By Steve Jones When David Cameron announced "The Big Society" (a name nicked from the American President Lyndon B. Johnson who used it in the '60s) during the election, most people laughed and assumed that would be the last we would hear of it. Tory spokespeople said that they had no idea what it meant and one Tory MP described it as "Bollocks." Indeed. However, now safely inside Number 10, Cameron has brought up it up again. | By Ted Sprague China has been making news due to its powerful economic growth. The other side of this story, however, is to be found in the terrible conditions and low pay that many of its workers have to suffer. Here is one example of a milkman. | By PTUDC The Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign (PTUDC) in Pakistan has been active all over the country in organising relief for the victims of the floods. We provide here a second photo gallery documenting some of the activities of the Revolutionary Flood Relief and Protest Campaign described in the latest report. These pictures were sent by PTUDC activists in Malakand, Dera Ghazi Khan, Rahim Yar Khan, Islamabad, Hyderabad and in Kashmir. | | | ESPAÑOL | By Leonardo Badell y Patrick Larsen En la noche del viernes, 13 de agosto falleció Alberto Müller Rojas (ex-vicepresidente del PSUV) con la edad de 75 años. Su muerte ha dejado un profundo consternación en las filas del movimiento bolivariano. Su vida entera fue dedicada a la lucha por la revolución y sin duda vale la pena resaltar algunos puntos de ella. Se puede observar que Müller Rojas es otro ejemplo del gran fermento revolucionario que muchas veces en la historia ha dejado su huella en la fuerza armada venezolana. Un fenómeno clave para entender la misma revolución bolivariana. | By In Defence of Marxism Acaba de salir a la luz el número 2 de América Socialista, la revista política de la Corriente Marxista Internacional en las Américas. Publicamos la presentación y el índice de contenidos. | | | OTHER LANGUAGES | By PTUDC La PTUDC (Campagna di Difesa dei Sindacati Pakistani) ha lanciato comitati rivoluzionari di soccorso e di protesta per combattere le inondazioni, soprattutto nelle zone più colpite, per supportare in maniera efficiente ed effettiva gli sforzi di soccorso. Nell'ambito della campagna sono già stati impiantati 57 campi profughi in varie regioni per i quali stanno cercando aiuti. | | |
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