Paul Wolfowitz , who said in Singapore a month
after the illegal invasion that the war
was for oil ,It was confirmed two years ago by Ex Chairman US Fed reserve Alan
Greenspan. Plans for Iraq invasion for its oil were ready even before G Bush
was elected

But sir Freeman knows better then
them .Readers and he might read my 50 articles written since Aug 2002 , which
have been translated into a dozen languages of the world including Chinese
,Russian, Arabic, Turksih , Italian etc .Some of the articles were hosted by
100 websites They have been quoted in articles and books by Graham Fuller,Tom
Engelhardt,William Engdahl , Fredrick Starr and many others

How the US, UK etc
have destroyed Mesopotamian civilization

Then Freedman brusquely said I
was wrong that he is conducting an enquiry on Iraq war .It is called Chilcot
enquiry of which he is a member .I went up to him and told him that most British
enquires and commissions are whitewash.

At lunch many of those who
attended the seminar came and said to me I was right and Freedman was brusque.

I had written in February
2010 a piece on Chilcot Iraq Inquiry:

Another British Whitewash of 2003 Illegal Invasion Another British
Whitewash of 2003 Illegal Invasion Tony
Blair Continues to Lie Still

Of which Inquiry SIR Freedman
is a member .

It is sad that a critically important
institute like NDC , which trains the top future leadership of India and many
other countries is being subjected to Tony Blair like half truths and worse .

I am hosting my comments and
the article on my blog, sending it via my mailing list of about 400, which
comprises of ,politicians including ministers ,policy makers ,retired and
active diplomats, civil servants , military officers, journalists ,think tanks,
university professors, faculty at diplomatic and defence institutes, business
consultants and others in India, US ,Turkey, Jordan ,Romania and many other
countries .It is read in India by high position holders and many political party
leaders in India It is also being sent for publication.

Take Care Gajendra Singh 22
October, 2010

( after my piece there is
another comment )


; 43034706 Amb
(Rtd) K Gajendra Singh

A-44 ,IFS Apartments
Vihar –Phase 1,
Delhi 91, India

2 February, 2010.

Chilcot Iraq Inquiry:

Another British
Whitewash of 2003 Illegal Invasion

Tony Blair Continues to Lie
Still 2 February,2010

by K. Gajendra Singh,

The British are past master in holding enquires to whitewash their
quasi-legal or illegal activities and crimes. So the outcome of the
public Iraq enquiry by
Sir John Chilcot and his colleagues in regard to the decision to
invade Iraq and the
role of then prime minister Tony Blair was broadcast live by BBC and others.
But the outcome would be another whitewash. (India, a poor copy of
Westminster parliamentary
democracy model is somewhat different. It takes years for enquiries to be
completed, some times not made public and then generally no action taken.)

Wrote George Monbiot in 'The Guardian' of 26 January ; " The only
question that counts is the one that the Chilicot inquiry won't address: was
the war with Iraq
illegal? If the answer is yes, everything changes. The war is no longer a
political matter, but a criminal one, and those who commissioned it should be
committed for trial for what the Nuremberg
tribunal called "the supreme international crime": the crime of

"But there's a problem with official inquiries in the United Kingdom:
the government appoints their members and sets their terms of reference. It's
the equivalent of a criminal suspect being allowed to choose what the charges
should be, who should judge his case and who should sit on the jury. As a
senior Judge told the Guardian in November; "Looking into the
legality of the war is the last thing the government wants. And actually, it's
the last thing the opposition wants either because they voted for the war.
There simply is not the political pressure to explore the question of legality
– they have not asked because they don't want the answer."

The 2003 invasion, codenamed in colonial narrative 'Operation Iraqi Freedom'
and brutal occupation has caused extra deaths of over a million Iraqis, created
a million widows, 5 million orphans and 4 million refugees and destroyed Iraq
and its unity. On April 30,
2009 after six years, Britain formally handed over
control of the Iraqi port city of Basra
to US Army command. Since 2003, 179 British soldiers were killed in Iraq, in
addition to many thousands of Basra Iraqis. It cost the UK around 7
billion pounds (US$10.4 billion). The British Tommies were not behind the GIs
in committing human rights violations and heinous atrocities on hapless Iraqis.

During a day long questioning, Tony Blair, a somewhat shriveled figure, without
his 2002 /03 swagger in the company of US president George Bush, whose poodle
he was nicknamed even by the British media, continued to juggle with words and
stonewalling, not that penetrating questions were asked.

Blair insisted that the Iraq
war made the world a safer place and he had "no regrets" about
removing (President) Saddam Hussein. He claimed that Saddam was a "monster
and I believe he threatened not just the region but the world." The Iraqis
were now better off and their conditions were now better than before, he added.

Americans do not beat about the bush. US Vice President Dick Cheney was honest
and told the Crown Prince Hassan of Jordan before the invasion; because
it (the invasion) was doable. With the 'Mission Accomplished' according to
Bush, US deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz bragged in Singapore that the
invasion, pronounced illegal by UNSG Kofi Anan, was in fact for Iraq's oil
resources. This was reiterated last year by Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of
the US Fed Reserve.

Blair also denied that he manipulated intelligence to justify the invasion or
made a "secret" deal at Bush's ranch in April 2002 to invade Iraq, a year
before the invasion. He defiantly reiterated that he would take the same
decisions again if required. Blair, argued that if Saddam was still in power
the UK
and its allies would have "lost our nerve" to act. He added that then
"today we would have a situation where Iraq was competing with Iran" both
in terms of nuclear capability and "in respect of support of terrorist

Blair also underlined that the British and American attitude towards the threat
posed by Saddam Hussein "changed dramatically" after 11 September
2001, saying: "I never regarded 11 September as an attack on America, I regarded
it as an attack on us."

When questioned whether the military action would be legal or not, Blair said
that Bush (the decider) decided that the UN Security Council's support
"wasn't necessary". He said it was "correct" to say
that he shared that (Bush) view, although it would have been "preferable
politically". He however claimed that he would not have backed the
invasion if Attorney General Lord Goldsmith had said it "could not be
justified legally".

Asked why Lord Goldsmith, after first advising that it would be illegal, in
line with all government lawyers at the time, reversed his view a week before
the invasion began, Blair replied the attorney general "had to come to a
conclusion". Blair stated that he held no discussions with Lord Goldsmith
in that week.

On the controversial claim in a September 2002 dossier that Iraq could
deploy weapons of mass destruction (WMD) at 45 minutes notice he said it
"assumed a vastly greater significance" afterwards than it did at the
time. He did admit that it "would have been better if (newspaper)
headlines about the '45-minute claim' had been corrected" in light of the
later significance. He did agree "things obviously look quite
different" now given the failure to discover any WMDs after the invasion.

Up to the end Blair maintained he was "desperately" trying to find a
diplomatic solution to the crisis but France and Russia
"changed their position" and were not going to allow a second UN
resolution. Twice in Moscow
at media conferences Blair was told by Russian president Putin and his foreign
minister that his dossiers were not trustworthy. Nelson Mandela had called Tony
USA's foreign minister.

While Blair told the inquiry that the military action would be lawful was
"always a very, very difficult, balanced judgment" but the panel had
heard that he told Lord Boyce, then chief of the defence staff, that it was his
"unequivocal" view that an invasion would be lawful.

Blair asked Goldsmith to pass on the advice after Boyce demanded a definite yes
about the legality since the military chief was concerned about Goldsmith's
view that there was only "a reasonable case" in favor of an invasion.
The military leadership was worried about war criminal trials if the invasion
was illegal.

It is amazing the spins, half-truths and lies Blair gets away with. While
claiming that the life in Iraq
had improved he said that the infant mortality rate was now lower than before
the invasion. The truth is that the US/UK implemented murderous sanctions
against Iraq led to lack of even medicines leading to up to deaths of half a
million children. Prof Hans-Christof von Sponeck, assistant secretary general
for human resource management and head of UN humanitarian programme in Iraq
Dennis J. Halliday had resigned in protest and in sheer disgust.

Wrote Michael Billington in the Guardian of 29 January ,"It was a
clever, lawyerly, almost Ciceronian performance in which Blair trotted out all
the usual arguments and gave a display of his question-dodging skill. But it
would have been much more revealing to see Blair quizzed by the parents, many
of them present at the inquiry, of the British soldiers killed in Iraq. Then
perhaps he wouldn't have got away quite so easily, as he did here, with

Family members of service personnel killed in Iraq sitting behind him in the
public gallery reacted with dismay to some of his answers. Less than an hour
after it started, one father stood up and walked out muttering: "This is a
waste of time, I can't take this anymore."

"He never gave a straight answer and could not be swayed by the inquiry panel,"
said another. "We waited until the very end for an apology from Mr Blair but we
didn't get one. "He spent all the time justifying himself rather than
explaining why he went to war. When asked at the end if there was anything he
wanted to add, he said no. "I was so upset, I hope the sound of my tears will
ring in his ears," said another one.

In spite of six hours of questioning on 29 January, dissatisfied, the Chilcot
inquiry is likely to summon Blair for further evidence in public and private.
It could not take place before the general election but not now. The inquiry is
concerned about the legality of the invasion, since Blair's evidence seemingly
contradicted that given by Lord Goldsmith, about the number of discussions the
pair had about issues of law during 7 - 17 March 2003, three days before the
attack on Iraq.

Outside the 'Lancaster House' where the enquiry is being held, a core of around
200 protesters spent the day shouting anti-Blair slogans, carrying a cardboard
coffin bearing a cartoon mask of Mr Blair's head, with the words "The Blood
Price" on one side. They marched around the conference centre, calling for
the former prime minister to face war crime charges at The Hague.

US Dominance and Control of UK !

Commented Max Hastings in FT of 31 January "The most important contribution of
the Chilcot proceedings thus far is to emphasize how far British governance has
become presidential rather than parliamentary. A host of witnesses – diplomats,
civil servants, generals and ministers –exposed their reservations about, even
passionate objections to, the 2003 Iraq invasion. Britain went
ahead anyway because one man, Mr Blair, was committed. Nobody was strong or
brave enough to stop him. If all those who assert their opposition had declared
it publicly at the time, or merely resigned in silence, Mr Blair could probably
not have secured a parliamentary majority for war. But, with the exception of
one middle-ranking Foreign Office lawyer and two leftwing ministers, the
skeptics and dissenters voiced private misgivings then acquiesced."

Hastings then
recalls how in late 2002 one of the UK's most prominent strategists
expressed intense unhappiness about the Iraq commitment, but concluded with
a sigh: "But if the Americans are determined to do this, we shall have to go
with them." Britain's
military linkage with the US
was so fundamental that UK
must fight willy-nilly, a conviction, etched in the mindset of officials,
diplomats and commanders since 1945. Thus every British defense review and
government strategy paper assumes we cannot take unilateral military action
without US backing. It also highlights the inadequacy of European security
policies, the refusal of EU partners to address defense in a credible fashion,
reinforces such sentiment. If we are not with the Americans and they are not
with us, goes the argument, we shall end up adrift in strategic limbo.

This leads to embarrassments, frustrations and humiliations making Britain
vulnerable. A British diplomat in Basra
remarked wryly back in 2004: "The French are deeply uncomfortable about their
breach with Washington
over Iraq.
But they prefer their level of discomfort to ours."

continues that in Afghanistan,
" the absence of a credible political strategy to match Mr Obama's troop surge
provokes acute concern in London.
But ministers know they are at Washington's
mercy about this. The only certainty in British minds is that British troops
cannot quit Afghanistan
before the Americans are ready to do so, without risking a perceived disastrous

However upset the British public opinion be about both Iraqi history and
current events in Afghanistan,
"unity persists between the two major political parties about the priority of
the US
relationship over all other considerations. The British often languish in their
Washingtonian captivity. But they prefer it to the uncertainties of a lonely
freedom in a dangerous world."

A Litany of British Whitewashes

Another British whitewash was Lord Hutton's findings in 2004 about the death
allegedly by suicide of British weapons expert and United Nations weapons
inspector Dr Kelly, who had expressed doubts about the US/UK claims on WMD s
and tipped of the BBC. He ruled that the BBC report's claims were
"unfounded" because the 45 minute claim was based on a report which
the Secret Intelligence Service "regarded as reliable".

Lord Hutton has secretly barred the release of all medical records, including
the results of the post mortem, and unpublished evidence for 70 years, leading
to accusations of Hutton concealing vital information. His 2004 report,
commissioned by Blair, concluded that Dr Kelly killed himself by cutting his
wrist with a blunt gardening knife. The body of former Dr Kelly was
found in July
2003 in woods close to his Oxfordshire home, shortly after he was exposed as
the source of a BBC news report questioning the Government's claims that Saddam
Hussein had an arsenal of weapons of mass destruction, which could be deployed
within 45 minutes.

Former British civil servant Lord Butler's inquiry into intelligence about
Iraq's weapons capability concluded that the 45-minute claim had come
"third-hand", through an established source and a second link in the
reporting chain from the original Iraqi military source. Butler
concluded the limitations of the
intelligence were not "made sufficiently clear", that important
caveats had been removed and that the 45 minutes claim was
"unsubstantiated" and should not have been included without
clarification. He recommended no punitive action,br />

MMark Sedwill served as a UN weapons inspector in Iraq in the 1990s around the
time that Dr. David Kelly was also the US Weapons inspector has been appointed
NATO's senior civilian representative in Afghanistan

British Men of Straw Played Ducks and Drakes
with International Law

It had come out in the inquiry that the British foreign minister Jack Straw's
chief legal adviser at the time, Sir Michael Wood (2001-06), told the former
that it would "amount to the crime of aggression". But Straw told him
he was being "dogmatic" and that "international law was pretty />

Sir Michael said he believed the invasion did not have a legal basis since the
UN Security Council neither met to agree that Iraq was in "material
breach" of existing disarmament resolutions nor explicitly approved the
use of force. He said ;

"I considered that the use of force against Iraq in March 2003 was contrary to
international law."

Newly declassified letters published by the inquiry show Sir Michael raised his
concerns directly with the foreign secretary. On 24 January 2003, Sir
Michael wrote to Straw
telling him the "UK
cannot lawfully use force in Iraq
in ensuring compliance" on the basis of existing UN resolutions, including
resolution 1441 which gave Saddam a "final opportunity" to comply in
November 2002.

"To use force without Security Council authority would amount to the crime
of aggression," he wrote.

Sir Michael told the inquiry: "Obviously there are some areas of
international law that can be quite uncertain. This, however, turned
exclusively on the interpretation of a specific text and it is one on which I
think that international law was pretty clear."

He told the inquiry his advice had never been rejected by a minister before or

IIn his reply to the inquiry, Straw said he "noted" Sir Michael's
advice but did "not accept it", adding - "I am as committed as
anyone to international law and its obligations but it is an uncertain field.
In this case, the issue is an arguable one, capable of honestly and reasonably
held differences of view."

Straw said he hoped to secure a further UN resolution "for political
reasons" but there was a "strong case" that existing resolutions
and subsequent Iraqi non-compliance "provide a sufficient basis in
international law to justify military action". br />

Straw told Sir Michael that he had "often been advised things were
unlawful and gone ahead anyway and won in the courts" when he was home

TThe inquiry also heard about serious concerns on how the decision was reached
among the Foreign Office's senior legal advisers. Elizabeth Wilmshurst, who
resigned in protest days before the invasion of Iraq, described the process as
"lamentable" and lacking in transparency. She said it was
"extraordinary" that Attorney General Lord Goldsmith had only been
asked for his opinion about the war just days before British troops went into

Attorney's Advice

While giving advice Sir Michael said he had always made it clear that it was
ultimately up to Lord Goldsmith to advise ministers on whether war was lawful.
br />

Just before the conflict began, Lord Goldsmith said in a statement that
authority to use force came from the combined effect of existing UN resolutions
dating back to the ceasefire after the Gulf War.

Yet 10 days earlier he had told the prime minister "the safest legal
course" would be the adoption of a new UN resolution.

Sir Michael observed that there was a reluctance among ministers to seek legal
advice early on as the Iraq
crisis escalated and that Lord Goldsmith's ultimate conclusion "came in
very late in the day as I see it".

& "It was unfortunate advice was not given at an earlier stage."


The author spent hours surfing on his laptop for true news from blogs while
apart from BBC and CNN, Euro-News, French, Romanian and even Turkish channels
remained on from middle of 2002 for over five years. BBC and CNN had to be
changed after they started repeating spins, half truths and blatant lies. BBC,
which gave in its over all coverage a mere 2% time to opposition's anti-war
voices, was the worst of the leading broadcasters, including US networks,
according to Media Tenor; a Bonn-based non-partisan media research
organization. ABC of USA with 7% was the second-worst case of denying access to
anti-war voices.

In a 4 July, 2003 comment in "the Guardian" titled "Biased
Broadcasting Corporation", Justin Lewis, Professor of Journalism at
Cardiff University confirmed the above result while refuting the anecdotal view
that BBC was anti-war in its coverage. "Just the opposite was the truth". A
careful analysis by the university of all the main evening news bulletins
during the war, concluded that of the four main UK broadcasters - the BBC, ITN,
Channel 4 and Sky, BBC's coverage was the worst in granting anti-war viewpoint.
The BBC had "displayed the most pro-war agenda of any [British]

I remain amazed at the lies pandered by Anglo-American leadership and their
corporate media, in USA,
five conglomerates control 90% of media. Admirers of Winston Churchill, Bush
behaved like a Cowboy and Blair like a 19th century British colonist with
gunboats blazing.

Wanted: Tony Blair for War Crimes. Arrest
him and Claim your Reward

In his article under the above caption Georhe Monbiot wrote in the Guardian
of 25 January, 2010 "Chilcot and the courts won't do it, so it is up to us to
show that we won't let an illegal act of mass murder go unpunished - "So today
I am launching a website –
– whose purpose is to raise money as a reward for people attempting a peaceful
citizen's arrest of the former prime minister. I have put up the first £100,
and I encourage you to match it. Anyone meeting the rules I've laid down will
be entitled to one quarter of the total pot: the bounties will remain available
until Blair faces a court of law. The higher the reward, the greater the number
of people who are likely to try."

K Gajendra Singh, Indian
ambassador (retired), served as ambassador to Turkey and Azerbaijan from
August 1992 to April 1996. Prior to that, he served terms as
ambassador to Jordan, Romania and Senegal. He is
currently chairman of the Foundation for Indo-Turkic Studies. Copy right with
the author E-mail

Maidhc Ó Cathail – The Chilcot Inquiry:
Britain's 9/11 Commission

All too often, official
inquiries are conducted by the very people who should themselves be under

In this respect, Britain's Chilcot Inquiry on the Iraq
war bears a distressing similarity to the 9/11 Commission.In a remarkable
symmetry, both inquiries involve a Jewish Zionist historian, who not only
advised his country's leader to go to war against Iraq, but actually provided
the ideological justification for that unnecessary war.

Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear
of punishment and hope of reward after death." --
Albert Einstein !!!

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